some runscripts for usage on the NAF and other useful scripts
modify "" to your needs
e.g. change paths to you CMSSW and cwd and the cmsRun python config you want to use
the config already implemented should work fine
look at ""
- input samples
- output directory
- Sample id ( doesn't really matter at the moment )
- XS
- number of MC in sample ( can be counted with "" which takes either a list of MiniAOD.root files or a DAS query as input)
- number of input files per job
this will prepare the input scripts for the batch system
- You should use different output directories for samples which you want to use seperately later on
- and the same directories if you want to combine the samples
- e.g. tth ->tth, WW+WZ+ZZ ->DiBoson, ...
- Make sure the directories exist
start the jobs with ""
After the jobs are finished do ""
- checks if the output files exist and makes resubmit ready if necessary
- This will hadd all the trees in the different directories
- differentiates between nominal and JESUP/JESDOWN samples
- merges the cutflows
- makes nicer cutflow tables
- writes AnalysisLog.txt for later use
- collects used software and makes tarball of it
You can merge the cutflow files with "" and create a nice table with ""