✨ New Features
- updated changelog.yml name and file (commit by @vibhutigoyal)976e2bd
- added acm module (commit by @theprashantyadav)d29f980
- added acm module and new github-action (commit by @theprashantyadav)2cf0e18
- added acm module and new github-action (commit by @theprashantyadav)c41ce75
- added acm module and new github-action (commit by @theprashantyadav)ee3d5b1
- added new output target group (commit by @theprashantyadav)c6d1a30
- update subnet tag (commit by @theprashantyadav)9ecd7e5
- update subnet and vpc tag (commit by @theprashantyadav)
🐛 Bug Fixes
- added versions.tf and updated vpc tag (commit by @mamrajyadav)db7e7bf
- update main.tf, version.tf and github action and add locals in example (commit by @mamrajyadav)bcbafab
- run terraform fmt (commit by @mamrajyadav)1c46d99
- multi instance attachement to nlb target group (commit by @anmolnagpal)ef91c0c
- update source of ec2 module (commit by @mamrajyadav)