Releases: clouddrove/terraform-aws-api-gateway
Releases · clouddrove/terraform-aws-api-gateway
✨ New Features
- Added new vpc tag (commit by @theprashantyadav)233d34b
- custome stage name and auto-deploy variable (PR #54 by @h1manshu98)
👷 Build System
- deps: bump clouddrove/vpc/aws in /_examples/vpc_link_api (commit by @dependabot[bot])
📝 Documentation Changes
- update for 1.4.0 (commit by @clouddrove-ci)
✨ New Features
- added changelog.yml file use shared workflow (commit by @vibhutigoyal)1c7b42f
- added depemdabot.yml (commit by @vibhutigoyal)e995898
- auto changelog action added (commit by @vibhutigoyal)5f5472e
- added rest api policy and make api private (commit by @mamrajyadav)546fe75
- added api policy in example (commit by @mamrajyadav)0a13fbe
- add deepsource & added assignees,reviewer in dependabot (commit by @Tanveer143s)a085977
- add deepsource & added assignees,reviewer in dependabot (commit by @Tanveer143s)58729c9
- crate apigateway-v2 terraform module (commit by @theprashantyadav)5d2ef92
- added (commit by @theprashantyadav)b3b36f7
- added lambda function routes (commit by @theprashantyadav)20cecef
- code dynamic and add resource, variable description (commit by @theprashantyadav)553312e
- code dynamic and add resource, variable description (commit by @theprashantyadav)541a62a
- code dynamic and add resource, variable description (commit by @theprashantyadav)267242e
- code dynamic and add resource, variable description (commit by @theprashantyadav)b2c1576
- code dynamic and add resource, variable description (commit by @theprashantyadav)20a8a1f
- code dynamic and add resource, variable description (commit by @theprashantyadav)d36d58c
- code dynamic and add resource, variable description (commit by @theprashantyadav)553c2a1
- code dynamic and add resource, variable description (commit by @theprashantyadav)0b394ce
- code dynamic and add resource, variable description (commit by @theprashantyadav)26397b1
- code dynamic and add resource, variable description (commit by @theprashantyadav)e453dc5
- code dynamic and add resource, variable description (commit by @theprashantyadav)da05e2c
- code dynamic and add resource, variable description (commit by @theprashantyadav)0f72292
- update security group version (commit by @theprashantyadav)ac45432
- update security group version (commit by @theprashantyadav)687bc25
- update security group version (commit by @theprashantyadav)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- updated (commit by @mamrajyadav)
update module
Update License
Add tfsec.yaml file in .GitHub/workflows
Update terraform.yml
Update terraform latest version and Licence in Readme.yaml
Add in example
Upgrade the module with 0.15
New Features
- Upgrade module to terraform 0.15
- Upgrade pre-commit
- Update the labels
Added New Features
New Features
- Added Schema variable
- Added resource policy option
- Added manual and automated authorizer id pass option
Upgrade module with Terraform 0.14
New Features
- Upgrade module with 0.14
- Update pre-hooks
- Add repository variable
Upgrade module with Terraform 0.13
New Features
- Upgrade module with Terraform 0.13
- Update readme
Fix variables
New Features
- Added managedby variable
Add Mock Method
New Features
- Add new mock method default to get a specific header and output
Setup Api Gateway using Terraform 0.12
- Create terratest
- Add proper readme