An entity sync library for Dart developers.
- Add the SyncableMoorTableMixin to your Table
- Create a proxy class which inherits from your generated Moor class - see ProxyMixin
- Create a factory class for your proxy class - see ProxyFactory
- Create a serializer for your proxy class - see Serializer
Actually syncing:
- Instantiate an Endpoint (e.g RestfulApiEndpoint)
- Instantiate a Storage (e.g MoorStorage)
- Instantiate a SyncController, passing in the Endpoint and Storage
- Call the sync method on the SyncController
When you modify any of your synced entities, set shouldSync flag to true, the sync method will take care of the rest.
A simple usage example:
import 'package:moor/moor.dart';
import 'package:entity_sync/entity_sync.dart';
import 'package:entity_sync/moor_sync.dart';
/// This is your moor database
import 'database.dart';
main() {
/// Your database
final database = TestDatabase(VmDatabase.memory());
final endpoint = RestfulApiEndpoint<TestMoorEntityProxy>(url, TestMoorEntitySerializer());
final storage = MoorStorage<TestMoorEntityProxy>(database.testMoorEntities, database, TestMoorEntityProxyFactory());
final syncController = SyncController<TestMoorEntityProxy>(endpoint, storage);
/// Add the SyncableMoorTableMixin to your table
class TestMoorEntities extends Table with SyncableMoorTableMixin {
IntColumn get id => integer().autoIncrement()();
TextColumn get name => text().withLength(min: 3, max: 100)();
DateTimeColumn get created => dateTime()();
/// Create a proxy class which inherits from your generated Moor class - see ProxyMixin
class TestMoorEntityProxy extends TestMoorEntity with ProxyMixin,
SyncableMixin, SerializableMixin {
/// The unique syncable key of the entity
static final keyField = IntegerField('id');
/// The flag to indicate the entity needs to be synced
static final flagField = BoolField('shouldSync');
TestMoorEntityProxy.fromEntity(TestMoorEntity instance)
created: instance.created,
shouldSync: instance.shouldSync);
TestMoorEntityProxy(id, name, created, {bool shouldSync = false})
:super(id: id,
name: name,
created: created,
shouldSync: shouldSync);
/// Create a factory class for your proxy class - see ProxyFactory
class TestMoorEntityProxyFactory extends ProxyFactory<TestMoorEntityProxy,
TestMoorEntity> {
TestMoorEntityProxy proxyFromInstance(TestMoorEntity instance) {
return TestMoorEntityProxy.fromEntity(instance);
// Create a serializer for your proxy class - see Serializer
class TestMoorEntitySerializer extends Serializer<TestMoorEntityProxy> {
final fields = <SerializableField>[
TestMoorEntitySerializer({Map<String, dynamic>data,
TestMoorEntityProxy instance}) : super(data: data, instance: instance);
TestMoorEntityProxy createInstance(validatedData) {
return TestMoorEntityProxy(validatedData['id'],