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The Puppet Forge is the central repository for Puppet modules. No packages nor sources to install a private Puppet Forge are available and it lacks an endpoint to automatize deployment of modules. This project is born from the necessity of a private Forge installation in an ecosystem knit for CI and/or CD.

Build Status

Installing muppetforge

Muppetforge is available for install as a Docker image from the Docker Hub.

Using the Docker image

To download the image and run it in a container choose a port on your host machine to expose the forge to, then run:

docker run -p <PORT_TO_PUBLISH>:8080 closurescience/muppetforge

If you want to customize the configuration before starting the container you'll need a custom sys.config file (read below) and a Dockerfile to build your configured image, like the following one:

FROM closurescience/muppetforge
ADD sys.config /opt/muppetforge/releases/1/sys.config
# if you configure the listen port to a different one than 8080,
# uncomment the following line filling the placeholder.

Then build your image and run it:

docker build -t my_configured_muppetforge .
docker run -p <PORT_TO_PUBLISH>:{8080|<ANOTHER_PORT>} my_configured_muppetforge


All configuration is set in the muppetforge_node/releases/1/sys.config file, that contains a list of per-module configurations.

Server connector


{muppet_forge, [
    {protocol, http},
    {port, 8080} % port number to bind to


{muppet_forge, [
    {protocol, https},
    {cacertfile, "/tmp/cacert.crt"}, % path to CA certificate
    {certfile, "/tmp/server.crt"}, % path to server certificate
    {keyfile, "/tmp/server.key"}, % path to server key
    {port, 8084} % port number to bind to

It is not currently possible to enable both the HTTP and the HTTPS connectors at the same time on the same node.


Free access (no auth)

{muppet_auth, [
    {auth_modules, [


{muppet_auth, [
    {auth_modules, [
        {muppet_basic_auth_ldap, [
            {servers, [""]}, % hostname or IP of the LDAP server
            {dn_format, "uid=~s,ou=Bind,dc=example,dc=com"}, % LDAP bind format string. Username will be interpolated in place of '~s'
            {ldap_options, [
                {ssl, true}, % use SSL to connect to LDAP server
                {port, 636} % LDAP server port

CIDR whitelisting

{muppet_auth, [
    {auth_modules, [
        {muppet_auth_cidr, [
            {allowed_cidrs, [
                % list of allowed CIDRs. The network address is given as string, the bitmask size as a number (e.g. {"",8} allows access from the network
                {"", 8},
                {"", 24}

It is possible to enable more than one auth module in cascade - if the first auth module does not grant access, an authentication attempt is made with the next one.

% e.g. allow passwordless authentication from the network, a connection from other networks requires LDAP authentication.
{muppet_auth, [
    {auth_modules, [
        {muppet_auth_cidr, [
            {allowed_cidrs, [{"", 8}]}
        {muppet_basic_auth_ldap, [
            {servers, [""]},
            {dn_format, "uid=~s,ou=Bind,dc=example,dc=com"},
            {ldap_options, [{ssl, true}, {port, 636}]}

Building from sources



Clone the repository:

git clone

enter the project directory

cd muppetforge

run make



The folder muppetforge/rel/muppetforge_node will contain a self-contained environment suited to run the muppetforge. To start the forge with a console, edit the configuration in muppetforge/rel/muppetforge_node/releases/1/sys.config to suit your needs, then run

muppetforge/rel/muppetforge_node/bin/muppetforge_node console

You should be able to tarball the entire muppetforge_node folder, copy it to any system similar to the one where you compiled and run the muppetforge. Only the same version of libc and a few system libraries are required for it to work (detailed list TBD).

The folder muppetforge/muppetforge-integration/pkg/ will contain the tarballs for the muppetforge/integration puppet module. It will also be aveilable from the just-built muppetforge, so you can install it from there once started.

Integrating with Puppet

The Muppet Forge exposes an API compatible with Puppet Forge, therefore it integrates naturally with the Puppet module tool. Just point to your Muppet Forge installation in puppet.conf:

module_repository = http://localhost:8080

Or provide the --module_repository option when invoking the Puppet module tool:

puppet module search --module_repository=http://localhost:8080

The muppetforge/integration Puppet module

To aid integration with the new endpoints defined in Muppet Forge, a Puppet module is provided. It contais the deploy action for the Puppet module tool, and the require_module function.

Configuring an upstream forge

Muppet Forge can be configured to mirror and automatically keep in sync with another forge by adding a Forge URL in the "Upstream" panel. Muppet Forge will periodically check for and mirror new releases. When Mirroring from another Muppet Forge instance, fast change notification can be enabled to speed up synchronization of new releases.

Blacklisting modules

Unwanted packages can be excluded from mirroring from an upstream forge by configuring a blacklist entry matching the module. A blacklist entry is made of source forge, author, module name and version. To prevent a release from being mirrored, all of the specified conditions must match. Already mirrored modules matching a blacklist entry are not removed.

Deploying a module

To deploy a module, just POST the module tarball to the apposite endpoint.


caligin@theleth:~/projects/fmeden-sample$ puppet module build
Notice: Building /home/caligin/projects/fmeden-sample for release
Module built: /home/caligin/projects/fmeden-sample/pkg/fmeden-sample-0.1.0.tar.gz
caligin@theleth:~/projects/fmeden-sample$ curl -X POST --data-binary @pkg/fmeden-sample-0.1.0.tar.gz http://localhost:8080/api/mf/deploy

With Puppet

If you installed the muppetforge/integration puppet module, a new command will be available to the Puppet module tool:

fmeden@Eve:~/projects/fmeden-sample$ puppet module build
Notice: Building /home/fmeden/projects/fmeden-sample for release
Module built: /home/fmeden/projects/fmeden-sample/pkg/fmeden-sample-0.1.0.tar.gz
fmeden@Eve:~/projects/fmeden-sample$ puppet module deploy pkg/fmeden-sample-0.1.0.tar.gz --module_repository=http://localhost:8080
Notice: Preparing to deploy pkg/fmeden-sample-0.1.0.tar.gz into ...
Module succesfully deployed.

The web interface

Once started, the forge's web interface is available on the configured port.


The "Upstream" page allows configuration of forge mirroring. Just specify the upstream forge's base url and the replication mode.

  • Polling only Muppetforge periodically queries the remote forge for the available modules, and schedules a retrieve if necessary. Available for all forges.
  • Fast change notification Muppetforge registers itself on the remote forge to be notified immediately about new modules. Available only when the remote forge is a Muppetforge itself.


When mirroring a remote forge it's possible to specify modules that are not to be retrieved by the means of blacklists. A blacklist entry is made of four optional fields upstream url, author, module, version: it will prevent a module to be imported if its properties match all of the specified blacklist criterions. A blacklist entry will not delete already retrieved modules.


A log that reports all errors during modules mirroring. Muppetforge will retry to retrieve a failed module periodically.

API documentation

/modules.json Puppet
  • GET Retrieves the list of modules served by the Forge. Supports the optional query parameter q=<query terms>
/api/v1/releases.json Puppet
  • GET Retrieves the available releases for a module along with their details (tarball location, dependencies...). Requires the module=<author>/<module name> query parameter and supports the optional version=<version constraints>
/{author}/{modulename}.json Puppet
  • GET Retrieves detail information for a single module.
  • DELETE Deletes a release from the forge. If it is the last remaining release of a module, the module is deleted too.
  • POST Deploys a Puppet module tarball into the Forge. The tarball must be given as the request body. No other parameters are required as metadata will be extracted directly from the tarball. Missing or invalid metadata will incur in an error.
  • GET Retrieves the blacklist rules.
  • PUT Overwrites the blacklist rules with new ones.
  • GET Retrieves the list of upstream Forges
  • PUT Overwrites the list of upstream Forges
  • GET Retrieves the list of errors got during the mirroring job.
  • GET Retrieves some informational counters about the Forge status.
  • Websocket Server will send a notification on the websocket everytime a new release is deployed/retrieved.