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Software tools for the analysis of experimental data collected by the CMS GEM community

Designed to work on lxplus running slc6 with ROOT version 6.00.02 or higher, g++ version 4.8.4, and python version 2.7.4.

Instructions below assume the user is using a sh/bash/zsh shell. Scripts for csh/tsch have not been implemented yet.

If you are having problems please consult the closed issue page to see if your issue has been solved before. If not please open a new issue here and submit an issue that describes your problem following the examples in the issue template. You may need to provide any input files or a link to the fork of the repository for us to troubleshoot.

This file was written in MarkDown. The table of contents was generated using gh-md-toc.

1. Contributors & License

This repository is the work of:

  • Main Developer: Brian Dorney
  • Contributors: Marcello Maggi, Anastasia Kotsokechagia
  • amoreSRS Team: Kondo Gnanvo, Mike Staib, Stefano Colafranchescci, Dorothea Pfeiffer

This package has been designed by B. Dorney with input from J. Merlin & S. Colafranceschi. The event unpacking and reconstruction code was ported from amoreSRS by Marcello Maggi. The original selection & analysis algorithms are based off work done by J. Merlin. This package makes use of several features from the CMS_GEM_TB_Timing repository (also by B. Dorney).

This package has adapted the tdrstyle.C, CMS_lumi.h, and CMS_lumi.C scripts (taken from here), for setting the style of output plots to match with the official guidelines of the CMS Experiment.

This package makes use of the C++ Mathematical Expression Library designed by Arash Partow, available here, and referred to as ExprTk. ExprTk is available under the "Common Public License" from the the url above, but has been included in this repository for convenience.

Additionally as a convenience for the user we have included the script taken from here. This will handle the installation of pip in python version 2.7.4 automaticaly.

The CMS_GEM_Analysis_Framework is licensed under the "GNU General Public License."

2. Installation Instructions

This repository follows the guidelines of Vincent Driessen in A successful Git branching model. The source code available in the origin/master branch always reflects a "production-ready" state. The origin/develop branch reflects a state with the latest implemented changes for the next release. This branch is not gauranteed to be stable.

To checkout the repository:

git clone
cd CMS_GEM_Analysis_Framework
git pull origin master

Then you'll need to setup the $FRAMEWORK_BASE shell variable:

cd <path>/CMS_GEM_Analysis_Framework

You may want to add the definition of $FRAMEWORK_BASE to your ~/.bashrc file. To compile the repository:

source scripts/
make -f Makefile.gpp clean
make -f Makefile.gpp
make -f MakefilePlotter.gpp

The repository is now compiled. Please note the first execution of scripts/ might make a local installation of pip and several other python packages that are required for the python analysis tools described in Section 3.c. Additionally the base directory of the repository has been exported to the shell variable $FRAMEWORK_BASE.

NOTE: a make file for clang has been included "Makefile.clang" for MAC OS users. However presently there is no support for any installation/runtime errors on a MAC OS environemnt. It is strongly urged that you use the Linux computing environment mentioned above (since it is so readily available to us).

3. Usage

The following gives the usage case for each of the executables produced during the installation. It is assumed that you have successfully performed the steps listed in Section 2.

3.a. frameworkMain

For each new shell navigate to the base directory of the repository and setup the environment via:

source scripts/

The usage for the frameworkMain executable is:

./frameworkMain <PFN of Run Config File> <Verbose Mode true/false>

Here the physical file name (PFN) represents the full path+filename to the file in question. The configuration files, including the run config file, are described in Section 4.e. The executable can analyze files produced either by amoreSRS, amoreSRS_ZS, or the CMS_GEM_Analysis_Framework (referred to as "the framework" henceforth). Additionally the framework can unpack, decode, and reconstruct raw data recorded by the RD51 SRS system with FEC's running on the zero suppression firmware. The unpacking, decoding, and reconstruction of RD51 SRS raw data is referred to as "reconstruction" henceforth. Reconstruction of data recorded when not using the zero suppression firmware is not presently supported.

For a full explanation of the available configurations please consult Sections 4.e for a description, and Sections 3.a.i through 3.a.iii for examples. The contents and layout of the output files are described in Section 4.f.

Four example config files:

  • mapping config file,
  • analysis config file,
  • reco config file, and
  • run config file

have been provided in the default repository. A usage example is given as:

./frameworkMain config/configRun.cfg true

As a general rule each detector you are testing will usually have a series of raw files associated with it. It is recommended each raw file should have a run number associated with it. The set of run numbers for a given detector should be unique (i.e. two different detectors can have a run 1 but for a specific detector run 1 is unique). The framework expects that you provide a run number, form _RunX_ for X some integer, in each of the input files defined in your config/configRun.cfg (see Section 4.e.iii).

In addition to analyzing raw data to produce a framework output ROOT file it is also possible to analyze a series of framework outpt files to plot comparisons of any TH1F object stored in the output ROOT file. For more details on running in this mode see Sections 3.a.iv and 4.e.iii.

In summary the running options of the frameowrk are:

  1. Analysis, analyzing an input reconstructed SRS TTree file
  2. Comparison, comparing one or more framework output ROOT files produced in otion #1,
  3. Reconstruction, performing the reconstruction on an RD51 SRS input raw data file,
  4. Combinded Reconstruction and Analysis (referred to as Combined), doing option 3 followed by option 1

Configuring for each of these options is described Secton 4.e.iii. Option 1 can be executed in all modes: Grid, Series, or Re-run. Option 3 can be executed in Grid or Series mode; but in series mode only one input RD51 SRS raw file should be supplied. Option 4 can only be executed in Series mode, again the only one RD51 SRS raw file should be supplied. run modes while option #1 can be additionally exectued in the re-run mode. See sections 3.a.i through 3.a.iv and 4.e.iii for further details.

3.a.i Helper Script - Run Mode: Grid (Analysis)

The script:


is for running the framework with the analysis option with the lxplus batch submission system using the scheduler bsub. This script will setup the run config file and launch one job for each input *dataTree.root file found in the detector's file directory on EOS. The expected synatx is: <Detector Name> <Config File - Analysis> <Config File - Mapping> <Queue Name> <Output Dir>


  • Detector Name is the serial number of the detector, omitting slashes (i.e. "/") for example "GE11-X-S-CERN-0001" or "GE11-X-L-CERN-0015" be analyzed are located,
  • Config File - Analysis is the PFN of the input analysis config file,
  • Config File - Mapping is the input mapping config file,
  • Queue Name is from the set {8nm, 1nh, 8nh, 1nd} and is the submission queue on the lxplus batch submmission system, and
  • Output Dir is the physical file path (PFP) of the desired output data directory where output files will be moved once the job completes.

Additionally for each job a run config file (described in Section 4.e.iii.V), named config/configRun_JobNoX.cfg where X is the job number, will be created. One script per job, named scripts/, will created; this script will be what the job executes when it runs. Three directories will also be created, if they do not already exist, called $FRAMEWORK_BASE/stderr, $FRAMEWORK_BASE/stdlog, and $FRAMEWORK_BASE/stdout. Each of these directories will respectively store the stderr (stderr/frameworkErr_JobNoX.txt), stdlog (stdlog/frameworkLog_JobNoX.txt), and stdout (stdout/frameworkOut_JobNoX.txt) files produced for each job. The stderr file for a job should be checked if a job fails to produce an output TFile. The stdlog file for a job shows any output to terminal that would be created if the executable was run locally. The stdout file shows a summary of the job prepared by the scheduler showing time taken, memory usage, and stderr file for the job.

After scripts/ has submitted all your jobs it will dump some useful information for how to check running jobs and kill running jobs if necessary. The scripts/ will also show how to add all output TFiles together from command line using hadd. After you have added all TFiles together you should run the framework over this summary TFile in re-run mode to perform the fitting and uniformity analysis.

After you have had a chance to investigate the created run config files, submission scripts, stderr, stdlog, and stdout files you can safely remove them by calling:

source scripts/

For full example: GE11-VII-L-CERN-0001 config/configAnalysis.cfg config/Mapping_GE11-VII-L.cfg 1nh $DATA_DIR
hadd summaryFile_Ana.root *Ana.root
source scripts/
source scripts/ GE11-VII-L-CERN-0001 $DATA_DIR/GE11-VII-L-CERN-0001 config/configAnalysis.cfg config/Mapping_GE11-VII-L.cfg

NOTE: Modications to config/configRun_Template_Grid.cfg may lead to undefined behavior or failures; it is recommended to not modify the template config file.

If you are interested in merging only a subset of the output TFile's the scripts/ is provided to perform this task. The expected syntax is:

source <Output ROOT Filename w/Key Phrase> <Key Phrase> <Data File Directory> <Comma and/or Dash Delimited Run List>

Where: the Output ROOT Filename w/Key Phrase is the name of the merged ROOT file which includes a Key Phrase that the script will use string replacement to indicate the total number of events from the input run list (provided each input run has the field YYkEvt present in the filename); Data Directory is the PFP where the input data files to be merged are located; and Comma and/or Dash Delimited Run List is the list of input runs to be considered for merging. Example:

source GE11-VII-S-CERN-0002_Summary_Physics_RandTrig_XRay40kV99uA_580uA_YYkEvt_Ana.root YY $DATA_DIR/GE11-VII-S-CERN-0002 133,135,137-158

Here the key phrase is YY and runs 133, 135, and 137 through 158 will be merged together to make GE11-VII-S-CERN-0002_Summary_Physics_RandTrig_XRay40kV99uA_580uA_YYkEvt_Ana.root with YY replaced with the total event number indicated in the filenames.

3.a.ii Helper Script - Run Mode: Grid (Reconstruction)

The script:


is for running the framework with the reconstruction option with the lxplus batch submission system using the scheduler bsub. This script will setup the run config file and launch one job for each input file in the data file directory below. The expected synatx is: <Detector Name> <Config File - Reco> <Config File - Mapping> <Queue Names> <Output Dir>

Where: the inputs are as in Section 3.a.i except that Config File - Reco is the PFN of the input reco config file. The behavior of this script is identical to except that the input files found in the detector's file directory on EOS end with the expression *.raw. For furhter details consult Section 3.a.i.

After all your jobs have completed you are ready to process the created *dataTree.root files with the framework in the analysis option (see Sections 3.a & 4.e.iii).

Full example: GE11-VII-L-CERN-0004 config/configReco.cfg config/Mapping_GE11-VII-L.cfg 1nh $DATA_DIR
source scripts/
source scripts/ GE11-VII-L-CERN-0004 $DATA_DIR/GE11-VII-L-CERN-0004 config/configAnalysis.cfg config/Mapping_GE11-VII-L.cfg

It is important to note that, unfortunately, the mapping file must be provided in two locations:

  • the Run Config file, and
  • the Reco Config file.

If you reconstruct one set of data with one mapping file, but then use a different mapping file to perform the analysis it is likely only empty histograms will be generated.

NOTE: Modications to config/configRun_Template_Grid_Reco.cfg may lead to undefined behavior or failures; it is recommended to not modify the template config file.

3.a.iii Helper Script - Run Mode: Rerun

The script:


is for running the framework with the analysis option over a previously produced framework output TFile. This script will setup the run config file to re-run over each input file found in the data file directory below. One output TFile will be produced for each input file. The expected synatx is:

source scripts/ <Detector Name> <Data File Directory> <Config File - Analysis> <Config File - Mapping>

Where: Detector Name is the detector serial number; and Data File Directory, Config File - Analysis, and Config File - Mapping are as described in Section 3.a.i. After calling this script it is recommended to cross-check the created config/configRun.cfg file before executing the framework. This will let you ensure the correct set of input files will be re-analyzed.

The script will only consider files that end in *Ana.root, the output of each will be *NewAna.root.

Full example:

source scripts/ GE11-VII-L-CERN-0001 $DATA_DIR/GE11-VII-L-CERN-0001 config/configAnalysis.cfg config/Mapping_GE11-VII-L.cfg
./frameworkMain config/configRun.cfg true

NOTE: Modications to config/configRun_Template_Rerun.cfg may lead to undefined behavior or failures; it is recommended to not modify the template config file.

3.a.iv Helper Script - Run Mode: Series

The script:


is for running the framework with the analysis option over a set of input files in series, i.e. one after the other, and creating a single output TFile. The expected syntax is:

source <Detector Name> <Data File Directory> <Config File - Analysis> <Config File - Mapping> <Output Data Filename>

Where: Detector Name, Data File Directory, Config File - Analysis, and Config File - Mapping are as described in Sections 3.a.i and 3.a.ii; and Output Data Filename is the desired name of the output TFile to be created. After calling this script it is recommended to cross-check the created config/configRun.cfg file before executing the framework. This will let you ensure the correct set of input files will be analyzed.

Full example:

source GE11-VII-L-CERN-0001 $DATA_DIR/GE11-VII-L-CERN-0001 config/configAnalysis.cfg config/Mapping_GE11-VII-L.cfg GE11-VII-L-CERN-0001_FrameworkAna.root
./frameworkMain config/configRun.cfg true

Right now no helper script exists for running the reconstruction or combined options in the series mode. Presently these modes can only be run over a single input file. Manual configuration of the run config file is required (See Section 4.e.iii).

NOTE: Modications to config/configRun_Template_Series.cfg may lead to undefined behavior or failures; it is recommended to not modify the template config file.

3.a.v Helper Script - Run Mode: Comparison

The script:


is for running the framework with the analysis option over a set of framework output files and creating a single output TFile containing a TCanvas with a set of TH1F objects drawn on it (and also stored in the ROOT file). The expected syntax is:

source <Data File Directory> <Output Data Filename> <Obs Name> <iEta,iPhi,iSlice> <Identifier>


  • Data File Directory is as above;
  • Output Data Filename is the name of the output TFile;
  • Obs Name is a regular expression found in the TName of the TH1F objects you wish to compare from your set of input files;
  • iEta,iPhi,iSlice is a comma separated triplet of the (iEta,iPhi,iSlice) coordinate within the detector; and
  • Identifier is a regular expression contained in the filenames of each of your input files found in the Data File Directory.

When giving the Obs Name this is the ObservableNameX referred to in Section 4.f.i. To familiarize yourself with the possible inputs it is suggestion to run the framework in one of the above outputs and study the produced TFile.

For the iEta,iPhi,iSlice field you must always enter a set of three integers. However, you can access observables created at either the Summary, SectorEta, SectorPhi, or Slice level (Again see Section 4.f.i) based on the input that is given. The following table shows how to access observables at each level:

Obs Level iEta iPhi iSlice
Summary -1 -1 -1
SectorEta iEta -1 -1
SectorPhi iEta iPhi -1
Slice iEta iPhi iSlice

As you can see by placing -1 in the relevant coordinate point you can select the level you are interested in.

Since this is a different run mode, to prevent any previous Run Config file from being over-written, this script will produce a Run Config file called:


this should help you distinguish your different configurations. After calling this script it is recommended to cross-check the created config/configComp.cfg file before executing the framework. This will let you ensure the correct set of input files will be analyzed.

Full example:

source data/clustSelStudy/GE11-VII-L-CERN-0002 GE11-VII-L-CERN-0002_ClustSize_Comparison.root clustADC 4,2,-1 ClustSize

In this example the contents of my Data File Directory are:

% ls data/clustSelStudy/GE11-VII-L-CERN-0002

you can see the Identifier regular expression is ClustSize which is contained in each filename as ClustSizeX for X = {1to20,1,2,...,5,6}. And the observable I will be comparing across these files is the clustADC TH1F found in the (iEta,iPhi) = (4,2) sector. Since iSlice = -1 the full SectorPhi is considered.

Right now this mode is somewhat primitive. If you enter an Obs Name and (iEta,iPhi,iSlice) combination that does not exist it will crash and seg-fault. If this occurs please double-check your input file. Note that there is a difference between clustADC and ClustADC with the former working, and the latter causing a seg fault (i.e. the "c" is not capitalized).

NOTE: Modications to config/configComp_Template.cfg may lead to undefined behavior or failures; it is recommended to not modify the template config file.

3.b. genericPlotter

As with frameworkMain for each new shell navigate to the base directory of the repository and setup the environment via:

source scripts/

The usage for the genericPlotter executable is:

./genericPlotter <PFN of Plot Config File> <Verbose Mode true/false>

The Plot Config file is described in Section 4.e.iv. The executable can take in comma separted data or TObjects from an input TFile. Presently TGraph, TGraph2D, TGraphErrors, TH1F, and TH2F objects are supported.

The genericPlotter will create a canvas following the official CMS style guide for figures defined by the CMS Collaboration. Developers should periodically check for updates to these guidelines. This executable has been adaptered from the tdrstyle.C, CMS_lumi.h, and CMS_lumi.C scripts available from the first link. Bob Brown, Gautier Hamel de Monchenault, and Dino Ferencek are the authors/contributors to these three scripts at the time of their adaptation.

For a full explanation of the available configurations please consult Section 4.e.iv. The contents and layout of the output files are described in Section 4.f.iii.

Five example plot config files for plotting:

  • TGraph,
  • TGraph2D,
  • TGraphErrors,
  • TH1F, and
  • TH2F

objects have been provided in the default repository. A usage example is given as:

./genericPlotter config/configPlot_Graph.cfg true

As a general rule the style defined by genericPlotter may not persist in the created TObjects once they have been saved in the output TFile. Additionally your rootlogon.C script may define a different style than the used in the official CMS guide. As a result it is strongly suggested to relying on the output image files created by genericPlotter and not the output ROOT file.

3.b.i Helper Script - Make All Plots

The helper script:


Has been created for you to easily make plots for all plot config files that are defined in a given directory. This can help automatize the plot making procedure. The expected syntax is:

source scripts/ <Plot Config File Directory>

Where Plot Config File Directory is the directory where your plot config files are found. Note your plot config files must have the *.cfg extension to be recognized. An example call is given as:

source scripts/ figures/ResponseUniformityMaps

this will then execute genericPlotter taking each *.cfg file in the figures/ResponseUniformityMaps directory.

3.b.ii.I Helper Script - Parsing Excel Files to genericPlotter - Arbitary Excel File tool is designed to read selected columns from an excel file and produce a config file for genericPlotter as described in session: 4.e.iv. Plot Config File.

The following PlotOptions are defined:

Field Name Type Description
-h, --help All the options that are available are displayed.
-f, --file list of strings Add an entry to the input excel file list.
--OutputName string Set Output file name, default is: PlotConfig.
--SelectSheetNum int Select the Excel sheet for reading, default is:0 (counting starts from 0).
--SelectColumnX int Select Column number for X data, default value is 0 (counting starts from 0).
--SelectColumnY int Select Column number for Y data, default value is 0 (counting starts from 0).
--SelectRowStart int Select the first Row for reading, default is 1 (counting starts from 0).
--SelectRowEnd int Select the last Row for reading, default is 60 (counting starts from 0).
--AxisNDiv Two comma separated int's Set Axis Ndivisions X,Y. Corresponds to the Canv_Axis_NDiv header parameter described in Section 4.e.iv.I HEADER PARAMETERS - CANVAS. Default is: 508,510
--CanvDim Two comma separated int's Set Canvas Dimensions X,Y. Corresponds to the Canv_Dim header parameter described in Section 4.e.iv.I HEADER PARAMETERS - CANVAS. Default is: 1000,1000
--CanvDrawOpt string Choose the Draw option that will be applied to all plots on this canvas.Corresponds to the Canv_DrawOpt header parameter described in Section 4.e.iv.I HEADER PARAMETERS - CANVAS. Default is: APE1
--CanvGridXY Two comma separated bool's Choose if the grid should be drawn on the canvas.Corresponds to the Canv_Grid_XY header parameter described in Section 4.e.iv.I HEADER PARAMETERS - CANVAS. Default is: false,false
--LatexLines list of strings Add an entry to the LatexLines list following syntax:Coord_PadX,Coord_PadY,text.Corresponds to the Canv_Latex_Line header parameter described in Section 4.e.iv.I HEADER PARAMETERS - CANVAS.
--CanvLegDimX Two comma separated floats Set X Legend Dimensions.Corresponds to the Canv_Legend_Dim_X header parameter described in Section 4.e.iv.I HEADER PARAMETERS - CANVAS. Default is: 0.20,0.60
--CanvLegDimY Two comma separated floats As CanvLegDimX but for the Y coordinates. Default is: 0.56,0.92
--CanvLegDraw string Set the Legend draw option to true or false. Corresponds to the Canv_Legend_Draw header parameter described in Section 4.e.iv.I HEADER PARAMETERS - CANVAS. Default is: true
--CanvLogXY Two comma separated bool's As CanvGridXY but for setting the X & Y axis to logarithmic. Default is: false,false
--CanvLogoPos int Indicates the position the CMS logo should be placed.Corresponds to the Canv_Logo_Pos header parameter described in Section 4.e.iv.I HEADER PARAMETERS - CANVAS . Default is: 0
--CanvLogoPrelim string Set Logo Preliminary true or false. Corresponds to the Canv_Logo_Prelim header parameter described in Section 4.e.iv.I HEADER PARAMETERS - CANVAS. Default is: true
--CanvMarginBot float Sets the bottom margin of the TCanvas. Corresponds to the Canv_Margin_Bot header parameter described in Section 4.e.iv.I HEADER PARAMETERS - CANVAS. Default is: 0.14
--CanvMarginLf float Sets the left margin of the TCanvas. Corresponds to the Canv_Margin_Lf header parameter described in Section 4.e.iv.I HEADER PARAMETERS - CANVAS. Default is: 0.16
--CanvMarginRt float Sets the right margin of the TCanvas.Corresponds to the Canv_Margin_Rt header parameter described in Section 4.e.iv.I HEADER PARAMETERS - CANVAS. Default is: 0.06
--CanvMarginTop float Sets the top margin of the TCanvas. Corresponds to the Canv_Margin_Top header parameter described in Section 4.e.iv.I HEADER PARAMETERS - CANVAS. Default is: 0.08
--CanvPlotType string Set the Canvas Plot type. Corresponds to the Canv_Plot_Type header parameter described in Section 4.e.iv.I HEADER PARAMETERS - CANVAS. Default is: TGraphErrors
--CanvRangeX Two comma separated int's Set X-Axis range. Corresponds to the Canv_Range_X header parameter described in Section 4.e.iv.I HEADER PARAMETERS - CANVAS. Default is: 0,1000
--CanvRangeY Two comma separated int's As CanvRangeX but for the Y-axis. Default is: 0,7
--CanvTitleX string Set X-Axis Title. Corresponds to the Canv_Title_X header parameter described in Section 4.e.iv.I HEADER PARAMETERS - CANVAS.
--CanvTitleY string Set Y-Axis Title. Corresponds to the Canv_Title_Y header parameter described in Section 4.e.iv.I HEADER PARAMETERS - CANVAS.
--CanvTitleOffsetX float Defines the offset of the X-axis title. Corresponds to the Canv_Title_Offset_X header parameter described in Section 4.e.iv.I HEADER PARAMETERS - CANVAS. Default is: 1.0
--CanvTitleOffsetY float As CanvTitleOffsetX but for the Y-axis. Corresponds to the Canv_Title_Offset_Y header parameter described in Section 4.e.iv.I HEADER PARAMETERS - CANVAS. Default is: 0.8
--CanvName string Set the Canvas Name for Canv_Name header parameter described in 4.e.iv.I HEADER PARAMETERS - CANVAS. Default is: LS2_Detectors.
--YaxisScale bool If YaxisScale option is used the Y axis is plotted in kUnit. Default is: False.
--SetErrX bool Set Error option true (for X axis).
--SetErrY bool Set Error option true (for Y axis).
--SelectColumnErrX int If SetErrX=True choose the Column number for XError, Default is: 0.
--SelectColumnErrY int If SetErrY=True choose the Column number for YError, Default is: 0.
--PlotLineSize float Set Plot Line Size for Plot_Line_Size header parameter described in 4.e.iv.II HEADER PARAMETERS - PLOT. Default is: 1.
--PlotLineStyle float Set Plot Line Style for Plot_Line_Style header parameter described in 4.e.iv.II HEADER PARAMETERS - PLOT. Default is: 1.
--PlotMarkerSize float Set Plot Line Style for Plot_Marker_Size header parameter described in 4.e.iv.II HEADER PARAMETERS - PLOT. Default is: 0.8.
--Fit bool If the Fit option is used the header parameters for the fit are created .
--FitFormula string Set the fit formula for Fit_Formula header parameter described in Section 4.e.iv.III. Default is [0].
--FitParamIGuess Comma separated list of strings Set fit parameters initial guess. Corresponds to the Fit_Param_IGuess header parameter described in Section 4.e.iv.III HEADER PARAMETERS - FIT. Default is: 0
--FitRange Comma separated list of strings Set the Fit range for Fit_Range header parameter described in Section 4.e.iv.III HEADER PARAMETERS - FIT, default is 0,1000.
--FitPerform string If true (default) perform a fit to the TObject defined in the [BEGIN_PLOT] header this [BEGIN_FIT] header is found in.
--FitLineSize float Set the Fit Line Size for Fit_Line_Size header parameter described in Section 4.e.iv.III HEADER PARAMETERS - FIT, default is: 1 .
--FitLineStyle float Set the Fit Line Style for Fit_Line_Style header parameter described in Section 4.e.iv.III HEADER PARAMETERS - FIT, default is: 1 .

For full example:

  1. As with frameworkMain for each new shell navigate to the base directory of the repository and execute:
source scripts/ —-PlotOption1=<Desired Value> —-PlotOption2=<Desired Value> ...


  • PlotOption1 and PlotOption2 are the desired PlotOptions described in the table above.
  • Desired value is the value that the user wants to give to this particular PlotOption. For the PlotOptions that no values are provided by the user the default values are set.
  1. After executing the command above, a .cfg file will be created in the base directory of the repository. If the user doesn't select the name of the .cfg file by adding the option --OutputName=SomeName in the command line above, the default name PlotConfig.cfg will be set.

An example of the produced config file is shown in session: 4.e.iv.VI Example Config File - TGraph. The Plot_LegEntry for every plot is automatically set to be the detector serial number found in the excel filename.

Moreover if the fit option is added in the command above: —-PlotOption1=<Desired Value> —-PlotOption2=<Desired Value> --Fit

the header parameters for the fit will be created as shown here: 4.e.iv.IX Example Config File - TH1F. If the user doesn't provide values for the rest fit PlotOptions the default values will be given to all the fit parameters.

  1. To produce the graph follow the instructions described in session: 3.b. genericPlotter

3.b.ii.II Helper Script - Parsing Excel Files to genericPlotter - QC Excel File

Scripts Available:,,,,

These scripts are designed to give specific instructions to the script about the style and the columns plotted depending on the kind of test. For example if the script is selected the columnY= 2 (corresponds to the pressure(mbar) column) vs columnX= 1 (corresponds to the time(s) column) will be plotted. Moreover the title axis names are set and the latex lines: LS2 Detector Production and Gas=CO2 will be plotted on the graph. The user is able to open and modify the produced config file in case some of the PlotOptions that are set are not the desirable ones.

The following PlotOptions are already set: :

--CanvTitleX=Time #left(s#right)
--CanvTitleY=Pressure #left(mbar#right)
--LatexLines=0.62,0.86, #splitline{LS2}{Detector~Production}
--LatexLines=0.62,0.27, Gas~=~CO_{2}

For full example:

  1. As before for each new shell navigate to the base directory of the repository and execute:

    source scripts/ --file=Filename1.xlsm --file=Filename2.xlsm --Fit


If the Fit option is used the following options are set automatically for the fit:



  1. After executing the command, a .cfg file will be created as before in the base directory of the repository. In the case that more than one input files are selected (like in our example) the output name is automatically set to be:


If only one input file is selected the default name is:

config_FileName.cfg :

--CanvTitleX=Divider Current #left(#muA#right)
--CanvTitleY=Applied Voltage #left(kV#right)
--LatexLines=0.62,0.86, #splitline{LS2}{Detector~Production}
--LatexLines=0.62,0.27, Gas~=~CO_{2}

Moreover if the Fit PlotOption is used the following options are set for the fit:

--FitParamIGuess=Req,5   (where Req is the measured resistance from the excel file) 

For full example:

Follow steps 1-2 described in example.

The output filename in case of one input file will be:




in case of multiple input files.

--CanvTitleX=Divider Current #left(#muA#right)
--CanvTitleY=Spurious Signal R_{SS} #left(Hz#right)
--LatexLines=0.62,0.86, #splitline{LS2}{Detector~Production}
--LatexLines=0.62,0.27, Gas~=~CO_{2}
--LatexLines=0.58,0.73, Readout~=~GEM3B

For full example:

Follow steps 1-2 described in example.

The output filename in case of one input file will be:




in case of multiple input files.

--CanvTitleX=Divider Current #left(#muA#right)
--CanvTitleY=Effective Gain
--LatexLines=0.19,0.88, LS2~Detector~Production
--LatexLines=0.19,0.83, Gas~=~Ar/CO_{2}~#left(70/30#right)
--LatexLines=0.19,0.78, X-Ray~Target:~Ag
--LatexLines=0.19,0.73, X-Ray~V_{mon}~=~40~kV
--LatexLines=0.19,0.68, X-Ray~I_{mon}~~~=~5~#muA
--LatexLines=0.19,0.63, i#eta~=~4;~i#phi~=~2

For full example:

Follow steps 1-2 described in example.

The output filename in case of one input file will be:




in case of multiple input files.

--CanvTitleX=Divider Current #left(#muA#right)
--CanvTitleY=Rate #left(Hz#right)
--LatexLines=0.19,0.88, LS2~Detector~Production
--LatexLines=0.19,0.83, Gas~=~Ar/CO_{2}~#left(70/30#right)
--LatexLines=0.19,0.78, X-Ray~Target:~Ag
--LatexLines=0.19,0.73, X-Ray~V_{mon}~=~40~kV
--LatexLines=0.19,0.68, X-Ray~I_{mon}~~~=~5~#muA
--LatexLines=0.19,0.63, i#eta~=~4;~i#phi~=~2

For full example:

Follow steps 1-2 described in example.

The output filename in case of one input file will be:




in case of multiple input files.

3.c. Python Scripts

A set of python analysis tools has been added to assist the user in further analysis of data created with the Framework. The mathematical framework for the following sections is described here. This may be helpful in attempting to understand the results produced by the python tools described below.

3.c.i Analysis Suite - Gain Map

This tool takes results from the effective gain calibration (QC5_Eff_Gain) and response uniformity (QC5_Resp_Uni) measurements to determine the gain at every point across the detector. As with frameworkMain for each new shell navigate to the base directory of the repository and setup the environment via:

source scripts/

The usage for the script is: --file=<Framework Output File> --gp0=<Gain P0> --gp0Err=<Gain P0Err> --gp1=<Gain P1> --gp1Err=<Gain P1Err> --name=<Detector Name> --hvPoint=<HV Val> --hvlist=<HV List> --fileMap=<Config File - Mapping>


  • Framework Output File is the PFN of the analyzed framework output file produced from the QC5_Resp_Uni measurement;
  • Gain P0, Gain P0Err, Gain P1, and Gain P1Err are values of the parameters, and their errors, of a fit to the QC5_Eff_Gain data where the equation of fit is described as G(x) = exp([0]*x+[1]) with x some hvPt observable (either drift voltage or divider current);
  • Detector Name is the exact string assigned to the Detector_Name field in the run config file you supplied when creating the given Framework Output File;
  • HV Val is the value of the hvPt observable (either drift voltage or divider current) for which the QC5_Resp_Uni measurement was carried out at (note: this must match with how the gain curve is parameterized);
  • HV List is a comma separated list of HV points you would like the gain map calculated at (again this must match how gain curve is parameterized); and
  • Config File - Mapping is the input mapping config file used to produce the analyzed framework output file.

An example call is given as: --file=FrameworkOutput.root --gp0=3.49545e-02 --gp0Err=1.98035e-04 --gp1=-1.40236e+01 --gp1Err=1.28383e-01 --name=GE11-VII-L-CERN-0002 --hvPoint=580 --hvlist=600,625,650,660,670,680,690,700,710,720,730 --fileMap=config/Mapping_GE11-VII-L.cfg

Here the gain curve was parameterized in terms of divider current and as a result the hvPoint and hvlist fields are also given in terms of divider current. If you would like to analyze multiple files simultaneously, or prefer to not type everything in on command line, the helper script:


has been created to assist you. The expected synatx is:

source <Summary File>

where Summary File is a tab delimited data file where each line has the command line arguments you would pass for a single single detector. Specifically the order is expected as:

file	gp0	gp0Err	gp1	gp1Err	name	hvPoint	hvlist  fileMap

Where these fields are described in the following table:

Field Description
file physical filename of the Framework output file
gp0 Value of p0 in G(x) = exp(p0*x+p1)
gp0Err Error on p0 in G(x) = exp(p0*x+p1)
gp1 Value of p1 in G(x) = exp(p0*x+p1)
gp1Err Error on p1 in G(x) = exp(p0*x+p1)
name String assigned to Detector_Name field in the run config file used to make the Framework output file
hvPoint HV value at which the original QC5_Resp_Uni measurement was performed at
hvlist comma separated list of hv points for which the gain map should be calculated at
fileMap physical filename of the mapping config file used to generate the Framework output file

in the above table x in G(x) = exp(p0*x+p1) is either in terms divider current or V_Drift. For each entry in the Summary File the python/ script will be called and generate the appropriate output file.

3.c.ii Analysis Suite - Efficiency Predictions

This tool takes results from the effective gain calibration (QC5_Eff_Gain), response uniformity (QC5_Resp_Uni) measurements, MIP cluster charge measurements, and MIP cluster size measurements to determine the gain and efficiency at every point across the detector. As with frameworkMain for each new shell navigate to the base directory of the repository and setup the environment via:

source scripts/

The usage for the script is:  --file=<Efficiency Predictor Config File> --debug=<True/False>

Where the Efficiency Predictor Config File is described in Section 4.e.v and the debug flag is a True/False value which will print more verbose information to the terminal. An example call is given as: --file=config/configEffPredictor.cfg --deubg=True

4. Documentation

This section describes the C++ contents of the repository, the expected inputs, and the produced outputs. Developers should have a firm grasp of this entire section; users need only be concerned with sections 4.e and 4.f. However users may be interested in understanding what TObjects are created/stored in the output ROOT file and may wish to browse the sections below.

4.a. Namespaces

This repository has declared the following namespaces: Luminosity, Plotter, Timing, Uniformity. The last three of these namespaces reside within the QualityControl namespace. The Luminosity and Plotter namespaces include tools necessary for creating plots conforming to the offical CMS Style Guide.

The Timing namespace includes several operators, types, and utility functions that were developed in CMS_GEM_TB_Timing; the contents of the Timing namespace offer substantial utility and "quality of life features."

The Uniformity namespace contains the majority of source code for analyzing response uniformity measurements performed for GE1/1 detectors; and hopefully GE2/1 & ME0 detectors in the future.

4.b. C++ Class Map

Inheritance relations:

    |       |
    |       |--->AnalyzeResponseUniformityClusters
    |       |--->AnalyzerResponseUniformityHits
    |       |--->Visualizer
    |               |
    |               |--->VisualizeComparison
    |               |--->VisualizeUniformity
    |       |
    |       |--->InterfaceAnalysis
    |       |--->InterfaceReco  (Skeleton, not implemented yet)
    |       |--->InterfaceRun   (Depreciated)




The following classes have no children presently:

  • DetectorMPGD
  • SRSAPVEvent
  • SRSCluster
  • SRSConfiguration
  • SRSEventBuilder
  • SRSFECDecoder
  • SRSHit
  • SRSMain
  • SRSMapping
  • SRSOutputROOT

Friendship relations:

  • AnalyzeResponseUniformity, AnalyzeResponseUniformityClusters, AnalyzeResponseUniformityHits,
  • InterfaceAnalysis, and ParameterLoaderDetector are all friend classes to DetectorMPGD.


  • Classes ParameterLoaderDetector, those inheriting from Selector, and those inheriting from

  • AnalyzeResponseUniformity all act on an object of DetectorMPGD.

  • The ParameterLoaderAnalysis class interacts with objects who inherit from Selector and

  • AnalyzResponseUniformity classes.

The table below gives a brief description of some of the major classes used in the Framework:

Class Description
InterfaceAnalysis interface between main() and the analysis portion of the framework; runs the analysis for loaded case.
ParameterLoaderAnalysis sets up the user specified analysis; this info is passed separately to Selector & AnalyzeResponseUniformity classes (and their inherited classes).
ParameterLoaderDetector creates a DetectorMPGD object
ParameterLoaderFit loads necessary information for fits
ParameterLoaderPlotter loads necessary information for making a plot conforming to the CMS Style Guide
ParameterLoaderRun sets up the run configuration, the files to be analyzed, and what analysis stages (e.g. hits, clusters, fitting, etc...) to be exectued.
PlotterGeneric And it's inherited classes create a TCanvas with one or more TObjects drawn on it such that it conforms to the CMS Style Guide
ReadoutSector A single readout sector, used by DetectorMPGD to track distributions in a certain portion of the detector
ReadoutSectorEta As ReadoutSector, but for an iEta row inside the detector, stores the detector's ReadoutSectorPhi objects
ReadoutSectorPhi As ReadoutSectorEta, but for an iPhi sector within an iEta row, stores the detector's hits, clusters, and slices
SelectorCluster Assigned an input DetectorMPGD object the opens an input root file and performs the cluster selection; selected clusters are stored based on their location in the DetectorMPGD object.
SelectorHit As SelectorCluster but for hits (e.g. single strips).
AnalyzeResponseUniformityCluster Acts on a DetectorMPGD object that has stored clusters and performs the user requested analysis
AnalyzeResponseUniformityHit As AnalyzeResponseUniformityCluster but for hits.
VisualizeUniformity Takes the raw plots produced by AnalyzeResponseUniformity and presents them in a user friendly manner.
VisualizeComparison Compares TH1F objects from different Framework output files and makes simple comparison plots

An example process-flow of what frameworkMain does in a given execution is shown as:

    |->ParameterLoaderRun loads run parameters from run config file
    |->Run Option Analysis
    |       |
    |       |->ParameterLoaderDetector creates a DetectorMPGD Object
    |       |
    |       |->ParameterLoaderAnalysis & ParameterLoaderFit load analysis parameters from analysis config file
    |       |
    |       |->InterfaceAnalysis is given run & analyiss setup structs, and DetectorMPGD object
    |               |
    |               |->Reconstructed Tree File Input?
    |               |       |
    |               |       |->SelectorHit performs hit selection and stores selected hits in DetectorMPGD object
    |               |       |
    |               |       |->AnalyzeResponseUniformityHits makes distributions from selected hits
    |               |       |
    |               |       |->SelectorCluster does the same for clusters
    |               |       |
    |               |       |->AnalyzeResponseUniformityClusters makes distributions from selected clusters
    |               |       |
    |               |       |->After all input files are processed AnalyzeResponseUniformityClusters makes & fits slice distributions
    |               |       |
    |               |       |->VisualizeUniformity creates summary plots
    |               |
    |               |->Framework output file as input?
    |                       |
    |                       |->AnalyzeResponseUniformityClusters loads all previously created TObjects from file
    |                       |
    |                       |->AnalyzeResponseUniformityClusters then makes then fits slice distributions
    |                       |
    |                       |->VisualizeUniformity creates summary plots
    |->Run Option Comparison
    |       |
    |       |->VisualizeComparison collects all TH1F objects for comparison from all input files
    |       |
    |       |->VisualizeComparison collected TH1F objects and sets up a legend for identification
    |->Run Option Reconstruction
    |       |
    |       |->SRSMain produces a Tree file from a RD51 SRS raw file (BLACK BOX!!!)
    |->Run Option Combined
            |->Run Option Reconstruction is executed
            |->Run Option Analysis is executed

The following sections give further documentation about the C++ classes in the Framework.

4.b.i. FrameworkBase

Defined in include/FrameworkBase.h Non-inherited member attributes shown below.

Public Constructors

Public Member Functions
    virtual Uniformity::DetectorMPGD getDetector();
    virtual int getRunNum();

    virtual void setAnalysisParameters(Uniformity::AnalysisSetupUniformity inputSetup);
    virtual void setDetector(Uniformity::DetectorMPGD & inputDet);
    virtual void setRunNum(int iInput);
    virtual void setRunParameters(Uniformity::RunSetup inputSetup);
    virtual void setVerboseMode(bool bInput);

Protected Attributes
    bool bVerboseMode;
    int iNum_Run;

    QualityControl::Uniformity::RunSetup rSetup;
    QualityControl::Uniformity::AnalysisSetupUniformity aSetup;
    QualityControl::Uniformity::DetectorMPGD detMPGD;

4.b.ii. Analyzers & Visualization

Coming "soon"

4.b.ii.I AnalyzeResponseUniformity

Defined in include/AnalyzeResponseUniformity.h Inherits from FrameworkBase. Non-inherited member attributes shown below.

Public Types
    typedef exprtk::symbol_table<float> symbol_table_t;
    typedef exprtk::expression<float> expression_t;
    typedef exprtk::parser<float> parser_t;

Public Constructors
    AnalyzeResponseUniformity(Uniformity::AnalysisSetupUniformity inputSetup, Uniformity::DetectorMPGD & inputDet);

Protected Member Functions
    void calcStatistics(Uniformity::SummaryStatistics &inputStatObs, multiset<float> &mset_fInputObs, std::string strObsName);
    bool isQualityFit(std::shared_ptr<TF1> fitInput);
    bool isQualityFit(std::shared_ptr<TF1> fitInput, int iPar);
    TF1 getFit(int iEta, int iPhi, int iSlice, Timing::HistoSetup & setupHisto, shared_ptr<TH1F> hInput, TSpectrum &specInput );
    float getParsedInput(string &strInputExp, shared_ptr<TH1F> hInput, TSpectrum &specInput);
    TGraphErrors getGraph(int iEta, int iPhi, Timing::HistoSetup &setupHisto);
    TH1F getHistogram(int iEta, int iPhi, Timing::HistoSetup &setupHisto);
    TH2F getHistogram2D(int iEta, int iPhi, Timing::HistoSetup &setupHisto_X, Timing::HistoSetup &setupHisto_Y);
    string getNameByIndex(int iEta, int iPhi, int iSlice, string & strInputPrefix, string & strInputName);
    string getNameByIndex(int iEta, int iPhi, int iSlice, const string & strInputPrefix, const string & strInputName);
    float getParam( shared_ptr<TF1> fitInput, Timing::HistoSetup & setupHisto, string strParam );
    float getParamError( shared_ptr<TF1> fitInput, Timing::HistoSetup & setupHisto, string strParam );
    float getValByKeyword(string strInputKeyword, shared_ptr<TH1F> hInput, TSpectrum &specInput);

Protected Attributes
    string strAnalysisName;
    vector<string> vec_strSupportedKeywords;

4.b.ii.II AnalyzeResponseUniformityClusters

Defined in include/AnalyzeResponseUniformityClusters.h. Inherits from AnalyzeResponseUniformity. Non-inherited member attributes shown below.

Public Constructors
    AnalyzeResponseUniformityClusters(Uniformity::AnalysisSetupUniformity inputSetup, Uniformity::DetectorMPGD & inputDet);

Public Member Functions
    virtual void fillHistos(DetectorMPGD & inputDet)
    virtual void fitHistos(DetectorMPGD & inputDet)

    virtual void initGraphsClusters(DetectorMPGD & inputDet);
    virtual void initHistosClusters(DetectorMPGD & inputDet);
    virtual void initHistosClustersByRun(int iInputRunNo, DetectorMPGD & inputDet);

    virtual void loadHistosFromFile(std::string & strInputMappingFileName, std::string & strInputROOTFileName);
    virtual void loadHistosFromFile(std::string & strInputMappingFileName, TFile * file_InputRootFile);

    void storeHistos(std::string & strOutputROOTFileName, std::string strOption, DetectorMPGD & inputDet);
    void storeHistos(TFile * file_InputRootFile, DetectorMPGD & inputDet);

    void storeFits(std::string & strOutputROOTFileName, std::string strOption, DetectorMPGD & inputDet);
    void storeFits(TFile * file_InputRootFile, DetectorMPGD & inputDet);

4.b.ii.III AnalyzeResponseUniformityHits

Defined in include/AnalyzeResponseUniformityHits.h. Inherits from AnalyzeResponseUniformity. Non-inherited member attributes shown below.

Public Constructors
    AnalyzeResponseUniformityHits(Uniformity::AnalysisSetupUniformity inputSetup);

Public Member Functions
    virtual void fillHistos(DetectorMPGD & inputDet);
    virtual void findDeadStrips(DetectorMPGD & inputDet, std::string & strOutputTextFileName);
    virtual void fitHistos(DetectorMPGD & inputDet);

    virtual void initHistosHits(DetectorMPGD & inputDet);

    virtual void loadHistosFromFile(std::string & strInputMappingFileName, std::string & strInputROOTFileName);

    void storeHistos(std::string & strOutputROOTFileName, std::string strOption, DetectorMPGD & inputDet);
    void storeHistos(TFile * file_InputRootFile, DetectorMPGD & inputDet);

    void storeFits(std::string & strOutputROOTFileName, std::string strOption, DetectorMPGD & inputDet);

4.b.ii.IV Visualizer

Defined in include/Visualizer.h. Inherits from AnalyzeResponseUniformity. Non-inherited member attributes shown below.

Public Constructors

Public Member Functions
    virtual void setAutoSaveCanvas(bool bInput){ m_bSaveCanvases = bInput; return; };

Protected Member Functions
    virtual void save2png(TCanvas & inputCanvas);
    virtual TPad *getPadEta(int iEta, int iNumEta);
    virtual TPad *getPadPhi(int iEta, int iNumEta, int iPhi, int iNumPhi);

Protected Attributes
    bool m_bSaveCanvases;

4.b.ii.V VisualizeComparison

Defined in include/VisualizeComparison.h. Inherits from Visualizer. Non-inherited member attributes shown below.

Public Constructors

Public Member Functions
    virtual void storeCanvasComparisonHisto()
    virtual void storeCanvasComparisonHisto(std::string strOutputROOTFileName, std::string strOption, std::string strObsName)
    virtual void storeCanvasComparisonHisto(TFile * file_InputRootFile, std::string strObsName)

    virtual void setDrawOption(std::string strInput)

    virtual void setIdentifier(std::string strInput)

    virtual void setInputFiles(std::vector<std::string> vec_strInput)

    virtual void setNormalize(bool bInput)

    virtual void setPosEta(int iInput);
    virtual void setPosEtaPhi(int iInputEta, int iInputPhi)
    virtual void setPosFull(int iInputEta, int iInputPhi, int iInputSlice)
    virtual void setPosPhi(int iInput)
    virtual void setPosSlice(int iInput)

    virtual void setRunParameters(Uniformity::RunSetup inputSetup)  //Intentially overrides FrameworkBase::setRunParameters(Uniformity::RunSetup inputSetup)

Private Methods
    virtual std::shared_ptr<TH1F> getObsHisto(TFile * file_InputRootFile, std::string strObsName)
    virtual std::map<std::string, std::shared_ptr<TH1F> > getObsHistoMap(std::string strObsName)

Private Attributes
    bool m_bNormalize

    int m_iEta
    int m_iPhi
    int m_iSlice

    std::string m_strIdent
    std::string m_strDrawOption

    std::vector<std::string> m_vec_strFileList;

4.b.ii.VI VisualizeUniformity

Defined in include/VisualizeUniformity.h. Inherits from Visualizer. Non-inherited member attributes shown below.

Public Constructors
    VisualizeUniformity(Uniformity::AnalysisSetupUniformity inputSetup, Uniformity::DetectorMPGD inputDet);

Public Member Functions
    virtual void makeAndStoreCanvasHisto2D(std::string & strOutputROOTFileName, std::string strOption, std::string strObsName, std::string strDrawOption);
    virtual void makeAndStoreCanvasHisto2D(TFile * file_InputRootFile, std::string strObsName, std::string strDrawOption);

    virtual void storeCanvasData(std::string & strOutputROOTFileName, std::string strOption, std::string strObsName, std::string strDrawOption);
    virtual void storeCanvasData(TFile * file_InputRootFile, std::string strObsName, std::string strDrawOption);

    virtual void storeCanvasFits(std::string & strOutputROOTFileName, std::string strOption, std::string strDrawOption);
    virtual void storeCanvasFits(TFile * file_InputRootFile, std::string strDrawOption);

    virtual void storeCanvasGraph(std::string & strOutputROOTFileName, std::string strOption, std::string strObsName, std::string strDrawOption, bool bShowPhiSegmentation);
    virtual void storeCanvasGraph(TFile * file_InputRootFile, std::string strObsName, std::string strDrawOption, bool bShowPhiSegmentation);

    virtual void storeCanvasGraph2D(std::string & strOutputROOTFileName, std::string strOption, std::string strObsName, std::string strDrawOption, bool bNormalize);
    virtual void storeCanvasGraph2D(TFile * file_InputRootFile, std::string strObsName, std::string strDrawOption, bool bNormalize);

    virtual void storeCanvasHisto(std::string & strOutputROOTFileName, std::string strOption, std::string strObsName, std::string strDrawOption, bool bShowPhiSegmentation);
    virtual void storeCanvasHisto(TFile * file_InputRootFile, std::string strObsName, std::string strDrawOption, bool bShowPhiSegmentation);

    virtual void storeCanvasHistoSegmented(std::string & strOutputROOTFileName, std::string strOption, std::string strObsName, std::string strDrawOption, bool bShowPhiSegmentation);
    virtual void storeCanvasHistoSegmented(TFile * file_InputRootFile, std::string strObsName, std::string strDrawOption, bool bShowPhiSegmentation);

    virtual void storeCanvasHisto2DHistorySegmented(std::string & strOutputROOTFileName, std::string strOption, std::string strObsName, std::string strDrawOption, bool bIsEta);
    virtual void storeCanvasHisto2DHistorySegmented(TFile * file_InputRootFile, std::string strObsName, std::string strDrawOption, bool bIsEta);

    virtual void storeListOfCanvasesGraph(std::string & strOutputROOTFileName, std::string strOption, std::map<std::string, std::string> & map_strObsNameAndDrawOpt, bool bShowPhiSegmentation);
    virtual void storeListOfCanvasesGraph(TFile * file_InputRootFile, std::map<std::string, std::string> & map_strObsNameAndDrawOpt, bool bShowPhiSegmentation);

    virtual void storeListOfCanvasesHisto(std::string & strOutputROOTFileName, std::string strOption, std::map<std::string, std::string> & map_strObsNameAndDrawOpt, bool bShowPhiSegmentation);
    virtual void storeListOfCanvasesHisto(TFile * file_InputRootFile, std::map<std::string, std::string> & map_strObsNameAndDrawOpt, bool bShowPhiSegmentation);

    virtual void storeListOfCanvasesHistoSegmented(std::string & strOutputROOTFileName, std::string strOption, std::map<std::string, std::string> & map_strObsNameAndDrawOpt, bool bShowPhiSegmentation);
    virtual void storeListOfCanvasesHistoSegmented(TFile * file_InputRootFile, std::map<std::string, std::string> & map_strObsNameAndDrawOpt, bool bShowPhiSegmentation);

Private Methods
    virtual TCanvas *getCanvasSliceFit(Uniformity::SectorSlice & inputSlice, int iEta, int iPhi, int iSlice, bool bDataOverFit);

    virtual Uniformity::SummaryStatistics getObsData(std::string strObsName);
    virtual std::shared_ptr<TGraphErrors> getObsGraph(std::string strObsName, Uniformity::ReadoutSectorEta &inputEta);
    virtual std::shared_ptr<TH1F> getObsHisto(std::string strObsName, Uniformity::ReadoutSector &inputSector);

    virtual std::map<int, std::shared_ptr<TH2F> > getMapObsHisto2D(std::string strObsName, Uniformity::ReadoutSector &inputSector);

    virtual std::shared_ptr<TH2F> getSummarizedRunHistoryHisto2D(std::map<int, std::shared_ptr<TH2F> > inputMapHisto2D, int iEta, int iPhi );

4.b.iii. Interfaces

4.b.iii.I Interface

Coming "soon"

4.b.iii.II InterfaceAnalysis

Coming "soon"

4.b.iii.III InterfaceReco

Skeleton class, not yet implemented

4.b.iii.IV InterfaceRun

Depreciated class, no longer used but kept in Framework.

4.b.iv. Selectors

These classes are for performing the cluster/event/hit selection specified by the user.

4.b.iv.I Selector

Coming "soon"

4.b.iv.II SelectorCluster

Coming "soon"

4.b.iv.III SelectorHit

Coming "soon"

4.b.v. Loaders

These classes are loading user specified parameters at runtime.

4.b.v.I ParameterLoaderAnalysis

Coming "soon"

4.b.v.II ParameterLoaderDetector

Coming "soon"

4.b.v.III ParameterLoaderFit

Coming "soon"

4.b.v.IV ParameterLoaderPlotter

Coming "soon"

4.b.v.V ParameterLoaderRun

Coming "soon" Plotters

Coming "soon" PlotterGeneric

Coming "soon" PlotterGraph

Coming "soon" PlotterGraph2D

Coming "soon" PlotterGraphErrors

Coming "soon" PlotterHisto

Coming "soon" PlotterHisto2D

Coming "soon"

4.b.vii. Readouts

Coming "soon"

4.b.vii.I ReadoutSector

More coming "soon". Defined in include/ReadoutSector.h. Non-inherited member attributes shown below.

Public Member Functions
    ReadoutSector(const ReadoutSector & other);

Public Attributs
    float fWidth;

    Uniformity::HistosPhysObj clustHistos;
    Uniformity::HistosPhysObj hitHistos;

These data members are described in the table below:

Data Member Description
fWidth Width of sector in mm along the x-dir at the sector's y-location
clustHistos Tracks observables for clusters
hitHistos Tracls observables for hits

4.b.vii.II ReadoutSectorEta

The Uniformity::ReadoutSectorEta represents one iEta row of a detector. Each instance of a Uniformity::ReadoutSectorEta will store nbConnect objects of a Uniformity::ReadoutSectorPhi class where nbConnect is a field found in the mapping file defining the number of readout conncetors per iEta row. Each object of a Uniformity::ReadoutSectorPhi will store Uniformity::AnalysisSetupUniformity::iUniformityGranularity number of Uniformity::SectorSlice struct objects. An object of a Uniformity::DetectorMPGD class will store a number of objects of Uniformity::ReadoutSectorEta as defined in the mapping file (e.g. number of DET rows).

Defined in include/ReadoutSectorEta.h. Inherits from ReadoutSector. Non-inherited member attributes shown below.

Public Member Functions
    ReadoutSectorEta(const ReadoutSectorEta & other);

Public Attributs
    float fPos_Y;

    std::map<int, Uniformity::ReadoutSectorPhi> map_sectorsPhi;

    std::shared_ptr<TGraphErrors> gEta_ClustADC_Fit_NormChi2;
    std::shared_ptr<TGraphErrors> gEta_ClustADC_Fit_PkPos;
    std::shared_ptr<TGraphErrors> gEta_ClustADC_Fit_PkRes;
    std::shared_ptr<TGraphErrors> gEta_ClustADC_Fit_Failures;

    std::shared_ptr<TGraphErrors> gEta_ClustADC_Spec_NumPks;
    std::shared_ptr<TGraphErrors> gEta_ClustADC_Spec_PkPos;

    ReadoutSectorEta & operator=(const ReadoutSectorEta & other);

Each of these items are described in the table below:

Data Member Description
fPos_Y Vertical Midpoint, in mm, of iEta row from wide base of trapezoid
map_sectorsPhi Container storing nbConnect instances of ReadoutSectorPhi objects
gEta_ClustADC_Fit_NormChi2 NormChi2 of fits from all SectorSlice::hSlice_ClustADC
gEta_ClustADC_Fit_PkPos ADC spec peak position from fits of all SectorSlice::hSlice_ClustADC
gEta_ClustADC_Fit_PkRes ADC spec peak resolution. Resolution is taken as (FWHM / Mean). The FWHM and mean are taken from the fit results from fits of all SectorSlice::hSlice_ClustADC. See Section 4.e.ii.IV for more details.
gEta_ClustADC_Fit_Failures As SectorEta::gEta_ClustADC_Fit_PkPos but for when the minimizer did not succeed in finding a minima
gEta_ClustADC_Spec_NumPks Number of peaks found in the SectorSlice::hSlice_ClustADC histogram; based on TSpectrum::Search() and TSpectrum::GetNPeaks()
gEta_ClustADC_Spec_PkPos As SectorEta::gEta_ClustADC_Fit_PkPos but from TSpectrum::Search() and TSpectrum::GetPositionX() instead of fitting

The copy constructor and one overloaded assignment operator perform a deep copy of the std::shared_ptr objects above.

4.b.vii.III ReadoutSectorPhi

Defined in include/ReadoutSectorPhi.h. Inherits from ReadoutSector. Non-inherited member attributes shown below.

Public Member Functions
    ReadoutSectorPhi(const ReadoutSectorPhi & other);

Public Attributs
    float fNFitSuccess;
    float fPos_Xlow;
    float fPos_Xhigh;

    int iStripNum_Min;
    int iStripNum_Max;

    std::map<int, Uniformity::SectorSlice> map_slices;

    std::multimap<int, Uniformity::Cluster> map_clusters;
    std::multimap<int, Uniformity::Hit> map_hits;

    ReadoutSectorPhi & operator=(const ReadoutSectorPhi & other);

Each of these items are described in the table below:

Data Member Description
fNFitSuccess Tracks the number of slices that were successfully fit
fPos_Xlow X lower boundary of iPhi sector, in mm, at ReadoutSectorEta::fPos_Y
fPos_Xhigh X upper boundary of iPhi sector, in mm, at ReadoutSectorEta::fPos_Y
iStripNum_Min lower bound of strip number for this iPhi sector, e.g. 0, 128, 256
iStripNum_Max upper bound of strip number for this iPhi sector, e.g. 127, 255, 383
map_slices Stores Uniformity::AnalysisSetupUniformity::iUniformityGranularity number of Uniformity::SectorSlice objects
map_clusters Stores clusters located in this iPhi sector. Here the key value is the event number the Cluster is associated with
map_hits As map_clusters but for Hits

The copy constructor and overloaded assignment operator perform a deep copy of the std::shared_ptr objects above.

4.b.viii. DetectorMPGD

Coming "soon"

4.c. Utilities

For utility functions defined in the Timing namespace see include/TimingUtilityFunctions.h and it's implementation in src/TimingUtilityFunctions.cpp. For utility functions defined in the Uniformity namespace see include/UniformityUtilityFunctions.h and it's implementation in src/UniformityUtilityFunctions.cpp.

4.c.i. Timing

Coming "soon"

4.c.ii. Uniformity

Coming "soon"

4.c.iii. Plotter

Coming "soon"

4.d Types

For types defined in the Timing namespace see include/TimingUtilityTypes.h and it's implementation in src/TimingUtilityTypes.cpp. For utility functions defined in the Uniformity namespace see include/UniformityUtilityTypes.h and it's implementation in src/UniformityUtilityTypes.cpp.

4.d.i. Timing

More Coming "soon"

The Timing::HistoSetup struct is used for storing user input defined in the Analysis Config file. Objects of this struct store values to be set to data members of TH1 and TF1 objects. An instance of the Timing::HistoSetup struct is used by private methods of the Uniformity::AnalyzeResponseUniformity class for producing & manipulating TH1 & TF1 objects.

Data members of Timing::HistoSetup struct relevant to the ROOT::TH1 class are shown in the table below:

Data Member Description
HistoSetup::fHisto_xLower lower x range of a TH1 object
HistoSetup::fHisto_xUpper upper x range of a TH1 object
HistoSetup::iHisto_nBins number of bins a TH1 object will have
HistoSetup::strHisto_Name TName of a TH1 object
HistoSetup::strHisto_Title_X X-axis title of a TH1 object
HistoSetup::strHisto_Title_Y Y-axis title of a TH1 object

Data members of Timing::HistoSetup struct relevant to the ROOT::TF1 class are shwon in the table below:

Data Member Description
HistoSetup::strFit_Formula TFormula of a TF1 object
HistoSetup::strFit_Name TName of a TF1 object
HistoSetup::strFit_Option Option to be used when fitting some TObject with a TF1
HistoSetup::vec_strFit_ParamMeaning Vector storing meaning of each fit parameter
HistoSetup::vec_strFit_ParamIGuess Vector storing initial guess of each parameter (stof conversion occurs)
HistoSetup::vec_strFit_ParamLimit_Min Vector storing lower bound of each parameter (stof conversion occurs)
HistoSetup::vec_strFit_ParamLimit_Max Vector storing upper bound of each parameter (stof conversion occurs)
HistoSetup::vec_strFit_Range Vector storing range of TF1 object

In the case of the vector members above, stof conversion occurs via the utility function Timing::stofSafe.

The following members of Timing::HistoSetup are not used presently (legacy from CMS_GEM_TB_Timing):

  • HistoSetup::bFit
  • HistoSetup::bFit_AutoRanging
  • HistoSetup::bIsTrig
  • HistoSetup::iTDC_Chan

4.d.ii. Uniformity

The list of structs defined in namespace Uniformity is as follows:

  • AnalysisSetupUniformity
  • Cluster
  • HistoPhysObj
  • Hit
  • RunSetup
  • SectorEta
  • SectorPhi
  • SectorSlice
  • SelParam
  • SummaryStatistics

Each of these items are described in detail below.

Several of the above structs have both copy constructors and overloaded assignment operators which perform a deep copy of all the objects stored in the struct.

4.d.ii.I AnalysisSetupUniformity

The AnalysisSetupUniformity struct stores user input defined in the Analysis Config file. This struct has one instance of a HistoSetup struct for each cluster physical obserable (e.g. ADC, position, etc...). Additionally this struct has one instance of a SelParam struct; which stores user input defined in the Analysis Config file for cluster selection.

Data members of Uniformity::AnalysisSetupUniformity are:

Data Member Description
AnalysisSetupUniformity::iEvt_First First event of TTree to process.
AnalysisSetupUniformity::iEvt_Total Total events of a TTree to process.
AnalysisSetupUniformity::iUniformityGranularity The level of granularity the analysis will be carried out on all iPhi sectors of a DetectorMPGD object (e.g. a value of 128 means at the strip level, a value of 2 means two groups of 64 strips).
AnalysisSetupUniformity::histoSetup_clustADC HistoSetup obejct for specifying cluster ADC TH1 and TF1 objects
AnalysisSetupUniformity::histoSetup_clustMulti HistoSetup obejct for specifying cluster multiplicity TH1 objects
AnalysisSetupUniformity::histoSetup_clustPos HistoSetup obejct for specifying cluster position TH1 objects
AnalysisSetupUniformity::histoSetup_clustSize HistoSetup obejct for specifying cluster size TH1 objects
AnalysisSetupUniformity::histoSetup_clustTime HistoSetup obejct for specifying cluster time bin TH1 objects
AnalysisSetupUniformity::histoSetup_hitADC HistoSetup object for specifying hit ADC TH1 objects
AnalysisSetupUniformity::histoSetup_hitMulti HistoSetup obejct for specifying hit multiplicity TH1 objects
AnalysisSetupUniformity::histoSetup_hitPos HistoSetup object for specifying hit position TH1 objects (in strip No.)
AnalysisSetupUniformity::histoSetup_hitTime HistoSetup object for specifying hit time bin TH1 objects
AnalysisSetupUniformity::selClust SelParam object specifying cluster selection cuts
AnalysisSetupUniformity::selHit SelParam object specifying hit selection cuts

4.d.ii.II Cluster

The Uniformity::Cluster struct stores information relating to one reconstructed cluster stored in the TCluster tree. Data members of Uniformity::Cluster are:

Data Member Description
Cluster::iPos_Y Distance in mm from wide base of trapezoid to cluster (e.g. vertical midpoint of iEta sector)
Cluster::fPos_X Horizontal position within iEta sector (used to assign to correct iPhi sector)
Cluster::fADC ADC value of cluster
Cluster::iSize Number of strips in cluster
Cluster::iTimeBin Time bin, e.g. latency value, of the cluster
Cluster::map_hits std::map of Uniformity::Hit objects used to reconstruct this cluster. Note presently just a placeholder. Empty for all clusters presently.

4.d.ii.III Event

The Uniformity::Event struct stores information relating to the physics objects contained in an event. Attributes of Uniformity::Event are:

Data Member Description
Event::iNum_Evt Event number
Event::iNum_Run Run number
Event::vec_clusters Vector of Uniformity::Cluster objects
Event::vec_hits Vector of Uniformity::Hit objects
Event::clear() sets all ints to -1, and clears all stl containers

There is also one copy constructor

4.d.ii.IV HistosPhysObj

The Uniformity::HistosPhysObj struct is used as a container for ROOT histograms (i.e. TH1, TH2, etc...). These histograms are tracked at varying levels of the DetectorMPGD geometry (e.g. per SectorEta, per SectorPhi, etc...). Each data member of Uniformity::HistosPhysObj is a std::shared_ptr of a ROOT object, they are given specifically as:

Data Member Description
HistosPhysObj::hADC ADC Spectrum for some physics object (e.g. clusters, hits, etc...)
HistosPhysObj::hMulti Multiplicity " "
HistosPhysObj::hPos Position " "
HistosPhysObj::hSize Size " "
HistosPhysObj::hTime Time bin (e.g. latency) " "
HistosPhysObj::hADC_v_Pos ADC vs Position " "
HistosPhysObj::hADC_v_Size ADC vs Size " "
HistosPhysObj::hADC_v_Time ADC vs Latency " "
HistosPhysObj::hADCMax_v_ADCInt Max ADC (from all latency bins) of an object vs Integral of object's ADC (sum of all latency bins)
HistosPhysObj::map_hADC_v_EvtNum_by_Run std::map of TH2F objects, each TH2F shows ADC vs evt no. for a given run (i.e. input file)
HistosPhysObj::map_hTime_v_EvtNum_by_Run As HistosPhysObj::map_hADC_v_EvtNum_by_Run but for Time

For clusters hPos is the position along the detector trapezoid in mm with the detector axis being 0 mm in the iPhi=2 sector, negative (positive) position values occur in iPhi = 1 (3). For hits the position is the strip number along the detector from 1 to 384 increasing with increasing iPhi.

There is also one copy constructor and one overloaded assignment operator. These items perform a deep copy of the std::shared_ptr objects above.

4.d.ii.V Hit

The Uniformity::Hit struct stores information relating to one reconstructed hit stored in the THit tree. Data members of Uniformity::Hit are:

Data Member Description
Hit::iPos_Y Distance in mm from wide base of trapezoid to hit (e.g. vertical midpoint of iEta sector)
Hit::iStripNum Strip number of the hit, this ranges from 0 to 383?
Hit::iTimeBin Time bin, e.g. latency value, of the hit
Hit::sADCIntegral Integral of ADC values from all time bins
Hit::vec_sADC std::vector of ADC values, each element of the vector represents ADC value at that time bin; e.g. vec_sADC[Hit::iTimeBin] gives the ADV value at the defined time bin

4.d.ii.VI RunSetup

The Uniformity::RunSetup struct stores user input defined in the [RUN_INFO] header of the Run Config File. It does not store the list of input files. This struct is responsible for setting the analysis configuration and is used by InterfaceAnalysis class for identifying what stages of the analysis should be performed. Data members of Uniformity::RunSetup are:

Data Member Description
RunSetup::strRunMode string, tracks whether executable is doing analysis or comparison
RunSetup::bAnaStep_Clusters True: perform the cluster analysis; false: do not.
RunSetup::bAnaStep_Fitting True: fit stored distributions; false: do not. Note bAnaStep_Clusters (bAnaStep_Hits) must also be true for cluster (hit) distributions to be fitted.
RunSetup::bAnaStep_Hits True: perform the hit analysis; false: do not.
RunSetup::bAnaStep_Reco True: reconstruct clusters from hits; false: take clusters from input TClusters tree.
RunSetup::bAnaStep_Visualize True: make summary TCanvas objects after analyzing all input files; false: do not.
RunSetup::strIdent string, unique identifier in input filenames
RunSetup::strObsName string, name of observable to be compared across input files in comparsion mode
RunSetup::iEta int, iEta index to be used in comparsion mode
RunSetup::iPhi int, iPhi index to be used in comparsion mode
RunSetup::iSlice int, iSlice index to be used in comparsion mode
RunSetup::strDetName Stores a string acting as the unique detector serial number. Resolves ambiguity in TObject TName data members when opening multiple output TFiles.
RunSetup::bInputFromFrmwrk False (true): input files do (not) contain the TCluster or THit trees
RunSetup::bLoadSuccess True (false): the input parameters were (not) loaded successfully from the Run Config File. Defaults to false. If after attempting to load these parameters from the Run Config File this is still false the analysis routine exits.
RunSetup::bMultiOutput True: one output file is made which represents the sum of all input files; false: one output file is made for each input file. Note when bInputFromFrmwrk is true bMultiOutput must also be true.
RunSetup::strFile_Config_Ana PFN of input analysis config file
RunSetup::strFile_Config_Map PFN of input mapping config file
RunSetup::strFile_Output_Name PFN of output TFile to be created when bMultiOutput is false
RunSetup::strFile_Output_Option Option for TFile, e.g. CREATE, RECRATE, UPDATE, etc...
RunSetup::bDrawNormalized True: in comaprison mode TH1F objects are drawn to have area=1; false: no change
RunSetup::bVisPlots_PhiLines True: draw lines denoting iPhi sectors in plots spanning iEta sectors; false: do not.
RunSetup::bVisPlots_AutoSaving True: automatically save TCanvas objects stored in the Summary folder of the output TFile as *.png and *.pdf files; false: do not.
RunSetup::strDrawOption string, draw option to be used in comparison mode

4.d.ii.VII SectorSlice

The data members of the Uniformity::SectorSlice struct are:

Data Member Description
SectorSlice::bFitAccepted True: fit of SectorSlice::hSlice_ClustADC passed quality checks
SectorSlice::fPos_Center Location of the center of the slice, in mm, within the SectorPhi (iPhi value)
SectorSlice::fWidth Width of the slice in mm
SectorSlice::iMinuitStatus Minuit status code after attempting to fit SectorSlice::hSlice_ClustADC
SectorSlice::fitSlice_ClustADC std::shared_ptr of a TF1; used to fit SectorSlice::hSlice_ClustADC
SectorSlice::hSlice_ClustADC As SectorEta::hEta_ClustADC but only for this SectorSlice

There is also one copy constructor and one overloaded assignment operator. These items perform a deep copy of the std::shared_ptr objects above.

4.d.ii.VIII SelParam

Data members of Uniformity::SelParam are:

Data Member Description
SelParam::iCut_ADCNoise Hit or Cluster rejected if ADC less than value
SelParam::iCut_ADCSat Hit rejected if ADC greater than value
SelParam::iCut_MultiMin Event rejected if cluster multiplicity less than or equal to value
SelParam::iCut_MultiMax Event rejected if cluster multiplicity greater than or equal to value
SelParam::iCut_SizeMin Cluster rejected if size less than value
SelParam::iCut_SizeMax Cluster rejected if size greater than value
SelParam::iCut_TimeMin Hit or Cluster rejected if time bin less than value
SelParam::iCut_TimeMax Hit or Cluster rejected if time bin greater than value

4.d.ii.IX SummaryStatistics

The Uniformity::SummaryStatistics is a container for storing statistical parameters of a dataset (e.g. fit results from all strips). Data members of Uniformity::SummaryStatistics are:

Data Member Description
`SummaryStatistics::fIQR Interquantile range of dataset; IQR = Q3 - Q1
`SummaryStatistics::fMax Max value of dataset
`SummaryStatistics::fMean Mean value of dataset
`SummaryStatistics::fMin Min value of dataset
`SummaryStatistics::fQ1 First quantile (Q1) of dataset
`SummaryStatistics::fQ2 Second quantile (Q2) of dataset
`SummaryStatistics::fQ3 Third quantile (Q3) of dataset
`SummaryStatistics::fStdDev Standard deviation of dataset
`SummaryStatistics::mset_fOutliers Container storing outliers of a dataset; outlier definition is defined per Analyzer
`SummaryStatistics::hDist TH1F object of which stores the distribution of the dataset
`SummaryStatistics::fitDist TF1 object which attempts a Gaussian fit to SummaryStatistics::hDist
`SummaryStatistics::clear() resets all floats to -1, resets TObjects, and clears all stl containers

There is also one copy constructor and one overloaded assignment operator. These items perform a deep copy of the std::shared_ptr objects above.

4.d.iii. Plotter

Coming "soon"

4.e. Configuration Files

Three configuration files are require to run the frameworkMain exectuable:

  1. the mapping config file,
  2. the analysis config file, and
  3. the reco config file.

Examples of each files have been included in the $FRAMEWORK_BASE/config directory

4.e.i. Mapping Config File

The mapping config file is the file used when analyzing data collected with the SRS system. An example of the mapping config file is shown as:

    # CMSGEM
    #   ReadoutType  DetType    DetName    Sector     SectPos   SectSize   nbConnect  orient
    DET,   CMSGEM,    CMSGEM,    CMS,    CMSSECTOR1,    507.475,         411.402,       3,       1
    ...     ...         ...      ...        ...         ...          ...        ...     ...
    ...     ...         ...      ...        ...         ...          ...        ...     ...
    DET,   CMSGEM,    CMSGEM,    CMS,    CMSSECTOR8,    -507.475,        231.186,       3,       1

    #APV     fecId    adcCh     detPlane  apvOrient  apvIndex    apvHdr   apvCustMap
    APV,        2,        0,       CMSSECTOR8,     0,      2,        1300,  1
    APV,        2,        1,       CMSSECTOR8,     0,       0,        1300, 1
    APV,        2,        2,       CMSSECTOR8,     0,       1,        1300, 0
    APV,        2,        3,       CMSSECTOR7,     0,       1,        1300, 0
    ...     ...         ...      ...        ...         ...          ...        ...     ...
    ...     ...         ...      ...        ...         ...          ...        ...     ...

For each "DET" line defined in this file an entry in the DetectorMPGD::map_sectorsEta map will be stored. In this way the mapping config file specifies the geometry of the DetectorMPGD object. For each "APV" line data from that APV25 Hybrid will be linked to the corresponding position in the listed (iEta,iPhi) sector.

Right now the framework only supports detectors with 1D readouts.

4.e.ii. Analysis Config File

The analysis config file expects a certain "nested-header" style. The format should look something like:


For each of the higher level header sections (i.e. [BEGIN_ANALYSIS_INFO] and [BEGIN_UNIFORMITY_INFO]) the header parameters should always be placed before the declaration of lower headers. Placing top level header parameters after the declaration of lower level headers could lead to undefined behavior or at worst crashes.

Parameters are expected to be entered in the following format:

field_name = 'value';

The field_name should be on the left followed by an equals sign "=" then the value should be enclosed in single quote marks "'". A semicolon ";" ends the statement. Tabs "\t" and spaces outside of the single quotes will be ignored, but will be preserved inside the single quotes. Text after the ";" will also be ignored. The template at the end of this subsection showns an example.

The Uniformity::ParameterLoaderAnalysis class understands the # character to indicate a comment; so it is possible to comment out lines in the Analysis Config file you create for ease of use.


None for now, placeholder


None for now, placeholder


The table below describes the allowed input fields and their data types.

Field Name Type Description
Cut_ClusterADC_Min int clusters with ADC values less than this value are rejected.
Cut_ClusterMulti_Min int events with clusters multiplicity less than or equal to this value are rejected.
Cut_ClusterMulti_Max int events with clusters multiplicity greater than or equal to this value are rejected.
Cut_ClusterSize_Min int clusters with sizes less than this value are rejected.
Cut_ClusterSize_Max int clusters with sizes greater than this value are rejected.
Cut_ClusterTime_Min int clusters with time bins less than this value are rejected.
Cut_ClusterTime_Max int clusters with time bins greater than this value are rejected.
Cut_HitAdc_Min int hits with ADC value less than this value are rejected.
Cut_HitAdc_Max int hits with ADV value greater than this value are rejected.
Cut_HitMulti_Min int events with hit multiplicity less than or equal to this value are rejected.
Cut_HitMulti_Max int events with hit multiplicity greater than or equal to this value are rejected.
Cut_HitTime_Min int hits with time bins less than this value are rejected.
Cut_HitTime_Max int hits with time bins greater than this value are rejected.
Event_First int the first event in each tree (TCluster and/or THit) to start from when running the analysis.
Event_Total int total number of events to process after Event_First in each tree. A value of -1 sets indicates all events from the first event will be processed.
Uniformity_Granularity int numer of slices, or partitions, to split one iPhi sector into for the response uniformity measurement.


A set of keywords = {AMPLITUDE,FWHM,HWHM,MEAN,PEAK,SIGMA} is presently supported which allows the user to configure complex expressions for the initial guess of fit parameters, their limits, and the fit range. In the future additional keywords may be added as requested. The table below describes the supported supported and how they define the initial guess for a given fit:

Keyword Description
AMPLITUDE The fit parameter is set to the value of the TH1 bin with the largest content (e.g. TH1::GetBinContent(TH1::GetMaximumBin() ) ).
FWHM The fit parameter is set to the RMS of the distribution stored in the TH1 object (e.g. TH1::GetRMS() ).
HWHM The fit parameter is set to half the RMS of the distribution stored in the TH1 object (e.g. TH1::GetRMS() ).
MEAN The fit parameter is set to the mean of the distribution stored in the TH1 object (e.g. TH1::GetMean() ).
PEAK An instance of the ROOT::TSpectrum class is created and searches the TH1 object that will be fitted for all peaks. The TSpectrum parameters are hard coded and "should" ensure only one peak is found (open issue). The x-position of the first peak found in the TH1 distribution is set to the fit parameter (e.g. TSpectrum::Search() and TSpectrum::GetPositionX() are used).

The framework will calculate the energy resolution of a given slice of the detector. The energy resolution is always taken as:


In your fit formula you must label one parameter in the Fit_Param_Map (see table below) from the peak width set {FWHM,HWHM,SIGMA}. Failure to do so will cause the energy resolution to be zero for all slices (i.e. all points in gEta_ClustADC_Fit_PkRes will be 0 for all SectorEta objects defined). The table below shows how the PEAK_FWHM is determined for each of the entires in the peak width set:

Keyword Expression Description
FWHM E_Res = FWHM / PEAK_Pos Here FWHM is the value of the fit parameter, post fit, given the meaning FWHM in the Fit_Param_Map field.
HWHM E_Res = (2.*HWHM) / PEAK_Pos Here HWHM is the value of the fit parameter, post fit, given the meaning HWHM in the Fit_Param_Map field.
SIGMA E_Res = (2. * sqrt( 2. * ln(2.) ) * SIGMA ) / PEAK_Pos Here SIGMA is the value of the fit parameter, post fit, given the meaning SIGMA in the Fit_Param_Map field.

The table below describes the allowed input fields and their data types:

Field Name Type Description
Fit_Formula string TFormula to be given to a ROOT::TF1 object. Note the syntax and full complexity of inputs expected/available in ROOT works! e.g. [0]*x^2+[1] or gaus(0)+pol2(3)" or "[1]*TMath::Erf(x) + [2] are all supported.
Fit_Formula_Sig string As Fit_Formula but this is understood to be the portion of the formula which describes the signal peak. Note the parameters here must be indexed from 0 and follow the same order as they due in Fit_Formula. E.g. if your Fit_Formula is pol2(0) + [3]*TMath::CauchyDist(x,[4],[5]) with the CauchyDist describing your signal peak then Fit_Formula_Sig would be written as [0]*TMath::CauchyDist(x,[1],[2]). Here the index of the parameters has been restarted at [0] but the order is preserved. This, in conjunction with Fit_Formula_Sig_Param_Idx_Range, will ensure the parameter determined for [3] in Fit_Formula is assigned to [0] in Fit_Formula_Sig.
Fit_Formula_BKG string As Fit_Formula_Sig but for the background.
Fit_Formula_Sig_Param_Idx_Range Two comma separated int's Gives the range of the parameters that correspond to the signal peak in Fit_Formula. E.g. if your Fit_Formula is pol2(0) + [3]*TMath::CauchyDist(x,[4],[5]) with the CauchyDist describing your signal peak then Fit_Formula_Sig_Param_Idx_Range is "3,5" which, in conjunction with Fit_Formula_Sig, will ensure the parameter determined for [3] in Fit_Formula is assigned to [0] in Fit_Formula_Sig.
Fit_Formula_Sig_Param_Idx_Range Two comma separated int's As Fit_Formula_Sig_Param_Idx_Range but for the background.
Fit_Name string Starting point of TName of the TF1 object; note the (ieta,iphi,islice) coordinate of the fit will be used to augment the TName to ensure a unique TName for each TF1 object created.
Fit_Option string The fit option to be used for fitting the ADC spectrums made from each slice.
Fit_Param_IGuess Comma separated list of strings Initial values for the parameters defined in the Fit_Formula field. Note the order in which the parameters are given in the Fit_Formula field should match the order listed here. Explicitly for the Fit_Formula = '[0]*x^2+[1]*x+[2]' the initial guess of 4,5,6 would mean [0] = 4, [1] = 5, and [2] = 6. Additionally, both numeric values and expressions formed from the above supported keywords can be used. E.g. for a Fit_Formula = 'gaus(0)' the initial guess of 12.3, MEAN, 2.*SIGMA+23.5 can be assigned.
Fit_Param_Limit_Max Comma separated list of strings As Fit_Param_IGuess but for the upper limit on fit parameters.
Fit_Param_Limit_Min Comma separated list of strings As Fit_Param_IGuess but for the lower limit on fit parameters.
Fit_Param_Map Comma separated list of strings Words to help the user track the meaning of the fit parameter. The order follows the ordering schema described in Fit_Param_IGuess. NOTE: at least one parameter must be given the value PEAK and one parameter must be given a value from the set {FWHM,HWHM,SIGMA}. The vertical error-bar on these two parameters comes from the error on the corresponding fit parameter determined in ROOT (e.g. TF1::GetParError() )
Fit_Range Comma separated list of strings As Fit_Param_IGuess but for the fit range. NOTE: must supply exactly two parameters. If more than two parameters are supplied only those that evaluate to the maximum and minimum are used.


The user at runtime is able to specify the data members of the TH1 objects that will be created (e.g. number of bins, TName, etc...). However, these histograms are hard coded and the user cannot choose at runtime to make new distributions. If a distribution you would like to see does not already exist please navigate to the issue tab and submit a new feature request describing your requested distribution. The table below describes the allowed input fields and their data types.

Field Name Type Description
Histo_Name string Type of histogram you are specifying information for. NOTE: this entry should appear as the first line below the section header ([BEGIN_HISTO_INFO]) and only entries from the following set are allowed: {clustADC, clustMulti, clustPos, clustSize, clustTime, hitADC, hitMulti, hitPos, hitTime}.
Histo_XTitle string Title of the x-axis, full TLatex style entires are supported. Explicitly cluster position #left(#mum#right) will result in a well formatted x-axis with parenthesis that are sized accordingly and proper Greek lettering.
Histo_YTitle string As Histo_XTitle but for the y-axis.
Histo_BinRange Two comma separated floats Specifies the lowest and highest values of the x-axis. In the case of Histo_Name = {clustPos, hitPos} this field is automatically set based on input from mapping config file.
Histo_NumBins int number of bins in the histogram. In the case of Histo_Name = {clustPos, hitPos} then this field is automatically set based on input from the mapping config file.

4.e.ii.VI Example Config File

An example config file is shown below:

        #Selection Cuts
        Cut_ClusterADC_Min = '300';
        Cut_ClusterMulti_Min = '0';
        Cut_ClusterMulti_Max = '20';
        Cut_ClusterSize_Min = '2';
        Cut_ClusterSize_Max = '10';
        Cut_ClusterTime_Min = '6';
        Cut_ClusterTime_Max = '27';
        #Selection Cuts - Hit
        Cut_HitAdc_Min = '60';
        Cut_HitAdc_Max = '3000';
        Cut_HitMulti_Min = '1';
        Cut_HitTime_Min = '2';
        Cut_HitTime_Max = '29';
        #Event Range
        Event_First = '0';
        Event_Total = '-1';
        #Requested Granularity
        Uniformity_Granularity = '64';
        #Requested Tolerance on Uniformity
            Fit_Formula = '[0]*TMath::CauchyDist(x, [1], [2])+pol5(3)';
            Fit_Formula_Sig = '[0]*TMath::CauchyDist(x, [1], [2])';
            Fit_Formula_Sig_Param_Idx_Range = '0,2';
            Fit_Formula_Bkg = 'pol5';
            Fit_Formula_Bkg_Param_Idx_Range = '3,8';
            Fit_Param_Map = 'AMPLITUDE, PEAK, HWHM';
            Fit_Param_IGuess = '1000000,PEAK,PEAK*0.3';
            Fit_Param_Limit_Min = '10, PEAK-0.2*PEAK, 0.1*PEAK';
            Fit_Param_Limit_Max = '10000000, PEAK+0.2*PEAK, 0.70*PEAK';
            Fit_Range = 'PEAK-0.57*PEAK, 3*PEAK';
            Histo_Name = 'clustADC';
            Histo_XTitle = 'Cluster ADC';
            Histo_YTitle = 'N';
            Histo_BinRange = '0,10000';
            #Histo_NumBins = '150';
            Histo_NumBins = '100';
            Histo_Name = 'clustMulti';'
            Histo_XTitle = 'Cluster Multiplicity';
            Histo_YTitle = 'N';
            Histo_BinRange = '0,20';
            Histo_NumBins = '20';
            Histo_Name = 'clustPos';
            Histo_XTitle = 'Cluster Position #left(mm#right)';
            Histo_YTitle = 'N';
            #Here Histo_BinRange is set automatically based on input amoreSRS mapping file
            #Here Histo_NumBins is set automatically based off Bin_Range
            Histo_Name = 'clustSize';
            Histo_XTitle = 'Size #left(N_{strips}#right)';
            Histo_YTitle = 'N';
            Histo_BinRange = '0,20';
            Histo_NumBins = '20';
            Histo_Name = 'clustTime';
            Histo_XTitle = 'Time Bin';
            Histo_YTitle = 'N';
            Histo_BinRange = '0,30';
            Histo_NumBins = '30';
            Histo_Name = 'hitADC';
            Histo_XTitle = 'Hit ADC';
            Histo_YTitle = 'N';
            Histo_BinRange = '0,2000';
            Histo_NumBins = '200';
            Histo_Name = 'hitMulti';'
            Histo_XTitle = 'Hit Multiplicity';
            Histo_YTitle = 'N';
            Histo_BinRange = '0,50';
            Histo_NumBins = '50';
            Histo_Name = 'hitPos';
            Histo_XTitle = 'Hit Position #left(mm#right)';
            Histo_YTitle = 'N';
            #Here Histo_BinRange is set automatically based on input amore mapping file
            #Here Histo_NumBins is set automatically based off Bin_Range
            Histo_Name = 'hitTime';
            Histo_XTitle = 'Time Bin';
            Histo_YTitle = 'N';
            Histo_BinRange = '0,30';
            Histo_NumBins = '30';

4.e.iii. Run Config File

The run config file expects a certain "header" style. The format should look something like:


Parameters found inside the [BEGIN_RUN_INFO] header are expected to be entered in the manner described in Section 4.e.ii.

Contrary to the [BEGIN_RUN_INFO] header the [BEGIN_RUN_LIST] header is simply a list of PFN of the input files to be analyzed by the call of the executable. Again tabs \t and spaces will be ignored.

The Uniformity::ParameterLoaderRun class understands the # character to indicate a comment; so it is possible to comment out lines in the Run Config file you create for ease of use. The value of true is understood as being from the case-insensitive set {t, true, 1} while the value of false is understood as being from the case-insensitive set {f, false, 0}. Example config files are shown at the end of this subsection.


The table below describes the allowed input fields and their data types.

Field Name Type Description
Config_Analysis string PFN of the input analysis config file.
Config_Mapping string PFN of the input mapping config file.
Config_Reco string PFN of the input reco config file (e.g. old "amore.cfg" file).
Detector_Name string the serial number of the detector (do not include special characters such as '/' but dashes '-' are allowed)
Input_Identifier string a regular expression found in each input filename, separated by underscores _, that is understood to have the run number after the expression. E.g. if the filename contains _RunX_ for some set of integers X then this field should be set to Run. This field must always be set.
Input_Is_Frmwrk_Output boolean set to false (true) if the input file/files (do not) contain the TCluster and/or THit trees. Note that if this option is set to true then Output_Individual must also be set to true.
Output_File_Name string PFN of the output TFile. If Output_Individual is set to true and Input_Is_Frmwrk_Output is set to false then the PFN defined here is not used. Instead the PFN of the input TFile is used but the dataTree.root ending of the PFN is removed and replaced with Ana.root. If Input_Is_Frmwrk_Output is set to true then the PFN defined here is again not used. Instead the PFN of the input TFile is used but the filename is appended with NewAna.root.
Output_File_Option string Write option for the output TFile from the standard set defined in the TFile documentation, e.g. {CREATE, NEW, READ, RECREATE, UPDATE}
Output_Individual bool Setting to true produces one output file for each input file. Setting to false produces one output file that represents the entirity of the analysis of all input files. Note that this should only be set to false if Input_Is_Frmwrk_Output is also set to false.
Reco_All bool Set to true if input files are raw data files.
Ana_Hits bool Setting to true will tell the framework to perform the analysis of the input hits.
Ana_Clusters bool Setting to true will tell the framework to perform the analysis of the input clusters.
Ana_Fitting bool Setting to true will tell the framework to fit the obtained distributions. Note that Ana_Clusters must also be true for those distributions to be fitted.
Visualize_Plots bool Setting to true will tell the framework to prepare several TCanvas objects after analyzing all input files (Output_Individual = false) or each input file (Output_Individual = true).
Visualize_AutoSaveImages bool Setting to true will tell the framework to automatically create *.png and *.pdf files of all TCanvas objects stored in the Summary folder. The name of these files will match the TName of the corresponding TCanvas. They will be found in the working directory (the directory you execute the framework executable from). If these files already exist they will be over-written.
Visualize_DrawPhiLines bool Setting to true will tell the framework to draw lines on the summary TCanvas objects that show the iPhi segmentation.


This header contains a list of PFN of the input files. It is expected that there is one line for per file. White space, such as tabs \t and spaces , is ignored when reading in these input files. For example:



The table below describes the allowed input fields and their data types.

Field Name Type Description
Obs_Name string The ObservableNameX (See Section 4.f.i) found in the TName of the TH1F object that you wish to compare across all input files.
Obs_Eta int the iEta index you wish to comapre TH1F objects from. This must be from [1, iNumEta] or -1. If set to -1 summary level TH1F objects are compared.
Obs_Phi int As Obs_Eta but for phi index.
Obs_Slice int As Obs_Eta but for slice index.
Input_Identifier string Regular expression found in each input filename, separated by underscores _. From each filename this expression will be drawn on a TLegend to identify the TH1F object from the corresponding filename.
Output_File_Name string As Section 4.e.iii.I
Output_File_Option string As Section 4.e.iii.I
Visualize_AutoSaveImages bool As Section 4.e.iii.I
Visualize_DrawNormalized bool Setting to true will tell the framework all distributions plotted should be re-scaled to have an integral = 1.
Visualize_DrawOption string Draw option to use for selected distributions.

4.e.iii.IV Configuration Options

The framework can run with:

  1. an analysis option, which has three configurations;
  2. a comparison option, which has one configuration;
  3. a reconstruction option, which has one configuration; and
  4. a combined reconstruction and analysis option which has one configuration.

The three configurations of the analysis mode have the frameworkMain executable analyze data taken with RD51 Scaleable Readout System (RD51 SRS) and reconstructed the framework. In the comparison mode the frameworkMain executable is used to compare plots across multiple Framework output files. In the reconstruction option the frameworkMain executable takes reconstructs one raw data file produced by the RD51 SRS system to create an output tree file for later analysis. This option will crash if more than one input file *.raw file is used. In the combined option the frameworkMain executable is used to perform the reconstruction and then analysis of an input RD51 SRS raw data file. Again in this option only a single input file must be given; however here two output root files will be produced, one a tree file, the other the framework output file.

The 1st analysis configuration is the series mode which will analyze all of the input files defined in the [BEGIN_RUN_LIST] header one after another; note these input files must either be all tree files or all analyzed files but not a mix of both. The time of execution can vary depending on the number of input files and the number of events/slice granularity present in each of those files. However, care has been taken to maximimize performance while still maintaining modularity/flexibility in the design. Here the [BEGIN_RUN_INFO] header can be configured to execute whatever level of the framework analysis is desired; but this will be applied to each of the input files defined in the [BEGIN_RUN_LIST] header.

The 2nd analysis configuration is the computing cluster mode; to avoid confusion w/charge clusters this is referred to as grid mode. Here the input run config file contains a single input file in the [BEGIN_RUN_LIST] header and the [BEGIN_RUN_INFO] header is configured such that Ana_Fitting and Visualize_Plots are set to false. The user uses a script/scheduler of their choice to launch their jobs to a computing cluster to analyze a set of input files in parallel (scripts to do this with the batch submission system on CERN's lxplus are included in the repository). Then after all jobs are finished and the outputs retrieved the user can merge the output files together (if running over tree files) using the hadd command. Then this merged file can be reprocessed in series mode with Input_Is_Frmwrk_Output, Ana_Fitting, and Visualize_Plots set to true.

The 3rd analysis configuration is the re-run mode. Here a TFile that has been previously produced by the Framework is re-analyzed after changing the fit parameters defined in the analysis configuration file. Each run will result in a new TFile (independent from the input) that has the updated results. This allows the user to more rapidly study variations in parameters without having to waste time performing the base selection (which may not need to change). Right now in re-run mode only cluster level plots are propogated to the new TFile. Additionally none of the TH2F objects found in the RunHistory folder will be propogated to the new TFile.

In the comparison configuration one can take a set of TFiles that have been previously produced by the Framework and compare TH1F objects from the files against each other. Here the input Run Config file should be configured to have a [BEGIN_COMP_INFO] header instead of the [BEGIN_RUN_INFO] header that is used by the other modes. The [BEGIN_RUN_LIST] header is still used normally; however now the input files listed here must be Framework output files produced in one of the three modes described above.

In the reconstruction configuration one can take a raw data file recorded with the RD51 SRS system and perform the unpacking, decoding, and event reconstruction to produce an output TFile which contains a TTree which can be analyzed by the Framework. Here the input Run Config file should be configured to have a [BEGIN_RUN] header as in the case of the analysis configurations. The [BEGIN_RUN_LIST] header is still used however there should only be one file listed.

In the combined configuration the Framework first executes the workflow performed by the reconstruction and then executes the analysis. Here the input Run Config file should be configured to have a [BEGIN_RUN] header as in the case of the analysis configurations. The framework will produce two TFiles one will have the output TTree produced by the reconstruction configuration and the other will be the standard framework output file produced by the analysis. The [BEGIN_RUN_LIST] header is still used however again there should only be a single file listed. The framework will automatically determine the name of the TTree file it should run over in the analysis portion.

Example configuration files illustrating these options are provided in the sections below. Furthermore template config files and helper scripts are provided in the framework to run in each mode. For details on this functionality see Sections 3.a.i through 3.a.iii.

4.e.iii.V Example Config File - Mode: Series

Four example files here are presented. The first example illustrates a series run in which the entire analysis is requested on a list of input TFile's containing the THit and TCluster trees. Here the Output_Individual is set to false to create one output file representing the results of the analysis on all input files. Changing Output_Individual to true will produce one output file per input file. The example is as follows:

    #Config Files
    Config_Analysis = 'config/configAnalysis.cfg';
    Config_Mapping = 'config/Mapping_GE11-VII-L.cfg';
    Detector_Name = 'GE11-VII-L-CERN-0002';
    #Input Config
    Input_Is_Frmwrk_Output = 'false';   #indicates we are running on input created by amoreSRS
    Input_Identifier = 'Run';
    #Output Config
    Output_File_Name = 'GE11-VII-L-CERN-0002_Summary_RandTrig_AgXRay40kV100uA_1500kEvt_Ana.root';
    Output_File_Option = 'RECREATE';
    Output_Individual = 'false';        #indicates we are making one output file that represents results obtained from all inputs
    #Analysis Steps
    Ana_Reco_Clusters = 'false';
    Ana_Hits = 'true';
    Ana_Clusters = 'true';
    Ana_Fitting = 'true';
    #Visualizer Config
    Visualize_Plots = 'true';
    Visualize_AutoSaveImages = 'true';
    Visualize_DrawPhiLines = 'true';

here leading tabs are shown just for convenience and can be kept/or omitted without consequence.

The second example illustrates a series run in which only the final portion of the analysis (fitting and visualizing) is performed on an input TFile created by the Framework. Here Output_Individual is set to true, as it must be, and one output file for each input file will be produced. The example is as follows:

    #Config Files
    Config_Analysis = 'config/configAnalysis.cfg';
    Config_Mapping = 'config/Mapping_GE11-VII-S.cfg';
    Detector_Name = 'GE1/1-VII-S-CERN-0001';
    #Input Config
    Input_Is_Frmwrk_Output = 'true';    #indicates we are running on input created by the CMS_GEM_Analysis_Framework
    #Output Config
    Output_File_Option = 'RECREATE';
    Output_Individual = 'true';         #indicates we are making one output file for each input file
    #Analysis Steps
    Ana_Reco_Clusters = 'false';
    Ana_Hits = 'false';
    Ana_Clusters = 'true';              #this is set to true so we fit the cluster distributions
    Ana_Fitting = 'true';
    #Visualizer Config
    Visualize_Plots = 'true';
    Visualize_DrawPhiLines = 'true';

in this case the framework should create the following list of output files:


If you're filename ends with *_Ana.root the input file will not be overwritten and instead a new file will be produced with the same PFN as the input but ending with *_NewAna.root instead. Pay special attention to the fact that these files will not necessarily be found in the directory you are calling the executable from but in the directory the input file is found in.

The third example illustrates a series run in which the reconstruction is requested on a list of raw data files taken with the RD51 SRS. This time the analysis config file is not supplied but instead a reco config file is given. Here the Output_Individual is set to true to create one output file for the input file. Only one input file is given. The example is as follows:

    #Config Files
    Config_Reco = 'config/configReco.cfg';
    Config_Mapping = 'config/Mapping_GE11-VII-L.cfg'; #Make sure this file matches what is in the configReco.cfg file!
    #Input Config
    Input_Is_Frmwrk_Output = 'false';   #indicates we are running on input created by amoreSRS
    Input_Identifier = 'Run';
    #Output Config
    Output_File_Option = 'RECREATE';
    Output_Individual = 'true';         #Here we are having the output PFN be the input PFN appended with "Ana.root"
    #Reco Steps
    Reco_All = 'true';
    #Analysis Steps
    Ana_Hits = 'false';
    Ana_Clusters = 'false';
    Ana_Fitting = 'false';
    #Visualizer Config
    Visualize_Plots = 'false';
    #Place only one file here, use grid submission mode for multiple files

notice that the three analysis flags Ana_Hits, Ana_Clusters, and Ana_Fitting are set to false and the reconstruction flag Reco_All is set to true. The visualizer has also been turned off by setting Visualize_Plots to false. No output file name is given here since the framework will automatically create the following output file:


The final example illustrates a series run in which the combined option (reconstruction plus analysis) is used. Again the input file is a raw data file taken with the RD51 SRS. Notice that all three config files are given:

  1. reco config,
  2. analysis config, and
  3. mapping config file.

Here the Output_Individual is set to true to create one output file for the input file. Only one input file is given. The example is as follows:

    #Config Files
    Config_Reco = 'config/configReco.cfg';
    Config_Analysis = 'config/configAnalysis.cfg';
    Config_Mapping = 'config/Mapping_GE11-VII-L.cfg'; #Make sure this file matches what is in the configReco.cfg file!
    #Input Config
    Input_Is_Frmwrk_Output = 'false';   #indicates we are running on input created by amoreSRS
    Input_Identifier = 'Run';
    #Output Config
    Output_File_Option = 'RECREATE';
    Output_Individual = 'true';         #Here we are having the output PFN be the input PFN appended with "Ana.root"
    #Reco Steps
    Reco_All = 'true';
    #Analysis Steps
    Ana_Hits = 'true';
    Ana_Clusters = 'true';
    Ana_Fitting = 'false';
    #Visualizer Config
    Visualize_Plots = 'false';
    #Place only one file here, use grid submission mode for multiple files

notice that Reco_All has been set to true along with Ana_Hits and Ana_Clusters. The visualizer has also been turned off by setting Visualize_Plots to false. No output file name is given here since the Framework will automatically create the following output files:


The fitting (Ana_Fitting) and the visualizer (Visualize_Plots) may be turned on by setting the relevant flags to true. However in this example the input file contains only 500k events which is not enough for a high granularity analysis which usually requires at least 10 million clusters distributed over the detector.

4.e.iii.VI Example Config File - Mode: Grid

Grid mode is really designed for running the framewok on multiple input files (either TTree files or RD51 SRS raw data files) in parallel. One could also use this option when running on multiple input TFiles created by the framework but the increase in analysis speed would be small in comparison since usually you are only interested in checking a new set of fit parameters on the previously obtained data.

It is strongly recommended that you perform this script using the provided scripts/ or script/ scripts (See Sections 3.a.i and 3.a.ii) located in the script/ directory, included in the repository, to a fast queue such as the 8 natural minute (8nm) or 1 natural hour (1nh) queue. The 8nm queue has been found to be ideal for running the analysis on an input TTree file with N_Evt <= 250k. Reconstructing an RD51 SRS raw dat of similiar event size has been shown best suited for the 1nh queue. The two scripts mentioned will setup everything automatically for you. An example config file is shown as:

    #Config Files
    Config_Analysis = 'config/configAnalysis.cfg';
    Config_Mapping = 'config/Mapping_GE11-VII-L.cfg';
    #Input Config
    Input_Is_Frmwrk_Output = 'false';   #indicates we are running on input created by amoreSRS
    Input_Identifier = 'Run';
    #Output Config
    Output_File_Option = 'RECREATE';
    Output_Individual = 'true';         #Here we are having the output PFN be the input PFN appended with "Ana.root"
    #Analysis Steps
    Ana_Reco_Clusters = 'false';
    Ana_Hits = 'true';
    Ana_Clusters = 'true';
    Ana_Fitting = 'false';              #Do not perform the fitting; input file is a subset of the total dataset
    #Visualizer Config
    Visualize_Plots = 'false';          #Do not perform the visualization; input file is a subset of the total dataset

4.e.iii.VII Example Config File - Mode: Re-Run

The re-run mode is designed to allow a user to change the fit parameters defined in their analysis config file and re-run on an input TFile previously produced by the framework. This saves significant time when tweaking the fit parameters being applied to a given input file since the selection does not have to be repeated. Obviously this mode should not be applied to input TTree TFiles produced containing the THit and TCluster trees. The example config file is given below:

    #Config Files
    Config_Analysis = 'config/configAnalysis.cfg';
    Config_Mapping = 'config/Mapping_GE11-VII-L.cfg';
    Detector_Name = 'DETECTORNAME';
    #Input Config
    Input_Is_Frmwrk_Output = 'true'     #indicates we are running on input created by the framework
    #Output Config
    Output_File_Option = 'RECREATE';
    Output_Individual = 'true';         #must be set to true since Input_Is_Frmwrk_Output = true
    #Analysis Steps
    Ana_Reco_Clusters = 'false';
    Ana_Hits = 'false';
    Ana_Clusters = 'true';              #this is set to true so we fit the cluster distributions
    Ana_Fitting = 'true';
    #Visualizer Config
    Visualize_Plots = 'true'; #true -> make summary canvas plots; false -> do not make summary canvas plots
    Visualize_AutoSaveImages = 'false';
    Visualize_DrawPhiLines = 'true'; #true -> draw iPhi lines; false -> do not draw iPhi lines

in this case the Framework should create the following output file:


again pay special attention to the fact that these files will not necessarily be found in the directory you are calling the executable from but in the directory the input file is found in. Astute readers will note this is identical to the series mode example 2 with just one input file. This is true; however, I felt the explicit example could prove useful.

4.e.iii.VII Example Config File - Mode: Comparison

The comparison mode is designed to allow a user to quickly compare TH1F objects stored in different framework output files from different detectors, different acquisition conditions, or produced with different analysis parameters. This can save signficant time for an analyst interested in performing these comparisons. The example config file is given below:

    Obs_Name = 'clustADC';
    Obs_Eta = '4';
    Obs_Phi = '2';
    Obs_Slice = '-1';
    #Input Config
    Input_Identifier = 'ClustTime';
    #Output Config
    Output_File_Name = 'GE11-VII-L-CERN-0002_ClustTime_Comparison.root';
    Output_File_Option = 'UPDATE';
    #Visualizer Config
    Visualize_AutoSaveImages = 'true';
    Visualize_DrawNormalized = 'false';
    Visualize_DrawOption = "E1"
    Visualize_DrawPhiLines = 'false';

4.e.iv. Plot Config File

The plot config file expects a certain "nested-header" style. The format should look something like:


parameters found inside the [BEGIN_CANVAS] header are expected to be entered in the following format:

field_name = 'value';

additionally these parameters are expected to be entered in the manner described in Section 4.e.ii.

The config file will define one TCanvas which will be drawn following the official CMS Style Guide. For this canvas any number of TObjects can be defined and drawn on the canvas. Right now the TGraph, TGraphErrors, TGraph2D, TH1F, and TH2F classes are supported. For each of higher level header sections (i.e. [BEGIN_CANVAS] and [BEGIN_PLOT]) the header parameters should always be placed before descending into the next header. Failure to adhere to this convention may lead to undefined behavior or crashes.

Plots can be declared by entering comma separated data in the [BEGIN_DATA] header, see Section 4.e.iv.III, or loaded from an input TFile, see Section 4.e.iv.II. Additionally, one or more TF1 objects can be declared for each plot and drawn on the TCanvas. These TF1 objects can be loaded from an input TFile or fit at the time of the execution.

The Plotter::ParameterLoaderPlotter class understands the # character to indicate a comment; so it is possible to comment out lines in the Plot Config file you create for ease of use. The value of true is understood as being from the case-insensitive set {t, true, 1} while the value of false is understood as being from the case-insensitive set {f, false, 0}. The template plot config file at the end of this subsection showns an example.


The table below describes the allowed input fields and their data types.

Field Name Type Description
Canv_Axis_NDiv Two comma separated int's Defines the number of divisions for a given TAxis. See the TAxis documentation for more information. Between one and three integers can be provided. They are understand as applying to the {X}, {X,Y}, or {X,Y,Z} axes.
Canv_Dim Two comma separated int's Defines the size of the canvas in pixels. The first (second) number is for the x (y) direction.
Canv_DrawOpt string Draw option that will be applied to all plots on this canvas
Canv_Grid_XY Two comma separated bool's Defines if the grid should be drawn on the canvas. The first (second) boolean is for the x (y) grid.
Canv_Latex_Line Comma separated sequence: float,float,string Defines the position of a TLatex line and the text in the line. The first (second) float defines the x (y) position of the line. Use the ~ character to insert a space between characters as spaces or \t in the string will be stripped before it is passed to the TLatex class. Any number of Canv_Latex_Line fields may be supplied and they will all be drawn on the TCanvas. Note that "CMS" or "CMS Preliminary" will already be drawn by default.
Canv_Legend_Dim_X Two comma separated floats Defines the NDC coordinates of a TLegend to be drawn on the pad. The first (second) float is the X1 (X2) coordinate of the TLegend. See the TLegend documentation for more details.
Canv_Legend_Dim_Y Two comma separated floats As Canv_Legend_Dim_X but for the Y coordinates.
Canv_Legend_Draw bool Setting to true (false) will (not) draw the TLegend on the TCanvas.
Canv_Log_XY Two comma separated bool's As Canv_Grid_XY but for setting the X & Y axis to logarithmic.
Canv_Logo_Pos int Indicates the position the CMS logo should be placed. Possible values are out of frame (0), top-left (11), top-centered (22), or top-right (33). More details and examples shown here.
Canv_Logo_Prelim bool Defines whether or not a canvas is preliminary (e.g. "CMS Preliminary"). This should be true for all plots unless they are being submitted for CMS CWR (e.g. publication in a peer-review journal).
Canv_Margin_Bot float Sets the bottom margin of the TCanvas.
Canv_Margin_Lf float Sets the left margin of the TCanvas.
Canv_Margin_Rt float Sets the right margin of the TCanvas.
Canv_Margin_Top float Sets the top margin of the TCanvas.
Canv_Mono_Color bool Determines if the color palette is monocolored (true), e.g. a single shade, or multi-colored (false). For paper publications this should be false; for presentations/talks this ma be true.
Canv_N_Axis_X int Placeholder
Canv_N_Axis_Y int Placeholder
Canv_Name string TName of the created TCanvas.
Canv_Normalize bool Only implemented for TH1F objects, if set to true all TH1F objects are drawn with an integral of unity.
Canv_Plot_Type string Defines the type of TObject to be plotted on the TCanvas. Supported types are from the set {TGraph, TGraph2D, TGraphErrors, TH1F, TH2F}.
Canv_Range_X Two comma separated int's Defines the range [X_min, X_max] of the X-axis.
Canv_Range_Y Two comma separated int's As Canv_Range_X but for the Y-axis.
Canv_Range_Z Two comma separated int's As Canv_Range_X but for the Z-axis.
Canv_Title_Offset_X float Defines the offset of the X-axis title
Canv_Title_Offset_Y float As Canv_Title_Offset_X but for the Y-axis.
Canv_Title_Offset_Z float As Canv_Title_Offset_X but for the Z-axis.
Canv_Title_X string Title (e.g. label) assigned to the X-axis.
Canv_Title_Y string As Canv_Title_X but for the Y-axis.
Canv_Title_Z string As Canv_Title_X but for the Z-axis.


The table below describes the allowed input fields and their data types.

Field Name Type Description
Plot_Color TColor Color assigned to the TObject marker, line, and fill color attributes. List of supported colors is defined here and can be view here. Note mathematical expressions on TColor words is also supported. For example kRed+2 or kBlue-3 will be interpreted correctly.
Plot_LegEntry string Legend entry for this TObject.
Plot_Line_Size float Line size of the TObject.
Plot_Line_Style int Line style of the TObject.
Plot_Marker_Size float Marker size of the TObject.
Plot_Marker_Style int Marker style of the TObject
Plot_Name string TName of the TObject defined in this [BEGIN_DATA] header. It will either be the TName created or loaded from the input TFile defined in Plot_Root_File found with path Plot_Root_Path inside the TFile.
Plot_Root_File string If no [BEGIN_DATA] header is supplied for this plot this is the name of the TFile from which the desired TObject to be plotted is found in.
Plot_Root_Path string If no [BEGIN_DATA] header is supplied for this plot this is the path in Plot_Root_File for which Plot_Name is found at. Explicitly inside the TFile the desired TObject is Plot_Root_Path/Plot_Name.


Each plot is either found in an input TFile using the Plot_Name, Plot_Root_File, and Plot_Root_Path fields or is created from comma separated data found in the [BEGIN_DATA] header. If comma separated data is supplied the Plot_Root_File and Plot_Root_Path fields are not used. Right now for Canv_Plot_Type set to either TH1F or TH2F the TFile input must be used.

If comma separated data is supplied it is done so in this header. Each line must have between 2 and 4 values. Each value represents either the x-value, the error on the x-value, the y-value, or the error on the y-value for a given point. The first line of the [BEGIN_DATA] header must be a line consisting of between 2 and 4 strings from the set {VAR_INDEP, VAR_INDEP_ERR, VAR_DEP, VAR_DEP_ERR} for the x-value, x-value error, y-value, or y-value error, respectively. The position of these strings defines the meaning of each entry in all subsequent lines. For example:


indicates that the first value of each line is the y-value, the second is the x-value, and the third value is the error on the x-value for a given point. See Section 4.e.iv.VI for an example.


The table below describes the allowed input fields and their data types.

Field Name Type Description
Fit_Color TColor As Plot_Color in Section 4.e.iv.II.
Fit_Formula string As Fit_Formula in Section 4.e.ii.IV.
Fit_LegEntry string As Plot_LegEntry in Section 4.e.iv.II.
Fit_Line_Size float As Plot_Line_Size in Section 4.e.iv.II.
Fit_Line_Style int As Plot_Line_Style in Section 4.e.iv.II.
Fit_Name string TName of the TF1 object. Either the TF1 will be created with this TName or it will be loaded from Fit_Root_File found with path Fit_Root_Path inside the TFile.
Fit_Option string If the TF1 is being loaded from a previous TFile with Fit_Root_File option this is the draw option; if the TF1 is being fit to one of the TObjects on the TCanvas this is the fit option.
Fit_Root_File string As Plot_Root_File in Section 4.e.iv.II.
Fit_Root_Path string As Plot_Root_Path in Section 4.e.iv.II.
Fit_Perform bool If true perform a fit to the TObject defined in the [BEGIN_PLOT] header this [BEGIN_FIT] header is found in; otherwise the TF1 is just drawn on the TCanvas.
Fit_Range Two comma separated strings As Fit_Range in Section 4.e.ii.IV.

4.e.iv.V Configuration Options

The genericPlotter executable will create one TCanvas for every call of the executable. The created TCanvas, and all plots on it, will follow the official CMS Style Guide. Note the user needs to ensure the additional input configurations provided also conform to the CMS Style Guide (e.g. units on axis labels). However this will provide a "baseline" style to the created canvas to greatly simplify the process for preparing plots for publication. The [BEGIN_CANVAS] header is required. One or more TObjects can be drawn on the canvas. For each TObject you should define a corresponding [BEGIN_PLOT]. Note that all the TObjects drawn on the canvas must be of the same type; however TF1 objects can be drawn on top of the input TObjects or fitted to them. For example you cannot draw both a TH1F and a TGraphErrors on the canvas simultaneously (you'll need to convert one into the other) but you could fit a TF1 to a TGraphErrors. The supported types of TObjects are from the set {TGraph, TGraph2D, TGraphErrors, TH1F, TH2F}.

For the case of TGraph, TGraph2D, and TGraphErrors objects you can choose to provide a [BEGIN_DATA] header (see Section 4.e.iv.III) and have the genericPlotter executable load comma separated data in and use this data to create the graph or you can have genericPlotter load a previously created objects from a TFile by supplying the TName of the object (Plot_Name field), the name of the TFile (Plot_Root_File), and the path inside the TFile the object is located at (Plot_Root_Path).

For the case of TH1F and TH2F objects presently they must be loaded from a previously created TFile in the manner described above.

Example plot config files showning TGraph, TGraph2D, TGraphErrors, TH1F, and TH2F cases are shown below.

4.e.iv.VI Example Config File - TGraph

The following example shows the case where two TGraph objects are plotted. Note the Canv_Plot_Type in the [BEGIN_CANVAS] header is set to TGraph. Here one TGraph is supplied via comma separated data while the other is loaded from an input TFile.

    Canv_Axis_NDiv = '510,510'; #X, Y
    Canv_Dim = '1000,1000'; #X, Y
    Canv_DrawOpt = 'APE1';
    Canv_Grid_XY = 'false,false'; #X, Y
    Canv_Latex_Line = '0.19,0.75, Ar/CO_{2}~=~#left(70/30#right)'; #X_NDC, Y_NDC, String
    Canv_Latex_Line = '0.19,0.70, X-Ray#left(Ag#right);40~kV;5~#muA'; #X_NDC, Y_NDC, String
    Canv_Latex_Line = '0.19,0.65, i#eta~=~4;i#phi~=~2'; #X_NDC, Y_NDC, String
    Canv_Legend_Dim_X = '0.5,0.95'; X_NDC_1, X_NDC_2
    Canv_Legend_Dim_Y = '0.14,0.40'; Y_NDC_1, Y_NDC_2
    Canv_Legend_Draw = 'true';
    Canv_Log_XY = 'false,true'; #X, Y
    Canv_Logo_Pos = '11'; #0, 11, 22, 33
    Canv_Logo_Prelim = 'true';
    Canv_Margin_Top = '0.08';
    Canv_Margin_Bot = '0.14';
    Canv_Margin_Lf = '0.15';
    Canv_Margin_Rt = '0.04';
    Canv_Name = 'GainComp';
    Canv_Plot_Type = 'TGraph';
    Canv_Range_X = '500,800'; #X1, X2
    Canv_Range_Y = '10,30000'; #Y1, Y2
    Canv_Title_Offset_X = '1.0';
    Canv_Title_Offset_Y = '1.2';
    Canv_Title_X = 'Divider Current #left(#muA#right)';
    Canv_Title_Y = 'Effective Gain';
        Plot_Color = 'kBlack';
        Plot_LegEntry = 'GE1/1-VII-L-CERN-0004';
        Plot_Line_Size = '1';
        Plot_Line_Style = '1';
        Plot_Marker_Size = '1';
        Plot_Marker_Style = '22';
        Plot_Name = 'g_GE1/1-VII-L-CERN-0004_EffGain';
            #NOTE:  Copying/pasting data from excel may not have the desired effect.
            #	Have noticed that a "newline" character (which is invisible) is
            #	not present in some copy/past actions, if your data does not load
            #	properly consider this as a potential cause.

4.e.iv.VII Example Config File - TGraph2D

The following example shows the case where a TGraph2D object is plotted. Note the Canv_Plot_Type in the [BEGIN_CANVAS] header is set to TGraph2D. Here the TGraph2D is loaded from an input TFile.

    Canv_Axis_NDiv = '507,510'; #X, Y
    Canv_Dim = '1000,1000'; #X, Y
    Canv_DrawOpt = 'TRI2Z';
    Canv_Grid_XY = 'false,false'; #X, Y
    #Canv_Latex_Line = '0.55,0.97, GE1/1-VII-L-CERN-0002'; #X_NDC, Y_NDC, String
    Canv_Legend_Dim_X = '0.5,0.95'; X_NDC_1, X_NDC_2
    Canv_Legend_Dim_Y = '0.14,0.40'; Y_NDC_1, Y_NDC_2
    Canv_Legend_Draw = 'false';
    Canv_Log_XY = 'false,false'; #X, Y
    Canv_Logo_Pos = '0';
    Canv_Logo_Prelim = 'true';
    Canv_Margin_Top = '0.08';
    Canv_Margin_Bot = '0.14';
    Canv_Margin_Lf = '0.19';
    Canv_Margin_Rt = '0.24';
    Canv_Mono_Color = 'false';
    Canv_Name = 'GE11-VII-L-CERN-0002_ResponseMap_Normalized'';
    Canv_N_Axis_X = '1';
    Canv_N_Axis_Y = '1';
    Canv_Plot_Type = 'TGraph2D';
    Canv_Range_Z = '0.5,1.5'; #Y1, Y2
    Canv_Title_Offset_X = '1.2';
    Canv_Title_Offset_Y = '1.65';
    Canv_Title_Offset_Z = '1.32';
    Canv_Title_X = 'Width #left(mm#right)';
    Canv_Title_Y = 'Height #left(mm#right)';
    Canv_Title_Z = '#splitline{Normalized Response}{#bf{GE1/1-VII-L-CERN-0002}}';
        Plot_Name = 'g2D_Detector_ResponseFitPkPosNormalized_AllEta';
        Plot_Root_File = '/path/to/file/GE11-VII-L-CERN-0002_Summary_Physics_Optimized_RandTrig_XRay40kV100uA_580uA_10826kEvt_AnaWithFits.root';
        Plot_Root_Path = '/path/to/Plot_Name/in/Plot_Root_File/';

Note the Plot_Root_File should be the PFN of the TFile and Plot_Root_Path should be the physical path to the TGraph2D object, e.g. g2D_Detector_ResponseFitPkPosNormalized_AllEta in this example.

4.e.iv.VIII Example Config File - TGraphErrors

The following example shows the case where two TGraphError objects are plotted. Note the Canv_Plot_Type in the [BEGIN_CANVAS] header is set to TGraphErrors. Here one TGraphError is supplied via comma separated data while the other is loaded from an input TFile.

    Canv_Axis_NDiv = '510,510'; #X, Y
    Canv_Dim = '1000,1000'; #X, Y
    Canv_DrawOpt = 'APE1';
    Canv_Grid_XY = 'false,false'; #X, Y
    Canv_Latex_Line = '0.19,0.75, Ar/CO_{2}~=~#left(70/30#right)'; #X_NDC, Y_NDC, String
    Canv_Latex_Line = '0.19,0.70, X-Ray#left(Ag#right);40~kV;5~#muA'; #X_NDC, Y_NDC, String
    Canv_Latex_Line = '0.19,0.65, i#eta~=~4;i#phi~=~2'; #X_NDC, Y_NDC, String
    Canv_Legend_Dim_X = '0.5,0.95'; X_NDC_1, X_NDC_2
    Canv_Legend_Dim_Y = '0.14,0.40'; Y_NDC_1, Y_NDC_2
    Canv_Legend_Draw = 'true';
    Canv_Log_XY = 'false,true'; #X, Y
    Canv_Logo_Pos = '11'; #0, 11, 22, 33
    Canv_Logo_Prelim = 'true';
    Canv_Margin_Top = '0.08';
    Canv_Margin_Bot = '0.14';
    Canv_Margin_Lf = '0.15';
    Canv_Margin_Rt = '0.04';
    Canv_Name = 'GainComp';
    Canv_Plot_Type = 'TGraphErrors';
    Canv_Range_X = '500,800'; #X1, X2
    Canv_Range_Y = '10,30000'; #Y1, Y2
    Canv_Title_Offset_X = '1.0';
    Canv_Title_Offset_Y = '1.2';
    Canv_Title_X = 'Divider Current #left(#muA#right)';
    Canv_Title_Y = 'Effective Gain';
        Plot_Color = 'kBlack';
        Plot_LegEntry = 'GE1/1-VII-L-CERN-0004';
        Plot_Line_Size = '1';
        Plot_Line_Style = '1';
        Plot_Marker_Size = '1';
        Plot_Marker_Style = '22';
        Plot_Name = 'g_GE1/1-VII-L-CERN-0004_EffGain';
            #NOTE:  Copying/pasting data from excel may not have the desired effect.
            #	Have noticed that a "newline" character (which is invisible) is
            #	not present in some copy/past actions, if your data does not load
            #	properly consider this as a potential cause.
        Plot_Color = 'kRed+1';
        Plot_LegEntry = 'GE1/1-VII-L-CERN-0003';
        Plot_Line_Size = '1';
        Plot_Line_Style = '1';
        Plot_Marker_Size = '1';
        Plot_Marker_Style = '23';
        Plot_Name = 'g_GE1/1-VII-L-CERN-0003_EffGain';
        Plot_Root_File = '/path/to/file/GE11-VII-L-CERN-0003_EffGain.root';
        Plot_Root_Path = '/path/to/Plot_Name/in/Plot_Root_File/';

Note the Plot_Root_File should be the PFN of the TFile and Plot_Root_Path should be the physical path to the TGraphErrors object g_GE11-VII-L-CERN-0003_EffGain.

4.e.iv.IX Example Config File - TH1F

The following example shows the case where a TH1F object is plotted. Note the Canv_Plot_Type in the [BEGIN_CANVAS] header is set to TH1F. Here the TH1F is loaded from an input TFile.

    Canv_Axis_NDiv = '510,510'; #X, Y
    Canv_Dim = '1000,1000'; #X, Y
    Canv_DrawOpt = 'E1';
    Canv_Grid_XY = 'false,false'; #X, Y
    Canv_Latex_Line = '0.19,0.75, GE1/1-VII-L-CERN-0002'; #X_NDC, Y_NDC, String
    Canv_Legend_Dim_X = '0.5,0.95'; X_NDC_1, X_NDC_2
    Canv_Legend_Dim_Y = '0.14,0.40'; Y_NDC_1, Y_NDC_2
    Canv_Legend_Draw = 'false';
    Canv_Log_XY = 'false,false'; #X, Y
    Canv_Logo_Pos = '11';
    Canv_Logo_Prelim = 'true';
    Canv_Margin_Top = '0.08';
    Canv_Margin_Bot = '0.12';
    Canv_Margin_Lf = '0.12';
    Canv_Margin_Rt = '0.04';
    Canv_Name = 'GE11-VII-L-CERN-0002_RespFitPkPosDataset';
    Canv_Plot_Type = 'TH1F';
    Canv_Range_X = '0,2500'; #X1, X2
    Canv_Range_Y = '0,150'; #Y1, Y2
    Canv_Title_Offset_X = '1.2';
    Canv_Title_Offset_Y = '1.65';
    Canv_Title_X = 'Fitted Cu Fluorescence Peak Position #left(ADC#right)';
    Canv_Title_Y = 'Entries';
        Plot_Color = 'kBlack';
        Plot_LegEntry = 'Data';
        Plot_Name = 'h_Summary_ResponseFitPkPosDataset';
        Plot_Root_File = 'GE11-VII-L-CERN-0002_Summary_Physics_Optimized_RandTrig_XRay40kV100uA_580uA_10826kEvt_AnaWithFits.root';
        Plot_Root_Path = 'Summary/';
            Fit_Color = 'kRed';
            Fit_LegEntry = 'Fit';
            Fit_Line_Size = '1';
            Fit_Line_Style = '1';
            Fit_Name = 'fit_Summary_ResponseFitPkPosDataset';
            Fit_Root_File = 'GE11-VII-L-CERN-0002_Summary_Physics_Optimized_RandTrig_XRay40kV100uA_580uA_10826kEvt_AnaWithFits.root';
            Fit_Root_Path = 'Summary/';

Note the Plot_Root_File should be the PFN of the TFile and Plot_Root_Path should be the physical path to the TH1F object h_Summary_ResponseFitPkPosDataset.

4.e.iv.X Example Config File - TH2F

The following example shows the case where a TH2F object is plotted. Note the Canv_Plot_Type in the [BEGIN_CANVAS] header is set to TH2F. Here the TH2F is loaded from an input TFile.

    Canv_Axis_NDiv = '507,510'; #X, Y
    Canv_Dim = '1000,1000'; #X, Y
    Canv_DrawOpt = 'COLZTEXT';
    Canv_Grid_XY = 'false,false'; #X, Y
    Canv_Legend_Dim_X = '0.5,0.95'; X_NDC_1, X_NDC_2
    Canv_Legend_Dim_Y = '0.14,0.40'; Y_NDC_1, Y_NDC_2
    Canv_Legend_Draw = 'false';
    Canv_Log_XY = 'false,false'; #X, Y
    Canv_Logo_Pos = '0';
    Canv_Logo_Prelim = 'true';
    Canv_Margin_Top = '0.08';
    Canv_Margin_Bot = '0.14';
    Canv_Margin_Lf = '0.13';
    Canv_Margin_Rt = '0.19';
    Canv_Mono_Color = 'false';
    Canv_Name = 'GE11-VII-L-CERN-0001_FitSuccess_RGB';
    Canv_Plot_Type = 'TH2F';
    Canv_Range_Y = '1,9'; #Y1, Y2
    Canv_Range_Z = '0,1'; #Y1, Y2
    Canv_Title_Offset_X = '1.2';
    Canv_Title_Offset_Y = '1.2';
    Canv_Title_Offset_Z = '1.65';
    Canv_Title_X = 'Detector #it{i#phi} index';
    Canv_Title_Y = 'Detector #it{i#eta} index';
    Canv_Title_Z = 'GE1/1-VII-L-CERN-0001 Fit Success';
        Plot_Name = 'h_Summary_FitSuccess';
        Plot_Root_File = '/afs/';
        Plot_Root_Path = 'Summary';

Note the Plot_Root_File should be the PFN of the TFile and Plot_Root_Path should be the physical path to the TH2F object h_Summary_FitSuccess.

4.e.v Efficiency Predictor Config File

Unlike most other config files used in the framewok the Efficiency Predictor Config File does not use a nested header style to load in information. Instead each line consists of tab delimited data, the field name appears first, followed by a tab, and then the value to be assigned to the field. For example:


Where the tab \t character has been shown explicitly. The possible field names are shown in the following subsections

4.e.v.I PARAMETERS - Input Files

The table below describes the allowed input fields and their data types:

Field Name Type Description
File_Framework_Output string PFN of the input framework out file produced in the QC5_Resp_Uni measurement
File_ClustQ_Mean string PFN of a tab deliminted file storing cluster charge landau data collected with triple-GEM detectors. The data is ordered as V_Drift, Cluster Size, and the Landau mean parameter. Note the first two lines of this file are assumed to consist of column headers and units and are thus skipped.
File_ClustQ_MPV string As File_ClustQ_Mean but for Landau MPV parameter
File_ClustQ_Sigma string As File_ClustQ_Mean but for Landau Sigma (e.g. scale) parameter
File_ClustSize string PFN of a TFile storing a TF1 object which gives MIP cluster size parameterized in terms of triple-GEM detector gain.
File_DUT_Mapping_Geo string PFN of the mapping config file used to create the given File_Framework_Output
File_DUT_Mapping_VFATPos2iEtaiPhi string PFN of a tab deliminted mapping file which gives the correspondance between detector (ieta,iphi) coordinate to VFAT position. Note the first line of this file is assume to consist of column headers and is thus skipped
File_DUT_SCurveData string PFN of a TFile storing the scurveFitTree TTree object which contains the analyzed S-Curve data recorded with a detector instrumented with the v2b GEM Electronics.
File_Output string PFN of the output file to be produced by calling python/

4.e.v.II PARAMETERS - Device Under Test (DUT)

The table below describes the allowed input fields and their data types.

Field Name Type Description
DUT_GAIN_P0 float For the detector corresponding to the QC5 data stored in File_Framework_Output, this is value of p0 in G(x) = exp(p0*x+p1); here x is either divider current or V_Drift.
DUT_GAIN_P0_Err float Error on DUT_GAIN_P0.
DUT_GAIN_P1 float As DUT_GAIN_P0 but for p1 in G(x) = exp(p0*x+p1).
DUT_GAIN_P1_Err float Error on DUT_GAIN_P1.
DUT_iEta_Clust_Size_Norm int iEta index corresponding to (ieta,iphi) sector that data in File_CluseSize was obtained from.
DUT_iEta_QC5_Gain_Cal int iEta index corresponding to (ieta,iphi) sector that QC5_Eff_Gain was performed in.
DUT_iPhi_Clust_Size_Norm int As DUT_iEta_Clust_Size_Norm but for iPhi index.
DUT_iPhi_QC5_Gain_Cal int As DUT_iEta_QC5_Gain_Cal but for iPhi index.
DUT_Num_Sim_Pts_Per_RO int Number of Toy MC events to simulate for each slice of the detector found in File_Framework_Output.
DUT_QC5_Resp_Uni_HVPt float HV value at which the QC5_Resp_Uni measurement was performed at (e.g. HV value used to obtain File_Framework_Output). Note the HV observable here, either divider current or V_Drift, should match the observable that was used to parameterize the Gain curve.
DUT_Serial_Number string Value assigned to the Detector_Name field in the input run config file used to create the given File_Framework_Output. Note: Detector should be used if the user did not supply a value to this field in the run config file when generating the File_Framework_Output.
DUT_Slice_Granularity int Value assigned to the Uniformity_Granularity field in the input analysis config file used to create the given File_Framework_Output.

4.e.v.III PARAMETERS - Cluster Charge

The table below describes the allowed input fields and their data types.

Field Name Type Description
Det_ClustQ_Serial_Number string Serial number of the detector used to obtain the data found in the File_ClustQ_Mean, File_ClustQ_MPV, and File_ClustQ_Sigma files.
Det_ClustQ_GAIN_P0 float For Det_ClustQ_Serial_Number this is value of p0 in G(V_Drift) = exp(p0*V_Drift+p1).
Det_ClustQ_GAIN_P0_Err float Error on Det_ClustQ_GAIN_P0.
Det_ClustQ_GAIN_P1 float As Det_ClustQ_GAIN_P0 but for p1 in G(V_Drift) = exp(p0*V_Drift+p1).
Det_ClustQ_GAIN_P1_Err float Error on Det_ClustQ_GAIN_P1.

4.e.v.IV PARAMETERS - Cluster Size

The table below describes the allowed input fields and their data types.

Field Name Type Description
Det_ClustSize_Serial_Number string Serial number of the detecotr used to obtain the data found in File_ClustSize.
Det_ClustSize_TF1_TName string TName of the TF1 object in File_ClustSize which parameterizes MIP cluster size parameterized in terms of triple-GEM detector gain.

4.e.v.V PARAMETERS - Efficiency Info

The table below describes the allowed input fields and their data types.

The following parameters are supported:

Eff_HVPt_List comma separated list of ints list of HV Pt's the efficiency should be predicted at.

4.f. Output File - Analysis Mode

The framework will produce a number of output ROOT files and text files depending on the configuration used. When Output_Individual = true one ROOT file and text file will be produced per input file. Otherwise a single ROOT and text file will be produced which represents the aggregate of the input file(s) analyzed

The output (text) ROOT file is described in Section (4.f.ii) 4.f.i.

4.f.i Output ROOT File - Analysis Mode

The output ROOT file produced by classes inheriting from AnalyzeResponseUniformity will contain the TObjects described in Sections 4.b.i, 4.b.iii, and 4.d.ii. The output file will have a repeating file structure. For each SectorEta defined (i.e. "DET" line in the mapping config file) there will be one TDirectory named SectorEtaX where X is an integer. Those TObject's stored in the Uniformity::SectorEta struct will be stored directly in this SectorEtaX TDirectory; and obviously they will represent only distributions from that iEta value. The TName's for each TObject here will include the string _iEtaX_ to ensure they are unique.

Within each SectorEtaX folder will be nbConnect number of TDirectory's labeled SectorPhiY for Y = {1, ... , nbConnect}. Similarly to the above, the TObject's stored in the Uniformity::SectorPhi struct will be stored directly in this SectorPhiY TDirectory; they will represent only distributions from this (iEta, iPhi) value. Again, the TName's for each TObject here will include the string _iEtaXiPhiY_ to ensure they are unique.

Within each SectorPhiY folder there will exist AnalysisSetupUniformity::iUniformityGranularity number of TDirectory's labeled SliceZ where Z is an integer from 1 to AnalysisSetupUniformity::iUniformityGranularity. Similarly, the TObject's stored in Uniformity::SectorSlice struct will be stored directly in this SliceZ TDirectory; they will only represent distributions from this (iEta, iPhi, Slice) value. Again, the TName's for each TObject here will include the string _iEtaXiPhiYSliceZ_ to ensure tehy are unique.

In general all TObjcets stored in the output ROOT file will follow a convention for their TNames. For one dimensional TObjects we use the following convention/regular expression:


For two dimensional TObjects we use the following convention:


Where: the TypePrefix is described in Section 4.g.i (e.g. for TH1F objcets it is h); the Coordinate is the (iEta,iPhi,iSlice) point of the histogram as described above; the ObservableNameX, and ObservableNameY fields are respectively what is plotted on the X & Y access of the TObject.

One top level TDirectory named Summary will also exist. This folder will store a set of histograms for each cluster/hit observable. The contents of these histograms is simply the sum of the corresponding SectorEtaX histograms (e.g. TH1::Add() method).

Additionally the VisualizeUniformity class places additional TObjects (e.g. TCanvas, TMultiGraph, etc...) to assist the analyst in making the "pass/fail" statement. These are desribed below.

4.f.i.I "Segmented" Plots Stored in "Summary" folder

Several TCanvas objects with TNames of the form:


will be stored in the folder. Here the Detector_Name is the parameter defined in the given configRun.cfg file; Observable comes from the set {ClustADC, ClustMulti, ClustPos, ClustSize, ClustTime, HitADC, HitMulti, HitPos, HitTime}; and ReadoutLevel comes from the set {AllEta, AllPhi}.

These will show a TCanvas with an array of TPads placed in a columns-by-row grid of (3-by-8) 2-by-4 grid for (AllPhi) AllEta case. Each TPad will have iEta index written in the upper left corner of the pad and have the corresponding TObject from this ReadoutLevel (e.g. iEta or iPhi) drawn on the pad.

4.f.ii.II "Dataset" Plots Stored in "Summary" folder

Several TCanvas objects with TNames of the form:


will be stored in the folder along with matching TH1F objects for each TCanvas with the TName of the form:


Here the Detector_Name is the parameter defined in the given configRun.cfg file and Observable comes from the set {ResponseFitPkPos, ResponseFitPkRes}, with expansions possible if requested.

The x-axis will be the Observable in question (e.g. for ResponseFitPkPos this will be the cluster ADC of the peak determined from the fit). The Y-axis will be counts. These canvases show the distribution of the observable in question over the entire detector. The TH1F in question will always have the bin range [Avg - 5 * StdDev, Avg + 5 * StdDev) with a bin width of 0.25 * StdDev. Here Avg is the average of the dataset and StdDev is the dataset's standard deviation. This TH1F will also be automatically fit with both a Gaussian and a Landau distribution. The Fit with the lowest Normalized Chi2 value will be kept. The whose mean (MPV) and sigma (scale) parameter of the stored Gaussian (Landau) will be written on the TPad. The percent error of the dataset, defined as sigma / mean (scale / MPV) from the Gaussian (Landua), will also be displayed on the TPad. This offers an "at a glance" look at the total distribution for a given observable and may help understand an immediate pass/fail condition.

Additionally there will be one TCanvas and TGraphErrors object with "Shifted" in it's name. This is identical to the objects without the "Shifted" string in their names but here the mean position of the plot has been shifted to 0. This allows you to better compare across detectors when you are interested in the spread of the distribution rather than the mean. Here two points at (+/-2000,0) have been added to allow a greater range of drawing the x-axis with genericPlotter or some custom code of your choice.

4.f.i.III 1D Fit Summary Plots Stored in "Summary" folder

Several TCanvas objects with TNames of the form:


will be stored in the folder along with matching TMultiGraph objects for each TCanvas with the TName of the form:


Here the Detector_Name is the parameter defined in the given configRun.cfg file. The FitObservable is from the set {ResponseFitChi2, ResponseFitPkPos, ResponseFitPkRes} for the normalized Chi2 value of the fit, determined peak position, and determined peak resolution (see Section 4.e.ii.IV for details), respectively.

4.f.i.IV 2D Fit Trapezoidal Map Plots Stored in "Summary" folder

Several TCanvas objects with TNames of the form:


will be stored in the folder along with matching TGraph2D objects for each TCanvas with the TName of the form:


Note in the case of the TCanvas a "2D" string is placed in the TName to distinguish it from the 1D case. Here the Detector_Name is the parameter defined in the given configRun.cfg file. The FitObservable is from the set {ResponseFitPkPos, ResponseFitPkPosNormalized, ResponseFitPkRes, ResponseFitPkResNormalized}. For the "Normalized" cases the z-axis at every point will be the point divided by the mean of the dataset formed by all points of the FitObservable (e.g. z / z_avg);

These plots may take some time to load. This is due to the rendering that is done by ROOT; be patient. Consider transfering the file to your local machine if it is not already. Once they load the plots will show a 3D plot of the detector. The xy-plane will be the trapezoidal active area of the detector and the Z-axis will be the FitObservable.

4.f.ii Output ROOT File - Comparison Mode

Here the output ROOT file is produced by classes inheriting from VisualizeComparison. The ROOT file will contain a TDirectory whose TName is equal to the value of the Input_Identifier field at the time of execution. Inside this folder there will be a TDirectory whose TName is equal to the value of the "Obs_Name field at the time of execution.

If you have the Output_File_Option field equal to UPDATE then rather than over-writing the Output_File_Name TFile everytime it will simply add TDirectories (or sub-TDirectories) to the file. This is perfect if you want to compare multiple Obs_Name distributions for the same Input_Identifier value. Additionally you could have one TFile store several different Input_Identifier top-level TDirectories each with multipler Obs_Name sub-directories.

In each Obs_Name sub directory you will find a TH1F object from each of the input files you considered on execution. The TNames of these TH1F objects will be equivalent to what they are in their original TFile but they will be appended with the Input_Identifier field specific to that TFile. These TH1F objects will automatically be drawn on a TCanvas, colored, and placed in a TLegend (also drawn on the TCanvas). The TName of this TCanvas will follow the convention:


Example if you have Input_Identifier equal ClustTime and you are running over the following list of input files:


The Obs_Name sub directory will contain two TH1F objects with their regular TNames appended with _ClustTime1to30 and ClustTime6to27. The TCanvas they are drawn on will be named canv_ClustSize_<Obs_Name>.

4.f.iii Output ROOT File - genericPlotter

Here an output ROOT file is produced by classes inheriting from PlotterGeneric with the filename plotterOutput.root. The ROOT file will contain the produced TCanvas and all TObjects that were declared in [BEGIN_PLOT] headers and drawn on the canvas. The TName of the produce TCanvas will follow the convention:

<Canv_Name>_<Canv_Dim X component>_<Canv_Dim Y component>_<Canv_Logo_Pos Idx>_<Canv_Logo_Prelim>_<Canv_Logo_Pos>

Here Canv_Name is the value of the Canv_Name field; Canv_Dim X & Y component are the x and y-values given in the Canv_Dim field; Canv_Logo_Pos Idx is the value of the Canv_Logo_Pos field; Canv_Logo_Prelim will read prelim if Canv_Logo_Prelim is set to true or be omitted (along with the next underscore) if Canv_Logo_Prelim is set to false; Canv_Logo_Pos will be from the set {out, right, center, left} to indicate the position of the CMS logo. All fields here are found in the plot config file.

For example if:

  • Canv_Name = GE11-VII-L-CERN-0002_ResponseMap_Normalized,
  • Canv_Dim = 1000,1000,
  • Canv_Logo_Pos = 0, and
  • Canv_Logo_Prelim = true

then the produced TCanvas would have a TName of:


The TObjects drawn on the TCanvas declared in [BEGIN_PLOT] headers will have the value of the Plot_Name field set to their TName.

Since the style defined by genericPlotter may not persist in the created TObjects once they have been saved to the output TFile and loaded again in ROOT two image files will also be produced. In the working directory you will also find Canvas_TName.C, *.eps, *.pdf, and *.png files. These files should be used for plot approval in publication since they are gauranteed to have the style settings created by genericPlotter.

4.f.iv Output Text File

An output text file will be created that will show in tabular form a table which looks like:

Cut_HitAdc_Min = 60
iEta	iPhi	iStrip
1       1       64
1       1       65
1       2       64
1       3       64
...     ...     ...
...     ...     ...
7       1       128
7       2       1
8       3       64
8       2       1

The first row will show Cut_HitAdc_Min, the minimum ADC cut on hits, applied during the analysis.

A strip is considered dead if there are no entries in the corresponding bin of hit position histogram at the iEta level. The algorithm will transpose this strip number from iEta numbering, e.g. [1,384], to iPhi numbering [1,128]. This should allow the user to easily identify which strip on a connector is reported as dead.

Note that having the Cut_HitAdc_Min too high may cause strips to be reported as dead. Also when identifying dead strips it is important to understand if the problem is a dead strip on the detector or a dead channel on the front end used to readout the sector.

4.f.v Output ROOT File - Gain Map

This file will have a series of TDirectories of the form:


Where X corresponds to the HV values given to parameters {hvPoint,hvlist} either as command line arguments or entries in the provided Summary File. Additionally there will be one TDirectory named Summary.

Inside each of the GainMap_HVPt<X> TDirectories you will find TCanvas objects whose TNames follow the form:


Where: name is the string given to the --name argument at command line or provided in the Summary File, Observable is from the set {EffGain, PD}, and hvPoint is either the value given to the hvPoint argument or one of the values given to the hvlist argument, or their respective entries in the Summary File. Note that PD corresponds to discharge probability induced by alpha-particles; and is only calculated for HV values found in the hvlist argument.

Additionally, inside each of the GainMap_HVPt<X> TDirectories you will find TGraph2D objects whose TNames follow the form:


Where the name, Observable, and hvPoint are as above.

Inside the Summary TDirectory you will find TCanvas objects whose TNames follow the form:


Where: name is as given above and Observable is from the set {EffGainAvg, PDAvg}. Additionally you will find a set of TGraphError objects whose TNames follow the form:


Where: name is as given above and Observable is from the set {EffGainAvg, EffGainMax, EffGainMin, PDAvg, PDMax, and PDMin}. Output ROOT File - Efficiency Map

5. Troubleshooting

If you run into trouble please double check this file to ensure you are using the repository correctly. If you still are running into trouble please navigate too the issue tab of the repository and post an issue following the instructions included in the template.


Analysis framework for the CMS GEM collaboration







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