✨ New Features
- added tfsec.yml file workflow with shared-workflows (commit by @vibhutigoyal)6e55385
- added changelog.yml file use shared workflow (commit by @vibhutigoyal)2d501a9
- added dependabot.yml (commit by @vibhutigoyal)d4949f3
- auto changelog action added (commit by @vibhutigoyal)d39f5b3
- add terratest.yml in workflows (commit by @theprashantyadav)45ca02e
- added codeowners file (commit by @mamrajyadav)2f5d76a
- added new resources and updated code (commit by @mamrajyadav)4e25ce0
- fix tflint (commit by @theprashantyadav)2c01c2e
- Updated module to be dynamic (commit by @13archit)f27d63f
- Update examples as per latest code (commit by @13archit)8191005
- Added seperate example for slave and master account (commit by @13archit)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- updated vpc tag (commit by @mamrajyadav)a2c7528
- updated vpc tag (commit by @mamrajyadav)bcca86d
- updated vpc tag (commit by @mamrajyadav)f57d3d1
- updated main.tf (commit by @mamrajyadav)380c01d
- updated github action (commit by @mamrajyadav)0ffb99c
- updated vpc tag and readme.yaml (commit by @mamrajyadav)c52e4a0
- Update routes resource for rvpc route table (commit by @13archit)e976b7b
- Fixed tfcheks and defsec warnings (commit by @13archit)8253f55
- Fixed ouputs.tf in examples (commit by @13archit)5dd3771
- tgw module multi run fixed (commit by @d4kverma)