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Riemann fit multiple scattering (#174)
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Implement the multiple scattering treatments in the Riemann Fit. In particular:
  - modify the previous implementation of the multiple scattering in the circle fit to correctly cover both the barrel and the forward case;
  - implement the multiple scattering in the line fit in the S-Z plane both for the barrel and the forward case.

The effective radiation length is still an approximate value since the phi angle is not taken into account (it is not known on a layer-by-layer case). Ad ad-hoc correction based on the inverse of the pt has been added, with a cut-off of 1 GeV.

The pulls are ok-ish, the material could be further tuned.
The Chi2 is flat on all eta range.
  • Loading branch information
rovere authored and fwyzard committed Oct 20, 2020
1 parent 71bb235 commit e0e5525
Showing 1 changed file with 174 additions and 21 deletions.
195 changes: 174 additions & 21 deletions RecoPixelVertexing/PixelTrackFitting/interface/RiemannFit.h
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
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#include <Eigen/Core>
#include <Eigen/Eigenvalues>

#include <math.h>

#ifndef RFIT_DEBUG
#define RFIT_DEBUG 0
#endif // RFIT_DEBUG
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -115,6 +117,107 @@ __host__ __device__ inline double cross2D(const Vector2d& a, const Vector2d& b)
return a.x() * b.y() - a.y() * b.x();

__host__ __device__ inline void computeRadLenEff(const Vector4d& fast_fit,
const double B,
double & radlen_eff,
double & theta,
bool & in_forward) {
double X_barrel = 0.015;
double X_forward = 0.05;
theta = atan(fast_fit(3));
// atan returns values in [-pi/2, pi/2], we need [0, pi]
theta = theta < 0. ? theta + M_PI : theta;
radlen_eff = X_barrel / std::abs(sin(theta));
in_forward = (theta <= 0.398 or theta >= 2.743);
if (in_forward)
radlen_eff = X_forward / std::abs(cos(theta));
assert(radlen_eff > 0.);
double p_t = fast_fit(2) * B;
// We have also to correct the radiation lenght in the x-y plane. Since we
// do not know the angle of incidence of the track at this point, we
// arbitrarily set the correction proportional to the inverse of the
// transerse momentum. The cut-off is at 1 Gev, set using a single Muon Pt
// gun and verifying that, at that momentum, not additional correction is,
// in fact, needed. This is an approximation.
if (std::abs(p_t/1.) < 1.)
radlen_eff /= std::abs(p_t/1.);

\brief Compute the covariance matrix along cartesian S-Z of points due to
multiple Coulomb scattering to be used in the line_fit, for the barrel
and forward cases.
__host__ __device__ inline MatrixNd Scatter_cov_line(Matrix2Nd& cov_sz,
const Vector4d& fast_fit,
VectorNd const& s_arcs,
VectorNd const& z_values,
const double B)
Rfit::printIt(&s_arcs, "Scatter_cov_line - s_arcs: ");
u_int n = s_arcs.rows();
double p_t = fast_fit(2) * B;
double p_2 = p_t * p_t * (1. + 1. / (fast_fit(3) * fast_fit(3)));
double radlen_eff = 0.;
double theta = 0.;
bool in_forward = false;
computeRadLenEff(fast_fit, B, radlen_eff, theta, in_forward);

const double sig2 = .000225 / p_2 * sqr(1 + 0.038 * log(radlen_eff)) * radlen_eff;
for (u_int k = 0; k < n; ++k)
for (u_int l = k; l < n; ++l)
for (u_int i = 0; i < std::min(k, l); ++i)
printf("Scatter_cov_line - B: %f\n", B);
printf("Scatter_cov_line - radlen_eff: %f, p_t: %f, p2: %f\n", radlen_eff, p_t, p_2);
printf("Scatter_cov_line - sig2:%f, theta: %f\n", sig2, theta);
printf("Scatter_cov_line - Adding to element %d, %d value %f\n", n + k, n + l, (s_arcs(k) - s_arcs(i)) * (s_arcs(l) - s_arcs(i)) * sig2 / sqr(sqr(sin(theta))));
if (in_forward) {
cov_sz(k, l) += (z_values(k) - z_values(i)) * (z_values(l) - z_values(i)) * sig2 / sqr(sqr(cos(theta)));
cov_sz(l, k) = cov_sz(k, l);
} else {
cov_sz(n + k, n + l) += (s_arcs(k) - s_arcs(i)) * (s_arcs(l) - s_arcs(i)) * sig2 / sqr(sqr(sin(theta)));
cov_sz(n + l, n + k) = cov_sz(n + k, n + l);
Rfit::printIt(&cov_sz, "Scatter_cov_line - cov_sz: ");
Matrix2Nd rot = MatrixXd::Zero(2 * n, 2 * n);
for (u_int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
rot(i, i) = cos(theta);
rot(n + i, n + i) = cos(theta);
u_int j = (i + n);
// Signs seem to be wrong for the off-diagonal element, but we are
// inverting x-y in the input vector, since theta is the angle between
// the z axis and the line, and we are putting the s values, which are Y,
// in the first position. A simple sign flip will take care of it.
rot(i, j) = i < j ? sin(theta) : -sin(theta);

Rfit::printIt(&rot, "Scatter_cov_line - rot: ");

Matrix2Nd tmp = rot*cov_sz*rot.transpose();
// We are interested only in the errors in the rotated s -axis which, in
// our formalism, are in the upper square matrix.
Rfit::printIt(&tmp, "Scatter_cov_line - tmp: ");
return tmp.block(0, 0, n, n);

\brief Compute the covariance matrix (in radial coordinates) of points in
the transverse plane due to multiple Coulomb scattering.
Expand All @@ -141,11 +244,12 @@ __host__ __device__ inline MatrixNd Scatter_cov_rad(const Matrix2xNd& p2D,
double B)
u_int n = p2D.cols();
double X = 0.04;
double theta = atan(fast_fit(3));
double radlen_eff = X * sqrt(fast_fit(3) * fast_fit(3) + 1);
double p_t = fast_fit(2) * B;
double p_2 = p_t * p_t * (1. + 1. / (fast_fit(3) * fast_fit(3)));
double radlen_eff = 0.;
double theta = 0.;
bool in_forward = false;
computeRadLenEff(fast_fit, B, radlen_eff, theta, in_forward);

MatrixNd scatter_cov_rad = MatrixXd::Zero(n, n);
const double sig2 = .000225 / p_2 * sqr(1 + 0.038 * log(radlen_eff)) * radlen_eff;
Expand All @@ -155,13 +259,18 @@ __host__ __device__ inline MatrixNd Scatter_cov_rad(const Matrix2xNd& p2D,
for (u_int i = 0; i < std::min(k, l); ++i)
if (in_forward) {
scatter_cov_rad(k, l) += (rad(k) - rad(i)) * (rad(l) - rad(i)) * sig2 / sqr(cos(theta));
} else {
scatter_cov_rad(k, l) += (rad(k) - rad(i)) * (rad(l) - rad(i)) * sig2 / sqr(sin(theta));
scatter_cov_rad(l, k) = scatter_cov_rad(k, l);
scatter_cov_rad(l, k) = scatter_cov_rad(k, l);
Rfit::printIt(&scatter_cov_rad, "Scatter_cov_rad - scatter_cov_rad: ");

return scatter_cov_rad;

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -960,9 +1069,12 @@ __host__ __device__ inline line_fit Line_fit(const Matrix3xNd& hits,
Matrix2xNd p2D(2, n);
MatrixNx5d Jx(n, 5);

printf("Line_fit - B: %g\n", B);

printIt(&hits, "Line_fit points: ");
printIt(&hits_cov, "Line_fit covs: ");

// x & associated Jacobian
// cfr
// Slide 11
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1000,16 +1112,43 @@ __host__ __device__ inline line_fit Line_fit(const Matrix3xNd& hits,
p2D.row(1) = hits.row(2);

Matrix2Nd cov_sz = MatrixXd::Zero(2 * n, 2 * n);
VectorNd x_err2 = X_err2(hits_cov, circle, Jx, error, n);
VectorNd y_err2 = hits_cov.block(2 * n, 2 * n, n, n).diagonal();
cov_sz.block(0, 0, n, n) = x_err2.asDiagonal();
cov_sz.block(n, n, n, n) = y_err2.asDiagonal();
printIt(&cov_sz, "line_fit - cov_sz:");
MatrixNd cov_with_ms = Scatter_cov_line(cov_sz, fast_fit, p2D.row(0), p2D.row(1), B);
printIt(&cov_with_ms, "line_fit - cov_with_ms: ");
Matrix4d G, G4;
G4 = cov_with_ms.inverse();
printIt(&G4, "line_fit - cov_with_ms.inverse():");
double renorm = G4.sum();
G4 *= 1. / renorm;
printIt(&G4, "line_fit - G4:");
G = G4;
const VectorNd weight = Weight_circle(G);

const VectorNd err2_inv = Weight_line(x_err2, y_err2, fast_fit(3));
const VectorNd weight = err2_inv * 1. / err2_inv.sum();
VectorNd err2_inv = cov_with_ms.diagonal();
err2_inv = err2_inv.cwiseInverse();
// const VectorNd err2_inv = Weight_line(x_err2, y_err2, fast_fit(3));
// const VectorNd weight = err2_inv * 1. / err2_inv.sum();

printIt(&x_err2, "Line_fit - x_err2: ");
printIt(&y_err2, "Line_fit - y_err2: ");
printIt(&err2_inv, "Line_fit - err2_inv: ");
printIt(&weight, "Line_fit - weight: ");


Expand All @@ -1020,17 +1159,23 @@ __host__ __device__ inline line_fit Line_fit(const Matrix3xNd& hits,
// scatter matrix S = X^T * X
const Matrix2xNd X = p2D.colwise() - r0;
Matrix2d A = Matrix2d::Zero();
for (u_int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
A += err2_inv(i) * (X.col(i) * X.col(i).transpose());
A = X * G * X.transpose();
// for (u_int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
// {
// A += err2_inv(i) * (X.col(i) * X.col(i).transpose());
// }

printIt(&A, "Line_fit - A: ");

// minimize
double chi2;
Vector2d v = min_eigen2D(A, chi2);
printIt(&v, "Line_fit - v: ");
printf("Line_fit chi2: %e\n", chi2);

// n *= (chi2>0) ? 1 : -1; //TO FIX
// This hack to be able to run on GPU where the automatic assignment to a
Expand All @@ -1044,7 +1189,10 @@ __host__ __device__ inline line_fit Line_fit(const Matrix3xNd& hits,
line.par << -v(0) / v(1), // cotan(theta))
-c * sqrt(sqr(v(0)) + sqr(v(1))) * 1. / v(1); // Zip
line.chi2 = abs(chi2);
printIt(&(line.par), "Line_fit - line.par: ");
printf("Line_fit - v norm: %e\n", sqrt(v(0)*v(0) + v(1)*v(1)));

if (error)
Expand All @@ -1054,16 +1202,13 @@ __host__ __device__ inline line_fit Line_fit(const Matrix3xNd& hits,

Matrix3d C; // cov(v,c)
double norm_chernov = 0.;
for (u_int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
norm_chernov += err2_inv(i) * (v(0) * p2D(0, i) + v(1) * p2D(1, i) + c) * (v(0) * p2D(0, i) + v(1) * p2D(1, i) + c);
norm_chernov /= float(n);
// Indeed it should read:
// * compute the average error in the orthogonal direction: err2_inv.cwiseInverse().sum()/sqr(n)
// * normalize the A(0,0)+A(1,1) dividing by err2_inv.sum(), since those have been weighted
const double norm = (err2_inv.cwiseInverse().sum()) * err2_inv.sum() * 1. / sqr(n);
// The norm is taken from Chernov, properly adapted to the weights case.
double norm = v.transpose() * A * v;
norm /= weight.sum();
printf("Line_fit - norm: %e\n", norm);
const double sig2 = 1. / (A(0, 0) + A(1, 1)) * norm;
// const double sig2 = 1. / (A(0, 0) + A(1, 1));
C(0, 0) = sig2 * v1_2;
C(1, 1) = sig2 * v0_2;
C(0, 1) = C(1, 0) = -sig2 * v(0) * v(1);
Expand All @@ -1073,6 +1218,9 @@ __host__ __device__ inline line_fit Line_fit(const Matrix3xNd& hits,
Matrix<double, 1, 1> tmp = (r0.transpose() * C.block(0, 0, 2, 2) * r0);
C(2, 2) = v0_2 * C0(0) + v1_2 * C0(1) + C0(0) * C(0, 0) + C0(1) * C(1, 1) + tmp(0, 0);
printIt(&C, "line_fit - C:");

Matrix<double, 2, 3> J; // Jacobian of (v,c) -> (cotan(theta)),Zip)
Expand All @@ -1083,10 +1231,15 @@ __host__ __device__ inline line_fit Line_fit(const Matrix3xNd& hits,
J << -t0, v(0) * t1, 0, -c * v(0) * t0 * t2, v0_2 * c * t1 * t2, -sqrt_ * t0;
Matrix<double, 3, 2> JT = J.transpose().eval();
printIt(&J, "line_fit - J:");
line.cov = J * C * JT;

printIt(&line.cov, "Line cov:");
return line;

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