SR optimization code borrowed from ttH & ttHH analyses. Updated to get rid of python2, root_numpy and CMSSW based combine dependencies.
It should work also elsewhere, but right now the scripts have been tested only on UAF machines!
For the first time:
Requires conda combine
installation, adding the combine conda env the awkward, uproot, xgboost and pyarrow packages
Here a re-arranged set of instructions taken from
git clone SR_optimization
cd SR_optimization
conda install --name base mamba # faster conda
mamba env create -f SRopt_env.yml
conda activate SRopt
pip install pyarrow==7.0.0 # For some reason I couldn't get mamba to install this version on the python 3.8 env that combine wants...
git clone HiggsAnalysis/CombinedLimit
cd HiggsAnalysis/CombinedLimit
# Need to reactivate
conda deactivate
conda activate SRopt
make CONDA=1 -j 12
cd -
source # this creates the output folders if needed, and exports the COMBINE_BASE env variable
From then on, the env should be simply activated as :
conda activate SRopt
If you have a parquet dataframe, with your MVA score(s) eveluated on the events, you can optimize signal regions with the following steps:
- Convert
file toTTree
--input <path_to_parquet> # needed
--out_(dir/name) <output path and name> #optional it would default to a SRopt folder on your ceph user area
--slim # Output TTree contains only a small subset of branches (currently needed to use NW parquets) `
- Optimize signal regions:
--file <root_file>
--tag <tag> # this is a string to identify this optimization
--coupling "HH" # Defines whic process is your signal
--nCores <int> # how many cores to use in parallel (will automatically use niceness so you can abuse it (hopefully :) )
--bins <int> # number of signal regions
--mvas #csv list of the scores you want to define the SR on
--weight #specify which branch contains the MC event weight (default "weight" but NW parquet uses "weight_tot")
--minSB_events # minimum number of events in the mgg sidebands (defalut to 5)
--metric "upper limit" # could also use "significance"
--dry_run # do not optimize but estimate the limit on 1 cuts combo. You can specify it in the extSRs variable. If that's not defined random one is generated
For example, I might do:
python --file "full2022_baseline.root" --tag "ful2022_baseline" --coupling "HH" --nCores 48 --bins "2" --mvas score_GluGluToHH --metric "upper limit"
This takes a TTree
from "full2022_baseline.root" and optimizes 2 signal regions, based on best expected upper limit, using 48 cores in parallel and tagging the output models/plots/datacards/results with "ful2022_baseline".
Fit plots for each combination of cuts explored are automatically saved in your "~/public_html" folder under "SRs_scan/".
There is a WIP script ( that helps extracting best performing SRs across multiple optimization runs, based on the one Ian Reed wrote for the Run2 ttHH analysis. It is not yet updated to interplay with this repo, so I am not guaranteeing that it works right now.