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add testing machinery to make sure TrackerTopology from DB is the sam…
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mmusich committed Oct 23, 2023
1 parent bbbd24b commit 0373242
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Showing 4 changed files with 317 additions and 0 deletions.
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions CalibTracker/StandaloneTrackerTopology/test/BuildFile.xml
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@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
<use name="Geometry/TrackerGeometryBuilder"/>
<use name="Geometry/TrackerNumberingBuilder"/>
<use name="Geometry/CommonDetUnit"/>
<use name="FWCore/Framework"/>

<library file="" name="StandaloneTrackerTopologyTest">
<use name="DataFormats/TrackerCommon"/>
<use name="Geometry/Records"/>
<use name="CalibTracker/StandaloneTrackerTopology"/>
<flags EDM_PLUGIN="1"/>

<test name="CalibTrackerStandaloneTrackerTopologyTestDriver" command=""/>
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@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
// -*- C++ -*-
// Package: CalibTracker/StandaloneTrackerTopology
// Class: StandaloneTrackerTopologyTest
/**\class StandaloneTrackerTopologyTest CalibTracker/StandaloneTrackerTopology/test/
Description: [one line class summary]
[Notes on implementation]
// Original Author: Marco Musich
// Created: Wed, 18 Oct 2023 10:00:00 GMT

// system include files
#include <memory>

// user include files
#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Frameworkfwd.h"
#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/global/EDAnalyzer.h"

#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Event.h"
#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/MakerMacros.h"

#include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
#include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/InputTag.h"

#include "Geometry/Records/interface/TrackerDigiGeometryRecord.h"
#include "Geometry/TrackerGeometryBuilder/interface/TrackerGeometry.h"
#include "DataFormats/TrackerCommon/interface/TrackerTopology.h"
#include "Geometry/Records/interface/TrackerTopologyRcd.h"
#include "Geometry/CommonDetUnit/interface/PixelGeomDetUnit.h"
#include "CalibTracker/StandaloneTrackerTopology/interface/StandaloneTrackerTopology.h"

// class declaration

class StandaloneTrackerTopologyTest : public edm::global::EDAnalyzer<> {
explicit StandaloneTrackerTopologyTest(const edm::ParameterSet&);
~StandaloneTrackerTopologyTest() override = default;

static void fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions& descriptions);

void analyze(edm::StreamID, edm::Event const& iEvent, edm::EventSetup const& iSetup) const override;
void testTopology(const TrackerGeometry* pDD,
const TrackerTopology* tTopoFromDB,
const TrackerTopology* tTopoStandalone) const;

// ----------member data ---------------------------
const edm::ESGetToken<TrackerGeometry, TrackerDigiGeometryRecord> geomEsToken_;
const edm::ESGetToken<TrackerTopology, TrackerTopologyRcd> topoToken_;

// constructors and destructor
StandaloneTrackerTopologyTest::StandaloneTrackerTopologyTest(const edm::ParameterSet& iConfig)
: geomEsToken_(esConsumes()), topoToken_(esConsumes()) {}

// member functions
void StandaloneTrackerTopologyTest::testTopology(const TrackerGeometry* pDD,
const TrackerTopology* tTopoFromDB,
const TrackerTopology* tTopoStandalone) const {
// test Barrel Pixel
for (auto det : pDD->detsPXB()) {
const PixelGeomDetUnit* pixelDet = dynamic_cast<const PixelGeomDetUnit*>(det);
const auto& layerA = tTopoFromDB->pxbLayer(pixelDet->geographicalId());
const auto& ladderA = tTopoFromDB->pxbLadder(pixelDet->geographicalId());
const auto& moduleA = tTopoFromDB->pxbModule(pixelDet->geographicalId());

const auto& layerB = tTopoStandalone->pxbLayer(pixelDet->geographicalId());
const auto& ladderB = tTopoStandalone->pxbLadder(pixelDet->geographicalId());
const auto& moduleB = tTopoStandalone->pxbModule(pixelDet->geographicalId());

if (layerA != layerB || ladderA != ladderB || moduleA != moduleB) {
throw cms::Exception("ConfigurationMismatch")
<< "PXB: Topology from DB doesn't match with Topology from XML file!"
<< " DetId: " << pixelDet->geographicalId() << " layerA: " << layerA << " layerB: " << layerB
<< " ladderA :" << ladderA << " ladderB :" << ladderB << " moduleA :" << moduleA << " moduleB :" << moduleB
<< std::endl;

// test Pixel Endcaps
for (auto det : pDD->detsPXF()) {
const PixelGeomDetUnit* pixelDet = dynamic_cast<const PixelGeomDetUnit*>(det);
const auto& diskA = tTopoFromDB->pxfDisk(pixelDet->geographicalId());
const auto& bladeA = tTopoFromDB->pxfBlade(pixelDet->geographicalId());
const auto& moduleA = tTopoFromDB->pxfModule(pixelDet->geographicalId());

const auto& diskB = tTopoStandalone->pxfDisk(pixelDet->geographicalId());
const auto& bladeB = tTopoStandalone->pxfBlade(pixelDet->geographicalId());
const auto& moduleB = tTopoStandalone->pxfModule(pixelDet->geographicalId());

if (diskA != diskB || bladeA != bladeB || moduleA != moduleB) {
throw cms::Exception("ConfigurationMismatch")
<< "PXF: Topology from DB doesn't match with Topology from XML file"
<< " DetId: " << pixelDet->geographicalId() << " diskA: " << diskA << " diskB: " << diskB
<< " bladeA :" << bladeA << " bladeB :" << bladeB << " moduleA :" << moduleA << " moduleB :" << moduleB
<< std::endl;

// test inner barrel
for (auto det : pDD->detsTIB()) {
const GeomDetUnit* Det = dynamic_cast<const GeomDetUnit*>(det);
const auto& sideA = tTopoFromDB->tibSide(Det->geographicalId());
const auto& layerA = tTopoFromDB->tibLayer(Det->geographicalId());
const auto& moduleA = tTopoFromDB->tibModule(Det->geographicalId());

const auto& sideB = tTopoStandalone->tibSide(Det->geographicalId());
const auto& layerB = tTopoStandalone->tibLayer(Det->geographicalId());
const auto& moduleB = tTopoStandalone->tibModule(Det->geographicalId());

if (sideA != sideB || layerA != layerB || moduleA != moduleB) {
throw cms::Exception("ConfigurationMismatch")
<< "TIB: Topology from DB doesn't match with Topology from XML file"
<< " DetId: " << Det->geographicalId() << " sideA: " << sideA << " sideB: " << sideB << " layerA :" << layerA
<< " layerB :" << layerB << " moduleA :" << moduleA << " moduleB :" << moduleB << std::endl;

// test inner disks
for (auto det : pDD->detsTID()) {
const GeomDetUnit* Det = dynamic_cast<const GeomDetUnit*>(det);
const auto& sideA = tTopoFromDB->tidSide(Det->geographicalId());
const auto& wheelA = tTopoFromDB->tidWheel(Det->geographicalId());
const auto& moduleA = tTopoFromDB->tidModule(Det->geographicalId());

const auto& sideB = tTopoStandalone->tidSide(Det->geographicalId());
const auto& wheelB = tTopoStandalone->tidWheel(Det->geographicalId());
const auto& moduleB = tTopoStandalone->tidModule(Det->geographicalId());

if (sideA != sideB || wheelA != wheelB || moduleA != moduleB) {
throw cms::Exception("ConfigurationMismatch")
<< "TID: Topology from DB doesn't match with Topology from XML file"
<< " DetId: " << Det->geographicalId() << " sideA: " << sideA << " sideB: " << sideB << " wheelA :" << wheelA
<< " wheelB :" << wheelB << " moduleA :" << moduleA << " moduleB :" << moduleB << std::endl;

// test outer barrel
for (auto det : pDD->detsTOB()) {
const GeomDetUnit* Det = dynamic_cast<const GeomDetUnit*>(det);

const auto& layerA = tTopoFromDB->tobLayer(Det->geographicalId());
const auto& rodA = tTopoFromDB->tobRod(Det->geographicalId());
const auto& moduleA = tTopoFromDB->tobModule(Det->geographicalId());

const auto& layerB = tTopoStandalone->tobLayer(Det->geographicalId());
const auto& rodB = tTopoStandalone->tobRod(Det->geographicalId());
const auto& moduleB = tTopoStandalone->tobModule(Det->geographicalId());

if (layerA != layerB || rodA != rodB || moduleA != moduleB) {
throw cms::Exception("ConfigurationMismatch")
<< "TOB: Topology from DB doesn't match with Topology from XML file"
<< " DetId: " << Det->geographicalId() << " layerA :" << layerA << " layerB :" << layerB << " rodA: " << rodA
<< " rodB: " << rodB << " moduleA :" << moduleA << " moduleB :" << moduleB << std::endl;

// test outer disks
for (auto det : pDD->detsTEC()) {
const GeomDetUnit* Det = dynamic_cast<const GeomDetUnit*>(det);
const auto& sideA = tTopoFromDB->tecSide(Det->geographicalId());
const auto& wheelA = tTopoFromDB->tecWheel(Det->geographicalId());
const auto& moduleA = tTopoFromDB->tecModule(Det->geographicalId());

const auto& sideB = tTopoStandalone->tecSide(Det->geographicalId());
const auto& wheelB = tTopoStandalone->tecWheel(Det->geographicalId());
const auto& moduleB = tTopoStandalone->tecModule(Det->geographicalId());

if (sideA != sideB || wheelA != wheelB || moduleA != moduleB) {
throw cms::Exception("ConfigurationMismatch")
<< "TEC: Topology from DB doesn't match with Topology from XML file"
<< " DetId: " << Det->geographicalId() << " sideA: " << sideA << " sideB: " << sideB << " wheelA :" << wheelA
<< " wheelB :" << wheelB << " moduleA :" << moduleA << " moduleB :" << moduleB << std::endl;

// ------------ method called for each event ------------
void StandaloneTrackerTopologyTest::analyze(edm::StreamID,
edm::Event const& iEvent,
edm::EventSetup const& iSetup) const {
using namespace edm;

// get the Tracker geometry from event setup
const TrackerGeometry* pDD = &iSetup.getData(geomEsToken_);
const TrackerTopology* tTopo = &iSetup.getData(topoToken_);

const char* pathToTopologyXML;
if ((pDD->isThere(GeomDetEnumerators::P2PXB)) || (pDD->isThere(GeomDetEnumerators::P2PXEC))) {
edm::LogPrint("StandaloneTrackerTopologyTest") << "===== Testing Phase-2 Pixel Tracker geometry =====" << std::endl;
pathToTopologyXML = "Geometry/TrackerCommonData/data/PhaseII/trackerParameters.xml";
} else if ((pDD->isThere(GeomDetEnumerators::P1PXB)) || (pDD->isThere(GeomDetEnumerators::P1PXEC))) {
edm::LogPrint("StandaloneTrackerTopologyTest") << "===== Testing Phase-1 Pixel Tracker geometry =====" << std::endl;
pathToTopologyXML = "Geometry/TrackerCommonData/data/PhaseI/trackerParameters.xml";
} else {
edm::LogPrint("StandaloneTrackerTopologyTest") << "===== Testing Phase-0 Pixel Tracker geometry =====" << std::endl;
pathToTopologyXML = "Geometry/TrackerCommonData/data/trackerParameters.xml";

edm::LogPrint("StandaloneTrackerTopologyTest") << "parameters file" << pathToTopologyXML << std::endl;

TrackerTopology tTopoStandalone =

// the actual test
testTopology(pDD, tTopo, &tTopoStandalone);

// ------------ method fills 'descriptions' with the allowed parameters for the module ------------
void StandaloneTrackerTopologyTest::fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions& descriptions) {
edm::ParameterSetDescription desc;

//define this as a plug-in
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@

function die { echo $1: status $2 ; exit $2; }

echo " testing CalibTracker/StandalonTrackerTopology"

cmsRun ${SCRAM_TEST_PATH}/ || die "Failure using cmsRun (Phase-0 test)" $?
cmsRun ${SCRAM_TEST_PATH}/ runNumber=300000 || die "Failure using cmsRun (Phase-1 test)" $?
cmsRun ${SCRAM_TEST_PATH}/ globalTag=auto:phase2_realistic_T21 || die "Failure using cmsRun (Phase-2 test)" $?
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
import FWCore.ParameterSet.VarParsing as VarParsing

process = cms.Process("TopologyAnalysis")
options = VarParsing.VarParsing("analysis")

options.register ('globalTag',
VarParsing.VarParsing.multiplicity.singleton, # singleton or list
VarParsing.VarParsing.varType.string, # string, int, or float

options.register ('runNumber',
VarParsing.VarParsing.multiplicity.singleton, # singleton or list, # string, int, or float
"run number")


# Message logger service
process.MessageLogger.cerr.FwkReport.reportEvery = 1

# Geometry producer and standard includes

if 'phase2' in options.globalTag:

# Get the GlogalTag
from Configuration.AlCa.GlobalTag import GlobalTag
process.GlobalTag = GlobalTag(process.GlobalTag, options.globalTag, '')

# Empty Source
process.source = cms.Source("EmptySource",
firstRun = cms.untracked.uint32(options.runNumber),
numberEventsInRun = cms.untracked.uint32(1),

process.maxEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(
input = cms.untracked.int32(1)

# The analysis module
process.myanalysis = cms.EDAnalyzer("StandaloneTrackerTopologyTest")

# Path
process.p1 = cms.Path(process.myanalysis)

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