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Merge pull request #30759 from smrenna/flat-mass-gun
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Flat mass gun
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cmsbuild authored Jul 17, 2020
2 parents 4bd85a7 + 706a44b commit 7ab664d
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Showing 2 changed files with 205 additions and 0 deletions.
120 changes: 120 additions & 0 deletions GeneratorInterface/Pythia8Interface/plugins/
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@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@

#include "GeneratorInterface/Core/interface/GeneratorFilter.h"
#include "GeneratorInterface/ExternalDecays/interface/ExternalDecayDriver.h"

#include "GeneratorInterface/Pythia8Interface/interface/Py8GunBase.h"

namespace gen {

class Py8MassGun : public Py8GunBase {
Py8MassGun(edm::ParameterSet const&);
~Py8MassGun() override {}

bool generatePartonsAndHadronize() override;
const char* classname() const override;

// PtGun particle(s) characteristics
double fMinEta;
double fMaxEta;
double fMinP;
double fMaxP;
double fMinPt;
double fMaxPt;
double fMinM;
double fMaxM;
int fMomMode;

// implementation
Py8MassGun::Py8MassGun(edm::ParameterSet const& ps) : Py8GunBase(ps) {
// ParameterSet defpset ;
edm::ParameterSet pgun_params = ps.getParameter<edm::ParameterSet>("PGunParameters"); // , defpset ) ;
fMinEta = pgun_params.getParameter<double>("MinEta"); // ,-2.2);
fMaxEta = pgun_params.getParameter<double>("MaxEta"); // , 2.2);
fMinP = pgun_params.getParameter<double>("MinP"); // , 0.);
fMaxP = pgun_params.getParameter<double>("MaxP"); // , 0.);
fMinPt = pgun_params.getParameter<double>("MinPt"); // , 0.);
fMaxPt = pgun_params.getParameter<double>("MaxPt"); // , 0.);
fMinM = pgun_params.getParameter<double>("MinM"); // , 0.);
fMaxM = pgun_params.getParameter<double>("MaxM"); // , 0.);
fMomMode = pgun_params.getParameter<int>("MomMode"); // , 1);

bool Py8MassGun::generatePartonsAndHadronize() {
size_t pSize = fPartIDs.size();
if (pSize > 2)
return false;

// Pick a flat mass range
double phi, eta, the, ee, pp;
double m0 = (fMaxM - fMinM) * randomEngine().flat() + fMinM;
// Global eta
eta = (fMaxEta - fMinEta) * randomEngine().flat() + fMinEta;

if (pSize == 2) {
// Masses.
double m1 = fMasterGen->particleData.m0(fPartIDs[0]);
double m2 = fMasterGen->particleData.m0(fPartIDs[1]);

// Energies and absolute momentum in the rest frame.
if (m1 + m2 > m0)
return false;
double e1 = 0.5 * (m0 * m0 + m1 * m1 - m2 * m2) / m0;
double e2 = 0.5 * (m0 * m0 + m2 * m2 - m1 * m1) / m0;
double pAbs = 0.5 * sqrt((m0 - m1 - m2) * (m0 + m1 + m2) * (m0 + m1 - m2) * (m0 - m1 + m2)) / m0;
// Isotropic angles in rest frame give three-momentum.
double cosTheta = 2. * randomEngine().flat() - 1.;
double sinTheta = sqrt(1. - cosTheta * cosTheta);
phi = 2. * M_PI * randomEngine().flat();

double pX = pAbs * sinTheta * cos(phi);
double pY = pAbs * sinTheta * sin(phi);
double pZ = pAbs * cosTheta;

(fMasterGen->event).append(fPartIDs[0], 1, 0, 0, pX, pY, pZ, e1, m1);
(fMasterGen->event).append(fPartIDs[1], 1, 0, 0, -pX, -pY, -pZ, e2, m2);
} else {
(fMasterGen->event).append(fPartIDs[0], 1, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, m0, m0);

//now the boost (from input params)
if (fMomMode == 0) {
pp = (fMaxP - fMinP) * randomEngine().flat() + fMinP;
} else {
double pT = (fMaxPt - fMinPt) * randomEngine().flat() + fMinPt;
pp = pT * cosh(eta);
ee = sqrt(m0 * m0 + pp * pp);

//the boost direction (from input params)
phi = (fMaxPhi - fMinPhi) * randomEngine().flat() + fMinPhi;
the = 2. * atan(exp(-eta));

double betaX = pp / ee * std::sin(the) * std::cos(phi);
double betaY = pp / ee * std::sin(the) * std::sin(phi);
double betaZ = pp / ee * std::cos(the);

// boost all particles
(fMasterGen->event).bst(betaX, betaY, betaZ);

if (!fMasterGen->next())
return false;

event().reset(new HepMC::GenEvent);
return toHepMC.fill_next_event(fMasterGen->event, event().get());

const char* Py8MassGun::classname() const { return "Py8MassGun"; }

typedef edm::GeneratorFilter<gen::Py8MassGun, gen::ExternalDecayDriver> Pythia8MassGun;

} // namespace gen

using gen::Pythia8MassGun;
85 changes: 85 additions & 0 deletions GeneratorInterface/Pythia8Interface/test/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms

from Configuration.Generator.Pythia8CommonSettings_cfi import *

process = cms.Process("TEST")


process.source = cms.Source("EmptySource")

process.generator = cms.EDFilter("Pythia8MassGun",
maxEventsToPrint = cms.untracked.int32(100),
pythiaPylistVerbosity = cms.untracked.int32(1),
pythiaHepMCVerbosity = cms.untracked.bool(True),

PGunParameters = cms.PSet(
ParticleID = cms.vint32(999999),
# this defines "absolute" energy spead of particles in the jet
MinM = cms.double(8.0),
MaxM = cms.double(15.0),
# the following params define the boost
MinP = cms.double(20.0),
MaxP = cms.double(20.0),
MomMode = cms.int32(1),
MinPt = cms.double(20.0),
MaxPt = cms.double(20.0),
MinPhi = cms.double(-3.14159265359),
MaxPhi = cms.double(3.14159265359),
MinEta = cms.double(-2.4),
MaxEta = cms.double(2.4)
PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(


processParameters = cms.vstring(
'999999:all = GeneralResonance void 1 0 0 500. 1. 0. 0. 0.',
'999999:oneChannel = 1 1.00 101 15 -15 15 -15',
'Main:timesAllowErrors = 10000',
'15:onMode = off',
'15:onIfAll = 211 211 211',
'15:onIfAll = 211 211 321',
'15:onIfAll = 211 321 321',
'15:onIfAll = 321 321 321',
'15:onIfAll = 321 321 321',

parameterSets = cms.vstring(

process.MessageLogger = cms.Service("MessageLogger",
cout = cms.untracked.PSet(
default = cms.untracked.PSet(
limit = cms.untracked.int32(2)
destinations = cms.untracked.vstring('cout')

process.RandomNumberGeneratorService = cms.Service("RandomNumberGeneratorService",
generator = cms.PSet(
initialSeed = cms.untracked.uint32(123456789),
engineName = cms.untracked.string('HepJamesRandom')

process.maxEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(
input = cms.untracked.int32(100)

process.GEN = cms.OutputModule("PoolOutputModule",
fileName = cms.untracked.string('Py8JetGun.root')

process.p = cms.Path(process.generator)
process.outpath = cms.EndPath(process.GEN)

process.schedule = cms.Schedule(process.p, process.outpath)

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