Realtek rtl8192eu official Linux driver v5.11.2.1
This driver is based on the (latest) official and manufacturer supported Realtek v5.11.2.1 driver with fixes and improvements to support the latest kernels (>=5, up to 6.14).
If you're using a different architecture than x86, please set (MakeFile) CONFIG_PLATFORM_I386_PC = n
and also set your architecture (for example CONFIG_PLATFORM_ARM_RPI = y
for 32-bit ARM, or CONFIG_PLATFORM_ARM_AARCH64 = y
for 64-bit ARM).
Monitor mode can be enabled by setting CONFIG_WIFI_MONITOR = y
Also, make sure you have headers, build, dkms and git packages installed.
sudo apt install linux-headers-generic build-essential dkms git
sudo dnf groupinstall "C Development Tools and Libraries" & sudo dnf install dkms git
sudo yum groupinstall "Development Tools" && sudo yum install dkms git
sudo pacman -S base-devel dkms git
sudo zypper install -t pattern devel_C_C++ && sudo zypper install dkms git
sudo apt-get install git raspberrypi-kernel-headers build-essential dkms git
Also set CONFIG_PLATFORM_I386_PC = n
in the Makefile
Run from driver directory:
Run from driver directory:
Remove available drivers with (skip if sudo lshw -C network
and dkms status
do not show any wifi drivers):
sudo rmmod 8192eu
sudo rmmod rtl8xxxu
sudo dkms remove -m rtl8192eu -v 1.0
Blacklist default driver (rtl8xxxu on Ubuntu):
echo "blacklist rtl8xxxu" >> ./blacklist-rtl8xxxu.conf
sudo mv ./blacklist-rtl8xxxu.conf /etc/modprobe.d/
Run add and install commands from driver directory:
sudo cp -ar . /usr/src/rtl8192eu-1.0
sudo dkms add -m rtl8192eu -v 1.0
sudo dkms install -m rtl8192eu -v 1.0
Load driver (or reboot):
sudo modprobe 8192eu
If secure boot (deployed mode) is enabled, you must enroll the public key mentioned during the install process once. This may require installing additional packages like mokutil keyutils and openssl. You can temporarily switch to audit mode (bios) and use the driver normally.
To enroll use:
sudo mokutil --import [public_key]
After reboot, you can enroll the key.
If you open an issue because the driver is not working, please post:
- kernel version & distribution name/version
- output of
file if it does not compile - output of
andlsmod | grep 8192eu
commands if it does compile but does not work - (limited) output of
sudo dmesg | grep -i 8192eu