This repository has moved here.
The process of monitoring and certifying data in the CMS experiment consists of several stages. Each through which new decision-making information regarding the quality of data is revealed. Run Registry is an application designed to document and aggregate each decision made -and by which actor, either human, automatic or machine learning agent- at every stage. It is then responsible for aggregating and exposing the results of data deemed good or ‘usable for analysis’ to the CMS collaboration in what is known as the golden json.
From a technical standpoint, run registry is a full-stack javascript application. With a frontend built with React and a backend built with Node.js, it uses a PostgreSQL database instance running in CERN DB on demand and a redis microservice to handle the job queue for backend processing.
The frontend of run registry is written in JavaScript using React.js and Next.js. You can read more about it here.
The backend of run registry is written in JavaScript using Node.js. You can read more about it here.
The API client is a Python PIP package that interfaces via HTTP requests with the API of run registry and allows users to read data easily from the application. You can read more about it here.
They are in charge of building and pushing the frontend and microservices into Dockerhub on every push to the master branch. They are located in the .github folder.
This repository contains all the code from Run Registry. However, it doesn't contain the commit log of how the application was developed. To view them go to the individiual repositories (which are no longer used) of every component mentioned above. To modify the application you must do so however in this repository only.
Run registry is designed using loosely-coupled microservices. This architecture allows for future maintainers to only need to know how a given microservice works either to maintain it or replace it.
Run registry encompasses 5 microservices, each with its respective Dockerfile and dockerhub repository, here is a list of them with its respective dockerhub repository:
- The API. cmssw/runregistry-backend
- The service in charge of fetching runs & lumsiections from the OMS API. cmssw/runregistry-workers-oms-fetching
- The service in charge of pinging the DQM GUI API. cmssw/runregistry-workers-dqm-gui-pinging
- The service in charge of processing the jsons. cmssw/runregistry-workers-json-processing
- A helper redis service which serves as a transport queue between service 1 and 4.
There are two ways that Run Registry uses Event Sourcing: for configuration, and for data.
- For configuration
Run registry has multiple sources of configuration, some of them can be changed on the fly via the web interface, other configurations need to be changed via a change in the database, and the least commonly modified configurations need to be changed in code in one of the config.js files. Configurations updated via web interface are all event-sourced: The dataset classifier, class classifier, component classifier, datasets accepted in GUI classifier (datasets accepted), JSON classifier, offline dataset classifier. This means that all versions are tracked in the database, when a classifier is deleted it is not really deleted forever, there is a copy of it still hanging in the database. When it is edited, the previous version is also saved.
- For data
There is a great amount of effort in making Run Registry event-sourced on a run and per-lumisection basis. If there is a human error, for example if a user sometimes batch-updates runs and sets wrong values, there will always be a way to undo it. And there will be a track of what was done, by whom and when.
Both the production and development instances are deployed on Openstack. You should have been given access to the projects automatically by the DQM-DC egroups.
To handle authentication/authorization, a proxy is deployed on PaaS/OpenShift, one for each instance. The proxy is running custom code found here. To access the proxies' deployment, you will need to login to PaaS with the cmsdqm
service account.
TODO: This proxy uses the old CERN SSO with ADFS, to be deprecated in Summer 2023.
flowchart TD
user[fa:fa-user User] -->|HTTPS|proxy("SSO Proxy")
subgraph OpenShift
subgraph OpenStack
From your computer:
ssh -tCY [email protected] ssh -CY [email protected]
On dev-runregistry.cern.ch
cd /srv/node && export HOME=$PWD
export PATH=/srv/node/bin/:$PATH
cd /srv/
export NODE_ENV=production
export ENV=staging
export CLIENT_SECRET= #Ask DQM core conveners
sudo chmod -R 777 /srv/
forever stopall
rm -rf node
sudo wget https://nodejs.org/dist/v12.20.0/node-v12.20.0-linux-x64.tar.xz
sudo tar -xf node-v12.20.0-linux-x64.tar.xz
sudo mv node-v12.20.0-linux-x64 node
sudo rm node-v12.20.0-linux-x64.tar.xz
sudo chmod -R 777 /srv/
cd node && export HOME=$PWD
cd ..
export PATH=/srv/node/bin/:$PATH
npm install forever -g
npm i yarn -g
rm -rf runregistry
git clone https://github.com/cms-DQM/runregistry
cd runregistry/runregistry_frontend
sudo chmod -R 777 /srv/
mkdir certs
sudo chmod -R 777 /srv/
yarn build
sudo chmod -R 777 /srv/
forever start server.js
cd ../runregistry_backend
## how to generate key and certificate, check the section below
cp your cert usercert.pem certs/usercert.pem
cp cp your key certs/userkey.pem
forever start app.js
After starting the project, it's important to check logs, is everything working fine!
Logs can be found by running a command: forever logs
On your computer:
ssh -tCY [email protected] ssh -CY [email protected]
On runregistry.cern.ch
cd /srv/node && export HOME=$PWD
export PATH=/srv/node/bin/:$PATH
cd /srv/
export NODE_ENV=production
export ENV=production
export CLIENT_SECRET= #Ask DQM core conveners
sudo chmod -R 777 /srv/
forever stopall
rm -rf node
sudo wget https://nodejs.org/dist/v12.20.0/node-v12.20.0-linux-x64.tar.xz
sudo tar -xf node-v12.20.0-linux-x64.tar.xz
sudo mv node-v12.20.0-linux-x64 node
sudo rm node-v12.20.0-linux-x64.tar.xz
sudo chmod -R 777 /srv/
cd node && export HOME=$PWD
cd ..
export PATH=/srv/node/bin/:$PATH
npm install forever -g
npm i yarn -g
rm -rf runregistry
git clone https://github.com/cms-DQM/runregistry
cd runregistry/runregistry_frontend
sudo chmod -R 777 /srv/
sudo chmod -R 777 /srv/
yarn build
sudo chmod -R 777 /srv/
forever start server.js
cd ../runregistry_backend
mkdir certs
## how to generate key and certificate, check the section below
cp your cert usercert.pem certs/usercert.pem
cp cp your key certs/userkey.pem
forever start app.js
After starting the project, it's important to check logs, is everything working fine!
Logs can be found by running a command: forever logs
You need to have grid certificate, provoded by CERN, https://ca.cern.ch/ca/
After, execute following commands: Geberate a private key:
openssl pkcs12 -in myCertificate.p12 -nokeys -out usercert.pem -nodes
Geberate a certificate:
openssl pkcs12 -in myCertificate.p12 -nocerts -out userkey.pem -nodes
The person, who has sudo rights to dev-runregistry and runregistry machines has to add you as a user:
sudo useraddcern username
To give sudo rights (optional):
sudo usermod -aG wheel username
Check, can you connect to the machine(-s):
ssh -tCY [email protected] ssh -CY [email protected]
ssh -tCY [email protected] ssh -CY [email protected]
Check do you have sudo rights (optional):
sudo whoami
Entry point - get some runs from OMS:
Somehow calculate how many we would like to update and update:
Update OMS atributes and bits per lumisection:
Lines 142 to 143 in e941fe7
Update RR attributes and bits per lumisection:
Put the all OMS & RR info to the our server using link:
Actually function is:
It is based on React.
Via psql
psql -h dbod-gc005.cern.ch -p 6601 -U username
using password & username obtained from DQM core.
You can also use pgadmin4
for convenience.
DO $$
run_number_to_delete integer := 382656;
EXECUTE 'SELECT * FROM public."Run" WHERE run_number = $1' USING run_number_to_delete;
EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM public."DatasetEvent" WHERE run_number = $1' USING run_number_to_delete;
EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM public."DatasetTripletCache" WHERE run_number = $1' USING run_number_to_delete;
EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM public."LumisectionEvent" WHERE run_number = $1' USING run_number_to_delete;
EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM public."OMSLumisectionEvent" WHERE run_number = $1' USING run_number_to_delete;
EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM public."Dataset" WHERE run_number = $1' USING run_number_to_delete;
EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM public."Run" WHERE run_number = $1' USING run_number_to_delete;
EXECUTE 'DELETE FROM public."RunEvent" WHERE run_number = $1' USING run_number_to_delete;
END $$;
INSERT INTO public."Permission" VALUES (40, 'cms-dqm-runregistry-offline-gem-certifiers', '["/datasets/gem/move_dataset/OPEN/SIGNOFF", "/datasets/gem/move_dataset/OPEN/COMPLETED", "/datasets/gem/move_dataset/SIGNOFF/COMPLETED", "/datasets/gem/move_dataset/COMPLETED/SIGNOFF", "/dataset_lumisections/gem.*", "/cycles/move_dataset/gem/.*", "/json_portal/generate"]', NOW());
INSERT INTO public."PermissionEntries" VALUES (40, 1);
For example, to add a new one with id = 36
INSERT INTO public."OfflineDatasetClassifier" VALUES (36, '{"if": [{"and": [{"in": ["Prompt", {"var": "name"}]}]}, true, false]}', 'gem', true, NOW(), 'pmandrik', '[email protected]' );
- list of versions, add new version:
INSERT INTO public."OfflineDatasetClassifierList" VALUES (20);
: entries associated with version, add entries from OfflineDatasetClassifier
into new version we created above:
INSERT INTO public."OfflineDatasetClassifierEntries" VALUES (2, 20), (3, 20), (4, 20), (6, 20), (7, 20), (8, 20), (9, 20), (10, 20), (11, 20), (12, 20), (13, 20), (14, 20), (15, 20), (16, 20), (18, 20), (34, 20), (35, 20), (36, 20);
{"and": [{"var": "gem_included"}, {"or": [{"==": [{"var": "gemp_ready"}, false]}, {"==": [{"var": "gemm_ready"}, false]}]}]}
{"and": [{"var": "gem_included"}, {"and": [{"==": [{"var": "gemp_ready"}, true]}, {"==": [{"var": "gemm_ready"}, true]}]}]}
Each package.json
contains shorthand commands for building and pushing docker images to registry.cern.ch, as well as redeploying them on Openshift.
Check the Wiki for more information.
REDIS server is used by BULL JS package to store configs used to generate JSONs in a queue
sudo yum install redis
sudo nano /etc/redis.conf
supervised no -> supervised systemd
sudo systemctl restart redis.service
Check that it's running:
to match your redis server (Usually
, 6379
and no password).
Split brilcalc csv to store information per run
awk -F', ' '{ date = substr($1,0,6) } !(date in outfile) { outfile[date] = date".csv" } { print > (outfile[date]) }' 2022_lumi_355100_357900.csv
In the runregistry
VM, put files into /srv/runregistry/runregistry_backend/uploader/luminosity
. Execute the updater:
cd /srv
source setup_prod.sh
cd /srv/runregistry/runregistry_backend/uploader/
node upload_lumisection_luminosity_brilcalc.js
Frontend uses the antd
js library for some GUI stuff, e.g. dropboxes & breadcrumbs. The style of the original library is overwritten in public/static/ant-modified.min.css
For example in the commit https://github.com/cms-DQM/runregistry/commit/431550037f28e7953b68db7955faa4caedf20c76 we remove the new lines and enumeration from ordered list as it is expected to be done in antd style we overwrite..
In the Permissions
table, each e-group is given access to specific routes