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Merge pull request #30880 from mmusich/addSiPixelGainCalibScaler
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add tool to scale SiPixelGainCalibration payloads by including VCal calibration
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cmsbuild authored Jul 28, 2020
2 parents 6c6c9d9 + c3a1b15 commit 21ed3cb
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Showing 2 changed files with 513 additions and 0 deletions.
389 changes: 389 additions & 0 deletions CondTools/SiPixel/test/
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@@ -0,0 +1,389 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// Package: Tools/SiPixelGainCalibScaler
// Class: SiPixelGainCalibScaler
/**\class SiPixelGainCalibScaler Tools/SiPixelGainCalibScaler/plugins/
Description: Scales Pixel Gain Payloads by applying the VCal offset and slopes.
Makes use of trick to loop over all IOVs in a tag by running on all the runs with EmptySource and just access DB once the IOV has changed via ESWatcher mechanism
// Original Author: Marco Musich
// Created: Thu, 16 Jul 2020 10:36:21 GMT

// system include files
#include <memory>

// user include files
#include "CalibTracker/StandaloneTrackerTopology/interface/StandaloneTrackerTopology.h"
#include "CondCore/DBOutputService/interface/PoolDBOutputService.h"
#include "CondFormats/DataRecord/interface/SiPixelGainCalibrationForHLTRcd.h"
#include "CondFormats/DataRecord/interface/SiPixelGainCalibrationOfflineRcd.h"
#include "CondFormats/SiPixelObjects/interface/SiPixelGainCalibrationOffline.h"
#include "CondFormats/SiPixelObjects/interface/SiPixelGainCalibrationForHLT.h"
#include "DataFormats/DetId/interface/DetId.h"
#include "DataFormats/SiPixelDetId/interface/PixelSubdetector.h"
#include "DataFormats/TrackReco/interface/Track.h"
#include "DataFormats/TrackReco/interface/TrackFwd.h"
#include "DataFormats/TrackerCommon/interface/TrackerTopology.h"
#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/ESWatcher.h"
#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Event.h"
#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Frameworkfwd.h"
#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/MakerMacros.h"
#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/one/EDAnalyzer.h"
#include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
#include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
#include "FWCore/ServiceRegistry/interface/Service.h"
#include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/InputTag.h"
#include "Geometry/CommonDetUnit/interface/PixelGeomDetUnit.h"
#include "Geometry/CommonTopologies/interface/PixelTopology.h"
#include "Geometry/Records/interface/TrackerDigiGeometryRecord.h"
#include "Geometry/Records/interface/TrackerDigiGeometryRecord.h"
#include "Geometry/Records/interface/TrackerTopologyRcd.h"
#include "Geometry/TrackerGeometryBuilder/interface/TrackerGeometry.h"

// class declaration

// If the analyzer does not use TFileService, please remove
// the template argument to the base class so the class inherits
// from edm::one::EDAnalyzer<>
// This will improve performance in multithreaded jobs.

namespace gainScale {
struct VCalInfo {
double m_conversionFactor;
double m_conversionFactorL1;
double m_offset;
double m_offsetL1;

// default constructor
VCalInfo() : m_conversionFactor(0.), m_conversionFactorL1(0.), m_offset(0.), m_offsetL1(0.) {}

// initialize
void init(double conversionFactor, double conversionFactorL1, double offset, double offsetL1) {
m_conversionFactor = conversionFactor;
m_conversionFactorL1 = conversionFactorL1;
m_offset = offset;
m_offsetL1 = offsetL1;

void printAllInfo() {
edm::LogVerbatim("SiPixelGainCalibScaler") << " conversion factor : " << m_conversionFactor << "\n"
<< " conversion factor (L1) : " << m_conversionFactorL1 << "\n"
<< " offset : " << m_offset << "\n"
<< " offset (L1) : " << m_offsetL1 << "\n";

double getConversionFactor() { return m_conversionFactor; }
double getConversionFactorL1() { return m_conversionFactorL1; }
double getOffset() { return m_offset; }
double getOffsetL1() { return m_offsetL1; }
virtual ~VCalInfo() {}
} // namespace gainScale

class SiPixelGainCalibScaler : public edm::one::EDAnalyzer<edm::one::SharedResources> {
explicit SiPixelGainCalibScaler(const edm::ParameterSet&);
~SiPixelGainCalibScaler() override;

static void fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions& descriptions);

void beginJob() override;
void analyze(const edm::Event&, const edm::EventSetup&) override;
void endJob() override;
template <class tokenType, class PayloadType>
void computeAndStorePalyoads(const edm::EventSetup& iSetup, const tokenType& token);

// ----------member data ---------------------------
const std::string recordName_;
const bool isForHLT_;
const bool verbose_;
const std::vector<edm::ParameterSet> m_parameters;

gainScale::VCalInfo phase0VCal;
gainScale::VCalInfo phase1VCal;

edm::ESGetToken<SiPixelGainCalibrationForHLT, SiPixelGainCalibrationForHLTRcd> gainHLTCalibToken_;
edm::ESGetToken<SiPixelGainCalibrationOffline, SiPixelGainCalibrationOfflineRcd> gainOfflineCalibToken_;

edm::ESWatcher<SiPixelGainCalibrationForHLTRcd> pixelHLTGainWatcher_;
edm::ESWatcher<SiPixelGainCalibrationOfflineRcd> pixelOfflineGainWatcher_;

// constructors and destructor
SiPixelGainCalibScaler::SiPixelGainCalibScaler(const edm::ParameterSet& iConfig)
: recordName_(iConfig.getParameter<std::string>("record")),
verbose_(iConfig.getUntrackedParameter<bool>("verbose", false)),
m_parameters(iConfig.getParameter<std::vector<edm::ParameterSet> >("parameters")) {
gainHLTCalibToken_ = esConsumes<SiPixelGainCalibrationForHLT, SiPixelGainCalibrationForHLTRcd>();
gainOfflineCalibToken_ = esConsumes<SiPixelGainCalibrationOffline, SiPixelGainCalibrationOfflineRcd>();

for (auto& thePSet : m_parameters) {
const unsigned int phase(thePSet.getParameter<unsigned int>("phase"));
switch (phase) {
case 0: {
case 1: {
throw cms::Exception("LogicError") << "Unrecongnized phase: " << phase << ". Exiting!";

SiPixelGainCalibScaler::~SiPixelGainCalibScaler() {}

// member functions

// ------------ method called for each event ------------
void SiPixelGainCalibScaler::analyze(const edm::Event& iEvent, const edm::EventSetup& iSetup) {
using namespace edm;

int run =;
bool hasPixelHLTGainIOV = pixelHLTGainWatcher_.check(iSetup);
bool hasPixelOfflineGainIOV = pixelOfflineGainWatcher_.check(iSetup);

if ((hasPixelHLTGainIOV && isForHLT_) || (hasPixelOfflineGainIOV && !isForHLT_)) {
edm::LogPrint("SiPixelGainCalibScaler") << " Pixel Gains have a new IOV for run: " << run << std::endl;

if (isForHLT_) {
computeAndStorePalyoads<edm::ESGetToken<SiPixelGainCalibrationForHLT, SiPixelGainCalibrationForHLTRcd>,
SiPixelGainCalibrationForHLT>(iSetup, gainHLTCalibToken_);
} else {
computeAndStorePalyoads<edm::ESGetToken<SiPixelGainCalibrationOffline, SiPixelGainCalibrationOfflineRcd>,
SiPixelGainCalibrationOffline>(iSetup, gainOfflineCalibToken_);
} // if new IOV

// ------------ template method to construct the payloads ------------
template <class tokenType, class PayloadType>
void SiPixelGainCalibScaler::computeAndStorePalyoads(const edm::EventSetup& iSetup, const tokenType& token) {
gainScale::VCalInfo myVCalInfo;

// Retrieve geometry information
edm::ESHandle<TrackerGeometry> pDD;
edm::LogInfo("SiPixelGainCalibScaler") << "There are: " << pDD->dets().size() << " detectors";

// switch on the phase1
if ((pDD->isThere(GeomDetEnumerators::P1PXB)) || (pDD->isThere(GeomDetEnumerators::P1PXEC))) {
myVCalInfo = phase1VCal;
edm::LogInfo("SiPixelGainCalibScaler") << " ==> This is a phase1 IOV";
} else {
myVCalInfo = phase0VCal;
edm::LogInfo("SiPixelGainCalibScaler") << " ==> This is a phase0 IOV";


// if need the ESHandle to check if the SetupData was there or not
auto payload = iSetup.getHandle(token);
std::vector<uint32_t> detids;

float mingain = payload->getGainLow();
float maxgain = (payload->getGainHigh()) * myVCalInfo.getConversionFactorL1();
float minped = payload->getPedLow();
float maxped = payload->getPedHigh() * 1.10;

auto SiPixelGainCalibration_ = new PayloadType(minped, maxped, mingain, maxgain);

//Retrieve tracker topology from geometry
edm::ESHandle<TrackerTopology> tTopoHandle;
const TrackerTopology* tTopo = tTopoHandle.product();

//const char* path_toTopologyXML = "Geometry/TrackerCommonData/data/PhaseI/trackerParameters.xml";
//TrackerTopology tTopo = StandaloneTrackerTopology::fromTrackerParametersXMLFile(edm::FileInPath(path_toTopologyXML).fullPath());

for (const auto& d : detids) {
bool isLayer1 = false;
int subid = DetId(d).subdetId();
if (subid == PixelSubdetector::PixelBarrel) {
auto layer = tTopo->pxbLayer(DetId(d));
if (layer == 1) {
isLayer1 = true;

std::vector<char> theSiPixelGainCalibration;

auto range = payload->getRange(d);
int numberOfRowsToAverageOver = payload->getNumberOfRowsToAverageOver();
int ncols = payload->getNCols(d);
int nRocsInRow = (range.second - range.first) / ncols / numberOfRowsToAverageOver;
unsigned int nRowsForHLT = 1;
int nrows = std::max((payload->getNumberOfRowsToAverageOver() * nRocsInRow),
nRowsForHLT); // dirty trick to make it work for the HLT payload

auto rangeAndCol = payload->getRangeAndNCols(d);
bool isDeadColumn;
bool isNoisyColumn;

if (verbose_) {
<< "NCOLS: " << payload->getNCols(d) << " " << rangeAndCol.second << " NROWS:" << nrows
<< ", RANGES: " << rangeAndCol.first.second - rangeAndCol.first.first
<< ", Ratio: " << float(rangeAndCol.first.second - rangeAndCol.first.first) / rangeAndCol.second << std::endl;

for (int col = 0; col < ncols; col++) {
for (int row = 0; row < nrows; row++) {
float gain = payload->getGain(col, row, rangeAndCol.first, rangeAndCol.second, isDeadColumn, isNoisyColumn);
float ped = payload->getPed(col, row, rangeAndCol.first, rangeAndCol.second, isDeadColumn, isNoisyColumn);

if (verbose_)
edm::LogInfo("SiPixelGainCalibScaler") << "pre-change gain: " << gain << " pede:" << ped << std::endl;

// From here
// vcal = ADC * DBgain - DBped * DBgain
// electrons = vcal * conversionFactor + offset
// follows:
// electrons = (ADC*DBgain – DBped*DBgain)*conversionFactor + offset
// electrons = ADC*conversionFactor*DBgain - conversionFactor*DBped*DBgain + offset
// this should equal the new equation:
// electrons = ADC*DBgain' - DBPed' * DBgain'
// So equating piece by piece:
// DBgain' = conversionFactor*DBgain
// DBped' = (conversionFactor*DBped*Dbgain – offset)/(conversionFactor*DBgain)
// = DBped - offset/DBgain'

if (isLayer1) {
gain = gain * myVCalInfo.getConversionFactorL1();
ped = ped - myVCalInfo.getOffsetL1() / gain;
} else {
gain = gain * myVCalInfo.getConversionFactor();
ped = ped - myVCalInfo.getOffset() / gain;

if (verbose_)
edm::LogInfo("SiPixelGainCalibScaler") << "post-change gain: " << gain << " pede:" << ped << std::endl;

if constexpr (std::is_same_v<PayloadType, SiPixelGainCalibrationForHLT>) {
SiPixelGainCalibration_->setData(ped, gain, theSiPixelGainCalibration, false, false);
} else {
SiPixelGainCalibration_->setDataPedestal(ped, theSiPixelGainCalibration);
if ((row + 1) % numberOfRowsToAverageOver == 0) { // fill the column average after every ROC!
SiPixelGainCalibration_->setDataGain(gain, numberOfRowsToAverageOver, theSiPixelGainCalibration);
} // loop on rows
} // loop on columns

typename PayloadType::Range outrange(theSiPixelGainCalibration.begin(), theSiPixelGainCalibration.end());
if (!SiPixelGainCalibration_->put(d, outrange, ncols))
edm::LogError("SiPixelGainCalibScaler") << "[SiPixelGainCalibScaler::analyze] detid already exists" << std::endl;
} // loop on DetIds

// Write into DB
edm::LogInfo(" --- writing to DB!");
edm::Service<cond::service::PoolDBOutputService> mydbservice;
if (!mydbservice.isAvailable()) {
edm::LogError("db service unavailable");
} else {
edm::LogInfo("DB service OK");

try {
if (mydbservice->isNewTagRequest(recordName_)) {
SiPixelGainCalibration_, mydbservice->beginOfTime(), mydbservice->endOfTime(), recordName_);
} else {
mydbservice->appendSinceTime<PayloadType>(SiPixelGainCalibration_, mydbservice->currentTime(), recordName_);
edm::LogInfo(" --- all OK");
} catch (const cond::Exception& er) {
edm::LogError("SiPixelGainCalibScaler") << er.what() << std::endl;
} catch (const std::exception& er) {
edm::LogError("SiPixelGainCalibScaler") << "caught std::exception " << er.what() << std::endl;
} catch (...) {
edm::LogError("SiPixelGainCalibScaler") << "Funny error" << std::endl;

// ------------ method called once each job just before starting event loop ------------
void SiPixelGainCalibScaler::beginJob() {}

// ------------ method called once each job just after ending the event loop ------------
void SiPixelGainCalibScaler::endJob() {}

// ------------ method fills 'descriptions' with the allowed parameters for the module ------------
void SiPixelGainCalibScaler::fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions& descriptions) {
edm::ParameterSetDescription desc;
desc.add<std::string>("record", "SiPixelGainCalibrationForHLTRcd");
desc.add<bool>("isForHLT", true);

edm::ParameterSetDescription vcalInfos;
vcalInfos.add<unsigned int>("phase");

std::vector<edm::ParameterSet> tmp;
edm::ParameterSet phase0VCal;
phase0VCal.addParameter<unsigned int>("phase", 0);
phase0VCal.addParameter<double>("conversionFactor", 65.);
phase0VCal.addParameter<double>("conversionFactorL1", 65.);
phase0VCal.addParameter<double>("offset", -414.);
phase0VCal.addParameter<double>("offsetL1", -414.);
edm::ParameterSet phase1VCal;
phase1VCal.addParameter<unsigned int>("phase", 1);
phase1VCal.addParameter<double>("conversionFactor", 47.);
phase1VCal.addParameter<double>("conversionFactorL1", 50.);
phase1VCal.addParameter<double>("offset", -60.);
phase1VCal.addParameter<double>("offsetL1", -670.);
desc.addVPSet("parameters", vcalInfos, tmp);

desc.addUntracked<bool>("verbose", false);

descriptions.add("siPixelGainCalibScaler", desc);

//define this as a plug-in

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