Make your Django HTML tests more explicit and concise - and remove their dependence on the full response cycle.
Turn this:
resp = self.client.get(reverse('/')) self.assertContains( resp, '<input id="id_email" type="text" name="email" maxlength="75" value="[email protected]>', html=True )
Into this:
html = render_to_string('homepage.html', {'user': {'email': '[email protected]'}}) with self.assertHTML(html, 'input[name="email"]') as (elem,): self.assertEqual(elem.value, '[email protected]')
- Documentation for the original version:
- Code:
Clone the project
Set up a virtual environment for your testing (virtualenv env) and activate it (source env/bin/activate)
Install dependencies (pip install django, lxml, cssselect)
Install this code into your virtual environment (pip install -e path/to/django_with_asserts)
Set your PYTHONPATH to include the top level directory and the tests directory:
export PROJ_ROOT=<where your code is> export PYTHONPATH=${PROJ_ROOT}/django-with-asserts:${PROJ_ROOT}/django-with-asserts/tests
From within the tests directory, run test --settings=project.settings