Simple property loading, coercing, and validating
Usage ↟
Reading Property Files and Streams ↟
propertea can be used to load a property file, convert, and validate. The following snippet shows loading a file and converting a few of the properties to their desired types.
Given the properties file test/
with the following contents:
(require '[propertea.core :as prop])
(prop/read "test/"
:as-int [:int-example]
:as-bool [:boolean-example])
{:int-example 1, :string-example "hello-string", :boolean-example true}
An input stream can be used instead of a filename. This is useful to read property files in a Jar:
(.getContextClassLoader (Thread/currentThread))
(require '[ :as io])
(-> (io/resource "")
propertea can also validate that required properties are specified. Assuming the same properties file as above:
(prop/read "test/" :required [:req-prop]))
java.lang.RuntimeException: (:req-prop) are required, but not found
Maps <-> Properties ↟
Some Java libraries expect data (often configuration data) to be in the form of
. propertea makes this a sane prospect when interoping
with such libraries:
(def m2p (prop/map->props {:thing1 "one" :thing2 "two"}))
{"thing2" "two", "thing1" "one"}
(type m2p)
You can, of course, take this in the other direction:
(prop/props->map m2p)
{"thing2" "two", "thing1" "one"}
As you can see, by default that returns hash-maps with keys as strings. If you pass a function in addition to the data, that function will be applied to each keyword:
(prop/props->map m2p keyword)
{:thing2 "two", :thing1 "one"}
Installing ↟
The easiest way is via Leiningen. Add the following dependency to your
[clojusc/propertea "1.5.0"]
To build from source and install locally, run the following commands:
$ lein deps
$ lein jar
$ lein install
Version History ↟
Release | Clojure | Maintainer | Notes |
1.5.0 | 1.10.0 | clojusc | Backwards-compatible function changes; breaking arg changes |
1.4.2 | 1.10.0 | clojusc | 100% compatible with 1.4.1 |
1.4.1 | 1.5.1 | Joshua Eckroth | Version from which clojusc forked |
1.3.1 | 1.2.0 | Jay Fields | Version from which Josh forked |
License ↟
BSD 3-Clause License
Copyright © 2010-2012, Jay Fields
Copyright © 2013-2014, Joshua Eckroth
Copyright © 2019, Clojure-Aided Enrichment Center
All rights reserved.