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Merge pull request #22942 from wouf/patch-2
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Backport for XeXe Hydjet config
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cmsbuild authored Apr 13, 2018
2 parents 67ebc95 + f0755eb commit 1f7318b
Showing 1 changed file with 139 additions and 0 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms

from Configuration.Generator.Pyquen2015Settings_cff import *
from Configuration.Generator.PythiaUESettings_cfi import *

generator = cms.EDFilter("HydjetGeneratorFilter",
aBeamTarget = cms.double(129.0), ## beam/target atomic number
comEnergy = cms.double(5442.0),
qgpInitialTemperature = cms.double(1.), ## initial temperature of QGP; allowed range [0.2,2.0]GeV;
qgpProperTimeFormation = cms.double(0.1), ## proper time of QGP formation; allowed range [0.01,10.0]fm/c;
hadronFreezoutTemperature = cms.double(0.125),
doRadiativeEnLoss = cms.bool(True), ## if true, perform partonic radiative en loss
doCollisionalEnLoss = cms.bool(True),
qgpNumQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0), ## number of active quark flavors in qgp; allowed values: 0,1,2,3
numQuarkFlavor = cms.int32(0), ## to be removed
sigmaInelNN = cms.double(70),
shadowingSwitch = cms.int32(1),
nMultiplicity = cms.int32(18545),
fracSoftMultiplicity = cms.double(1.),
maxLongitudinalRapidity = cms.double(3.75),
maxTransverseRapidity = cms.double(1.16),
angularSpectrumSelector = cms.int32(1),
rotateEventPlane = cms.bool(True),
allowEmptyEvents = cms.bool(False),
embeddingMode = cms.bool(False),
hydjetMode = cms.string('kHydroQJets'),

PythiaParameters = cms.PSet(
hydjetPythiaDefault = cms.vstring('MSEL=0 ! user processes',
'CKIN(3)=9.2',# ! ptMin
myParameters = cms.vstring('MDCY(310,1)=0'),
pythiaJets = cms.vstring('MSUB(11)=1', # q+q->q+q
'MSUB(12)=1', # q+qbar->q+qbar
'MSUB(13)=1', # q+qbar->g+g
'MSUB(28)=1', # q+g->q+g
'MSUB(53)=1', # g+g->q+qbar
'MSUB(68)=1' # g+g->g+g
pythiaPromptPhotons = cms.vstring('MSUB(14)=1', # q+qbar->g+gamma
'MSUB(18)=1', # q+qbar->gamma+gamma
'MSUB(29)=1', # q+g->q+gamma
'MSUB(114)=1', # g+g->gamma+gamma
'MSUB(115)=1' # g+g->g+gamma
pythiaZjets = cms.vstring('MSUB(15)=1',
pythiaCharmoniumNRQCD = cms.vstring('MSUB(421) = 1',
'MSUB(422) = 1',
'MSUB(423) = 1',
'MSUB(424) = 1',
'MSUB(425) = 1',
'MSUB(426) = 1',
'MSUB(427) = 1',
'MSUB(428) = 1',
'MSUB(429) = 1',
'MSUB(430) = 1',
'MSUB(431) = 1',
'MSUB(432) = 1',
'MSUB(433) = 1',
'MSUB(434) = 1',
'MSUB(435) = 1',
'MSUB(436) = 1',
'MSUB(437) = 1',
'MSUB(438) = 1',
'MSUB(439) = 1'

pythiaBottomoniumNRQCD = cms.vstring('MSUB(461) = 1',
'MSUB(462) = 1',
'MSUB(463) = 1',
'MSUB(464) = 1',
'MSUB(465) = 1',
'MSUB(466) = 1',
'MSUB(467) = 1',
'MSUB(468) = 1',
'MSUB(469) = 1',
'MSUB(470) = 1',
'MSUB(471) = 1',
'MSUB(472) = 1',
'MSUB(473) = 1',
'MSUB(474) = 1',
'MSUB(475) = 1',
'MSUB(476) = 1',
'MSUB(477) = 1',
'MSUB(478) = 1',
'MSUB(479) = 1',
pythiaWeakBosons = cms.vstring('MSUB(1)=1',
pythiaQuarkoniaSettings = cms.vstring('PARP(141)=1.16', # Matrix Elements
# Meson spin
# Polarization
# Chi_c branching ratios
# Quarkonia and Weak Bosons added back upon dilepton group's request.
parameterSets = cms.vstring('pythiaUESettings',
cFlag = cms.int32(1),
bMin = cms.double(0),
bMax = cms.double(30),
bFixed = cms.double(0)

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