The Cloud Foundry Login Server project has been retired. The functionality of the Login Server have been merged into the Cloud Foundry UAA
Handles authentication in Cloud Foundry and delegates all other identity management tasks to the UAA. Also provides OAuth2 endpoints issuing tokens to client apps for Cloud Foundry (the tokens come from the UAA and no data are stored locally).
- Tokens: A note on tokens, scopes and authorities
- Technical forum: vcap-dev google group
- Docs: docs/
- API Documentation:
- Specification: The Oauth 2 Authorization Framework
- SAML:,
The Login Server is a standard JEE servlet application, and you can
build a war file and deploy it to any container you like (./gradlew :war
and look in the build/libs
directory). For convenience there
is also a Gradle task that will run the Login Server, the UAA and
some sample apps all in the same container from the command line:
$ git clone
$ cd login-server && ./update
$ ./gradlew run
You can run the Login Server tests using the command line as well. The integration tests require PhantomJS to be installed.
$ ./gradlew :test
$ ./gradlew :integrationTest
You can run all tests for the login server and the uaa with
$ ./gradlew test integrationTest
There are two documents that can help you configure the login server in your environment.
Login Server Configuration in deployment manifest
The UAA can authenticate user accounts, but only if it manages them itself, and it only provides a basic UI. The Login app can be branded and customized for non-native authentication and for more complicated UI flows, like user registration and password reset.
The login application is actually itself an OAuth2 endpoint provider,
but delegates those features to the UAA server. Configuration for the
login application therefore consists of locating the UAA through its
OAuth2 endpoint URLs, and registering the login application itself as
a client of the UAA. There is a login.yml
for the UAA locations,
e.g. for a local vcap
and there is an environment variable (or Java System property),
for the client secret that the app uses when it
authenticates itself with the UAA. The Login app is registered by
default in the UAA only if there are no active Spring profiles (so not
at all in vcap
). In the UAA you can find the registration in the
config file. Here's a summary:
id: login
secret: loginsecret
authorized-grant-types: client_credentials
authorities: ROLE_LOGIN
resource-ids: oauth
GET /login
The Login Server presents a form login interface for the backend UAA, or with other services (such as SAML).
Approve OAuth2 token grant
GET /oauth/authorize?client_id=app&response_type=code...
Standard OAuth2 Authorization Endpoint. Client credentials and all other features are handled by the UAA in the back end, and the login server is used to render the UI (see
). -
Obtain access token
POST /oauth/token
Standard OAuth2 Authorization Endpoint passed through to the UAA.
Here are some ways for you to get involved in the community:
- Get involved with the Cloud Foundry community on the mailing lists. Please help out on the mailing list by responding to questions and joining the debate.
- Create github tickets for bugs and new features and comment and vote on the ones that you are interested in.
- Github is for social coding: if you want to write code, we encourage contributions through pull requests from forks of this repository. If you want to contribute code this way, please reference an existing issue if there is one as well covering the specific issue you are addressing. Always submit pull requests to the "develop" branch.
- Watch for upcoming articles on Cloud Foundry by subscribing to the blog
The saml_login server supports two additional features on top of what you get from the regular [login-server] 1. It adds authentication using an external SAML source. We have tested our authentication with [OpenAM] 2 and the vCenter SSO appliance.
###Configuring cf-release for a saml_login deployment
The saml_login deploys the same way as the login-server, with additional configuration parameters.
Enabling saml is done using the spring_profiles
configuration parameter. SAML can be used together, as two different profiles active
at the same time.
Open your infrastructure manifest - for example cf-release/templates/cf-infrastructure-warden.yml
Add your Tomcat JVM options as well as the intended protocol to use (http/https)
saml_login: catalina_opts: -Xmx384m -XX:MaxPermSize=128m protocol: http
Scroll down to your login job and change the template to saml_login, it will be found under
jobs: - name: login_z1 template: saml_login
Open your cf-jobs.yml manifest and change the template for the login job
- name: login_z1 release: (( )) template: saml_login
Open your cf-properties.yml manifest to configure saml_login properties
Please note the spring_profiles setting
- spring_profiles: saml (uses only saml with an external SAML provider)
saml_login: #standard login server configuration catalina_opts: (( merge )) uaa_certificate: ~ protocol: https links: home: (( "https://console." domain )) passwd: (( "https://console." domain "/password_resets/new" )) signup: (( "https://console." domain "/register" )) #if you wish to use saml spring_profiles: saml #saml authentication information, only required if 'saml' is part of spring_profiles entityid: cloudfoundry-saml-login-server idpEntityAlias: vsphere-local idpMetadataURL: "https://win2012-sso2:7444/websso/SAML2/Metadata/vsphere.local" serviceProviderKeyPassword: password serviceProviderKey: | -----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY----- Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED DEK-Info: DES-EDE3-CBC,231BD428AF94D4C8 0Nmo90pX8byVS7ZlakMIoXdJSLlxqzi1pN0g1ye2U+9HgTLTLuMwWaPknZ/2NFtK rO72ss8uc7xBAoMkOvcMTZCg5P4JDlmuQ31IabzRyOQcAxCPZedgarRnwxT6GUim JtkzNPmAAgf1bfUTu/LNt2o01dW+qq+2qiwUxgUBM2xLBmadIWqqTOZbkFc9Xjvl /IEnJgp/c49sNh68EpXPlsGJfW7jAh90nlA13H1fpvTsSg2/6wKbRsxxNkpVg0Nq bQURQIO6htOLZBPMMpoPILp/KtKkd1zpaZJnbZGDo9AdwfAh9dUbEw8ukJwRg3Xl lsptHoMGsGdvgViWZhCB/pAHYLh31G8oVMA/qPB9PNJYIK2aQZdm7yiAdf+m8Jxb Do2xBH6XUeHkg2F0LWnC/FjaMRpLuliI9vvJVB7YCQKkMdgNVV0SCx39IiX0rEm5 8vuuoAH3b7b+maWp5+ffriNIcEFSlcmTPIgqZBboIORBNXZnHTUG7nGIML+nlOK9 zdvF2vAxchqOKroc6+SGFLNvNQd9S/nLH3vP+aX9iStL55G11+p2tL+bIGMWZj0h Z+qqQoogtngRFbjcVoKYerFXbKG6xXzXUc4O3EbvAKvEi0HJodYccP3L7wIer1aY VaMF2M05g5KedHosEfvvhU17xS9L4u2SRMZIQ3K8iLNEhZ6bOw6EnzTaKWeffrYr UOjfMEgswcHfpxx1iD5T4RTwxuKOgtFhd1QM4enXPsU6uRU5PGSiB/0t6jal6ClF PhtIrTwhx0vBR4rySx4raXdLClxxt5vLe826C3uwo/6HTdUsnDvIXA== -----END RSA PRIVATE KEY----- serviceProviderKeyPassword: password serviceProviderCertificate: | -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- MIIBzzCCATgCCQDTMCX3wJYrVDANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQUFADAsMSowKAYDVQQDFCFz YW1sX2xvZ2luLE9VPXRlc3QsTz12bXdhcmUsTz1jb20wHhcNMTMwNzAyMjMzOTU4 WhcNMTQwNzAyMjMzOTU4WjAsMSowKAYDVQQDFCFzYW1sX2xvZ2luLE9VPXRlc3Qs Tz12bXdhcmUsTz1jb20wgZ8wDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADgY0AMIGJAoGBANYBRuep WaoNA7/RsOUVlmOzxbhtfW8AstGXjsWbAmmg8NSruRlNuMz1WdCeESM3zBqLSyp8 Vf3j3ExzB2qquDbPXNA1k4EqgNya2E+6n3KsgVLCWQm4W46Pd7C6QswrR6JgUKaW 6KI8BgyJQ9wjL/nR8uqZouJJyRSLuIaGXIuXAgMBAAEwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEFBQAD gYEAXOojarkGv5nVZqTuY8BRM/TRt1oby3i0VRG70l0PcDlWft52aSvCd3t8ds2S h92cXLz8nvHEBaBTkxTLtf2/h5x2KQhXyHoU1UU+JjOegoF+LD6KdmaVk2l35Na5 1V2AHsj+yDrJ9aKwt86jbBbcFkRphdkn5ivq71GCWRfcpZE= -----END CERTIFICATE----- nameidFormat: "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:nameid-format:persistent"