Diego v0.1478.0
Changes from v0.1477.0 to v0.1478.0
- Verified with garden-linux-release v0.338.0.
- Verified with garden-runc-release v0.3.0.
- Verified with etcd-release v57.
- Verified with cflinuxfs2-rootfs-release v1.16.0.
Significant changes
IMPORTANT: The Diego GitHub repositories are migrating from the cloudfoundry-incubator GitHub organization and others into cloudfoundry. The diego-release repository has already moved, as have most of the other repositories that do not contain Golang code. Those code repositories will also be moving soon, but will also be updated to use code.cloudfoundry.org
as their preferred import-path domain. If you import those Golang packages in your own code, please be aware that you will have to update those import paths (and possibly package names) as well.
BBS Relational Datastore (Experimental)
- As a Diego operator, I expect the time-rotor benchmark deployment to be backed by an HA CF-MySQL deployment so that the published BBS benchmark data pertain to this DB configuration
- As a Diego operator, I expect the BBS to recover from catastrophic data loss in the relational store so that the system remains functional (in flight)
Performance Tuning
Manifest Generation
- cloudfoundry-incubator/diego-release #170: Allow bridge components to load from capi release with -b flag
- Remove the
property from manifest generation.
Component Logging and Metrics
BOSH job changes
BOSH property changes