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Version 1.4.00

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@clough42 clough42 released this 26 Feb 01:14
· 8 commits to master since this release

This release (1.4.00) adds a new safety feature.

The stepper/servo output is limited to 100KHz (100,000 steps/second). In version 1.3.01 and earlier, it was possible to exceed this step rate, causing the leadscrew to fall behind. If this happened, the leadscrew could continue turning after the machine spindle stopped in order to make up the missed steps. This version detects this condition if it occurs and "fails safe" by stopping the leadscrew and displaying an error message.

CAUTION: This is experimental software. Machine tools can be dangerous. Use at your own risk.

Changes in this release:

  • Detect if the max step rate of 100KHz is exceeded and stop the leadscrew with an error message
  • Change the memory map to allow more space for additional thread and feed definitions

NOTE: This version of the firmware is compatible with Code Composer Studio version 9