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Status of External Import refactoring

François Suter edited this page Jul 12, 2017 · 3 revisions


The next major version of External Import may seem long in the coming. My work on it is irregular, but it is steadily making progress and the main goals have already been reached.

The biggest step forward was the refactoring of the Importer class. It has become a monster of near 2000 lines of code. I split into a dozen classes and the main class melted down to 700 lines. See:

The main aspect is that the process steps, which were each a method of the Importer class are now each a class of its own. This paves the way for a new feature whereby it will be possible to introduce custom steps in the process, which will be better targeted than the many existing hooks.

A couple more of smaller refactoring could follow, as the code was clearer.

A new command-line interface was also added, based on the Symfony Console. With it, it is possible to view the list of all available (synchronizable) configurations and launch the synchronization of one or all configurations. The command-line interface is available for TYPO3 v8 or more only.

Progress will continue as I have time. If you want to be an early adopter, you can try the "wombat" branch. As far as I could test it, it is quite stable.

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