This is the online Ruby on Rails Portfolio site of Christopher G. Mendla. It is a work in process. The purpose is to show an example of Ruby on Rails code since most of the code I've written as a freelancer or as an employee is subject to non disclosure agreements.
- This repo is public.
- The url for the site is
- The site is NOT https.
- Hosted on Digital Ocean running Ubuntu 18.2
This application was begun around 2017 and not maintained until October 2020. Since 10/20, I have been actively developing the app.
- Ruby: ruby 2.6.5p114 (2019-10-01 revision 67812) [x86_64-linux]
- Rails 5.1.4
- Server: puma
- Database: Postgres (Not implemented in production)
- Testing: Rspec, Simplecov, Capybara
- Rubocop: ~ 30 remaining issues
- Brakeman: Not installed yet
- Clone this repository
- Set the current ruby version. Currently 2.6.5 (check Gemfile to be sure)
- Development database: christopherg_dev
- Test database: christopherg_test
bundle exec rspec
to run the test suitebundle exec puma
to run the puma server in development
- Testing: Add testing to get to at least 95% coverage and then maintain that testing.
- Add Factorybot when the database is active
- Add system tests
- Database:
- Set up the database on the server (Postgres is installed)
- Add database related functionality such a searchable list
- Brakeman: Add when activating the database functionality
- Authentication: Add authentication capability. Leave the bulk of the site public but show authentication
- Update to the current stable versions of Ruby and Rails
- Use to update all applicable code.
- Email - Set up mailer functionality as a demo
- Template: Clean up the CSS*