Author: Cristián Maureira - [email protected]
This plugins aims to provide some snippets for writing CUDA files.
The current content is:
CUDA functions:
CUDA structures:
(device),kernel <<< ... >>> ()
CUDA data types:
CUDA words:
CUDA code lines:
threadidx.x + blockdim.x * blockidx.x
The last CUDA code line is used in almost all CUDA programs.
I found a CUDA syntax file in the Nvidia Forums, but it contains also all the content of a C syntax file, so I remove it, and I added a sentence to import the computer C syntax file, to have a simplest file.
Additionally, I added some extra syntax highlight parameters, to give support to some CUDA functions and special keywords.
- Vim
- Snipmate.
You need to clone this repository
to your ~.vim/bundle/ directory,
if your use the Pathogen plugin,
if not, just clone the repo and move the cu.snippets
to your snippets
Due CUDA files are not widely recognized, you need to add the following line to your ~.vimrc file:
au BufNewFile,BufRead *.cu set ft=cuda