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The DHSST is an integrated web-based system whose main goal is to help administrations such as governments collect and analyze information as well as plan. For more information and documentation, visit


To install and run the DHSST, simply clone the git repository and run

grails run-app

Grails 2.1.0 has to be installed. We recommend using gvm to install grails:

gvm install grails 2.1.0

DHSST will run fine using the default configuration on the development environment. If you want to run DHSST in production with your own configuration, there are a few steps needed.

Production configuration

These are the configuration paramters that need to be set when using the site on a production server. When launching the site in production, the application will look for a file named <user_home>/.grails/kevin-config.groovy and use that configuration to override the default one.

Data source configuration

The production data source is configured to use a MySQL database and schema by default. If you are fine with that, then here are the settings you should set:


The application has only been tested with a MySQL database. However if you want to use another database at your own risk. Check the grails documentation for instructions on how to configure it.

Application configuration

Site URL
// the URL of the site
// languages available in the site
i18nFields {
    locales = ["en", "fr"]

// default language
// email used when a user clicks on "contact" link"[email protected]"

// email used as the sender email from all mails sent by the site (registration, forgot password, etc...)"[email protected]"
Admin pages
// default size of lists in admin pages
Tagline & images
// this text appears at the top right of the site
site.tagline.en="This is the tagline of the site"

// one for each configured language
site.tagline.<language>="Voici la tagline du site"

// URL of the icon on the top right

// link for the "report a bug" button
Skip levels
// those location levels will be skipped in the given report (explained below)
// this parameter is for global skip levels for reports
report.skip.levels = ["sector"]
// those 3 override the one above for the specific reports
dashboard.skip.levels = []
fct.skip.levels = []
dsr.skip.levels = []

// those location levels will be skipped in the survey summary page
survey.skip.levels = ["sector"]
// thos location levels will be skipped in the survey export
survey.export.skip.levels = ["country", "sector"]
CSV File upload
// available charsets for the file upload forms
file.upload.available.charset = ["UTF-8", "ISO-8859-1"]

// default delimiters for CSV file upload in the upload forms
file.upload.delimiter = ","

Plugins configuration

Rabbitmq Task

The full plugin description can be found here.

// temporary folder for files created by the task plugin

The application is configured to use Google SMTP server by default. If you want to change that, cf. the mail plugin configuration. The configuration below assumes using Google SMTP server.

// enables the email on the production server

// google mail username
grails.mail.username="[email protected]"

// google mail password
Mail on exception

The plugin documentation can be found here.

// emails sent to in case of exception = "[email protected]"

// sender of exception report emails = "[email protected]"

Full description of the configuration can be found in the cdn-resources plugin.

// true to enable the cdn plugin, false otherwise

// url of the content delivery network where the resources will be served from

// url where the resources will be saved"/var/www/static/"
Google analytics

For a full description of the plugin, see the plugin page.

// enables google analytics = true

// google analytics property ID = "<property_id>"

// analytics custom tracking code = [
	[_setDomainName: ""], "_trackPageview"
Location plugin

See location plugin readme.


DHSST is an analytical tool. It takes some data about certain data locations (could be a health center, a hospital, a school), and offers tool to display, manipulate and aggregate them along a certain location hierarchy (could be a country-province-district structure for example). location.

To understand this manual, it is important to know how the location plugin and data plugin work. Please go through those readme first.

Data entry

Data can be entered into the system either by using the integrated survey tool, or by using the import functionality of the site.


Data can be entered using the survey part of the site. The survey, instance of Survey class, is broken down into programs (SurveyProgram class), sections (SurveySection class) and questions (SurveyQuestion class).

							  Survey 1
							/			\
			Survey Program 1			 Survey Program 2
			/				\				|
	Section 1				Section 2		Section 3
	/		\					|			
Question 1	Question 2		Question 3

A program contains several sections and each section can have 1 or more questions. A section is set as complete when all questions in the section are complete and valid. A program is set as complete when all sections in the program are complete:

				status			explanation
				----			-----------
program			complete		all sections are complete
				valid			all sections are valid
				closed			program has been submitted

section			complete		all questions are complete
				valid			all sections are valid

question		complete		value is entered (valid or invalid)
				valid			value entered is valid

All questions are linked to one or several raw data elements through a FormElement. When a user fills in a survey, values entered as saved as FormEnteredValue. When a program is submitted, all the values saved in FormEnteredValue are saved in the RawDataElementValue. It is important to understand the difference between unsubmitted and submitted program. Only when a program is submitted, do the values entered become available as RawDataElementValue. Before that, they are stored as FormEnteredValue and only available through the survey API and not through the data plugin API.

FormElement are therefore the survey equivalent of a RawDataElement, and FormEnteredValue the equivalent of RawDataElementValue. A FormElement holds a relationship to its corresponding RawDataElement and adds additional functionality in that it can also store corresponding validation rules and skip rules (see below for explanation), and a FormEnteredValue information on whether the value entered is valid or not, or whether it has been skipped. Validation and skip rules will be explained later.

A survey is linked to a certain Period via the period property. There can be several surveys for one period. When a value is copied, the period property from the survey is used as the raw data element value period. The diagram below explains what happens when values are copied:

FormElement								RawDataElement
	|										|
	|										|
	FormEnteredValue - > (submit) - >	RawDataElementValue
		- value				->				- value
		- dataLocation		->				- dataLocation
		- period			->				- period

There can be more than one survey associated to one period, but one survey can be associated to only one period. Therefore to enter data for another period, one must use a different survey entirely.

All entities mentioned above can be assigned to one or more data location types, making them available or not to certain types. It is therefore possible to create a different survey for each location type or group of data location types for the same period.

Survey questions

There are 3 types of questions, simple questions, checkbox questions and table questions. All question types inherit the SurveyQuestion abstract class.

A simple question is associated to only one data element of any type, checkbox questions are associated to one or more data elements of type bool and table questions are associated to one or more data elements of any type.

Simple Questions

Simple questions feed results to one data element, they are instances of the SurveySimpleQuestion class, which links to the corresponding FormElement.

If simple questions are associated to a data element of type list, it means the user will be able to add or remove elements of the list from the survey itself.

This allows the user to enumarete a list of item in the survey, for example the list of all staff. Let's say we have a data element of the following type :

type { list type { map
	first_name: type { string },
	last_name: type { string },
	age: type { number }
} }

Defining a simple question associated to that data element will create on the survey what is commonly called a nominative table, i.e. a list of staff, where items (in this case individual staff members) can be added or removed and whose first name, last name and birthday can be specified using individual fields.

If the simple question is linked to a data element of type list or map, then the labels of the individual fields are stored in FormElement's formElementHeadersMap collection. The FormElementHeaderMap class header field stores the path to the individual field in the type (cf. data plugin README Type section), and names stores the label. In this example, we could define the following header maps :

header				names[en]		names[fr]
------				---------		---------
[_].first_name		First name		Prénom	
[_].last_name		Last name		Nom
[_].age				Age				Age
Checkbox Questions

Checkbox questions feed results to one or more raw data elements of type bool and displays them as a list of checkbox options. The question itself is an instance of a SurveyCheckboxQuestion class and has a one-to-many relationship with SurveyCheckboxOption, which link to the corresponding FormElement. A survey checkbox option can only take form elements whose corresponding raw data element is of type bool.

Table Questions

Table questions feed results to several data elements arranged in rows and columns. The question is an instance of the SurveyTableQuestion class and it has several SurveyTableColumn and SurveyTableRow. The SurveyTableRow object contains a map <SurveyTableColumn, FormElement> that links a certain column for a row to a certain form element. Each cell of the table therefore links to a different FormElement and therefore to a different RawDataElement.


On the survey, validation rules can be defined for individual fields. Those are instances of FormValidationRule, and are attached to a FormElement and a certain prefix, indicating which field the rule applies on. A validation rule contains an expression. If the expression evaluates to false, the field will be invalid and the error message defined in the rule will be displayed underneath the field.

The expression in the validation rule can refer to any FormElement using the syntax $<form_element_id>. Let's use the example of staff above, and we'll put a validation rule on the age field that it should be bigger than 0 but smaller than 100. Let's say the FormElement has id 13:

FormElement		expression				message[en]
-----------		----------				-----------
13				$13[_].age > 0 			The age must be between 0 and 100.
				and $13[_].age < 100

An expression doesn't necessarily have to refer to the form element to which the validation rule is attached. It can refer to any form element, also to a form element belonging to another survey. This way, it is possible to create a validation rule that refers to another year's survey. Using the same example, let's say we create a validation rule for the survey of the year after, saying that the age should have increased by 1. Let's say the form element for the new survey has id 26:

FormElement		expression				message[en]
-----------		----------				-----------
26				$26[_].age 				The age must have increased by 1.
				== $13[_].age + 1

If the allowOutlier flag is set on a validation rule, then the user will have to possibility to click on a link to ignore the validation rule. The text "If you are sure this is correct, click here." will appear after the message.

Skip rules

The logic behind skip rules is almost the same as for validation rules, except skip rules are attached directly to a survey and can apply to more than one form element or question at the same time. A skip rule contains an expression. When that expression evaluates to true, the formSkipRuleElementMaps and skippedQuestions properties define what form element and what questions are skipped.

If a form element is skipped, a comma-delimited list of path can be specified. This allows one to target a specific field inside a complex type. Let's take the example above with form element 13 and define a skip rule that skips the age question if the first name is Susan.

expression			formElement		skippedFormElements
----------			-----------		-------------------
$13[_].first_name	13				[_].age
== "Susan"

The skipped question property works similarly.

Survey progress calculation

When a survey is being filled out, progress is tracked using instances of the SurveyEnteredQuestion, SurveyEnteredSection and SurveyEnteredProgram classes. They are linked to their corresponding question, section and program and hold certain properties :

	- skipped (is the question skipped or not)
	- complete (have all the fields inside this question been filled)
	- invalid (true if one or more fields are invalid)
	- complete (is the section entirely completed, are all the fields complete)
	- invalid (true if one or more fields are invalid)
	- totalQuestions (number of questions asked)
	- completedQuestions (number of questions complete)

	- complete (is the section entirely completed, are all the fields complete)
	- invalid (true if one or more fields are invalid)
	- closed (true if the program has been submitted)
	- totalQuestions (number of questions asked)
	- completedQuestions (number of questions complete)

Those fields are set whenever a value is saved using the SurveyPageService, or when the survey or section or program is refreshed. It is not set when the survey is change. Therefore, changing a survey while data is being filled in will lead to inconsistencies.

Operations on the survey

Below are the various operations that can be done on a survey, using either the SurveySummaryController or the EditSurveyController.

Refreshing the survey

Refreshing a survey is the opposite of submitting a program. It takes the values that are already saved as RawDataElementValue and puts them into FormEnteredValue, creating it if it does not exist, and overwriting the value if it exists and the reset flag is set. It also creates the SurveyEnteredQuestion, SurveyEnteredSection and SurveyEnteredProgram.

Before rolling out a survey, it is advised to refresh the entire survey for all the data locations in the system as to create all the values in advance using SurveySummaryController.

def refresh = {
	// refreshes the survey, copying the values from RawDataElementValue 
	// to FormEnteredValue, and takes the following flags:
	// reset - if set to true, resets the values in FormEnteredValue if they already exist.
	// closeIfComplete - if set to true, closes the programs that are complete and valid
Saving a value

The EditSurveyController has an ajax action that can be used to save a value when it's been entered by the user:

def saveValue = {
	// takes as input :
	// location - the data location for which one or more values have changed
	// section - the section for which the value has changed - can be null
	// program - the program for which the value has changed
	// element - the form element for which the value has changed
	// suffix - the suffix to the field in the value (cf. data plugin doc)
	// and one or more of those, depending on what operations is done, cf. below for more explanations
	// elements[<element_id>].value<suffix>
	// gives as output - in JSON :
	// programs: a list of SurveyEnteredProgram that changed, with the following info
	//	 id: the id of the program
	//   status: the status of the program
	//   totalQuestions: the number of questions
	//   completedQuestions: the number of questions complete and valid
	// sections: a list of SurveyEnteredSection that changed, with the following info
	//	 id: the id of the section
	//	 programId: the id of the program this section belongs to
	//	 invalid: true if the section is invalid
	//	 complete: true if the section is complete
	//   status: the status of the program
	//   totalQuestions: the number of questions
	//   completedQuestions: the number of questions complete and valid
	// questions: a list of SurveyEnteredQuestion that changed, with the following info
	//	 id: the id of the question
	//	 sectionId: the id of the section this question belongs to
	//	 complete: true if the question is complete
	//	 invalid: true if the question is invalid
	//	 skipped: true if the question is skipped		// elements: a list of FormEnteredElement that changed, with the following info
	//   id: the id of the element
	//   questionId: the id of the question this element belongs to
	//   skipped: a list of all skipped fields inside that element
	//   invalid: a list of all invalid fields inside that element
	//   nullPrefixes: a list of all null fields (no value entered)

The controller calls the SurveyPageService modify method, whose role is to save the value, evaluate all validation and skip rules that are affected by the change and return a list of all FormEnteredValue, SurveyEnteredQuestion, SurveyEnteredSection and SurveyEnteredProgram whose properties changed because of the value change. The action then returns a JSON version of that, which can be used by the survey Javascript.

There are a few tricky things to know when saving values, particularly when it comes to handling values of complex types list and map. Let's first see how to change a value inside a list, then we'll see how to add and remove entries from a list. Let's take the example we used above which was using the following type:

type { list type { map
	first_name: type { string },
	last_name: type { string },
	age: type { number }
} }

To change first_name value of the first entry of the list for data location of id 10 and in section 2, here is what would need to be sent to the saveValue action :

Request parameter					Value
-----------------					-----
location							10
section								2
element								13
suffix								[0].first_name
elements[13].value[0].first_name	"Giselle"

Similarly, to add a entry at the end of the list (say the list currently has 1 entry) :

Request parameter		Value		Remark
-----------------		-----		------
location				10
section					2
element					13
suffix								the list we want to modify is at suffix "<empty>".
elements[13].value		[0]			we need to repeat that one
elements[13].value		[1]			this is the new entry

To remove the first entry (say the list currently has 2 entries) :

Request parameter		Value		Remark
-----------------		-----		------
location				10
section					2
element					13
suffix								the list we want to modify is at suffix "<empty>".
elements[13].value		[1]			this is the entry that already exist
									we just omit the entry that we want to remove
Submitting a survey program

When a program is submitted, all values are copied from the FormEnteredValue to the corresponding RawDataElementValue. All values that are valid are copied as is, values that are invalid or skipped are set as a null value. The table below summarizes the different cases.

FormEnteredValue			-			RawDataElementValue
----------------						-------------------
- value entered and valid				- value is copied
- value entered and invalid				- value is set to null 
- value not entered						- value is set to null
- value skipped	by skip rule			- value is set to null

The period property of the RawDataElementValue is set to the period referred to by the survey, as explined above, and the dataLocation to whichever data location is filling out the survey.

After a program has been submitted, the values are saved as RawDataElementValue and therefore available to the reports (cf. below) component of the site.

To submit a program, the EditSurveyController provides a submit action:

def submit = {
	// submits a program, given the following parameters
	// location: the data location for which to submit a program
	// program: the program to submit

Submitting a program closes the program, preventing all subsequent edits. If the administrator wants to reallow data entry on a submitted program, it can be reopen using the reopen action:

def reopen = {
	// reopens a closed program, given the following parameters
	// location: the data location for which to reopen a program
	// program: the program to reopen
Cloning a survey

As it can be a hassle to recreate a whole survey from scratch for a new period, existing surveys can be cloned using the SurveyController copy action :

def copy = {
	// clones a survey, takes the following parameter
	// survey: the survey to copy

Copying the survey will create a duplicate of all programs, sections, questions, form elements, validation and skip rules. As all those elements will have new IDs, cloning will also update all expressions to refere to the new IDs instead of the old ones. In cases where the IDs used do not belong to the survey being cloned (as could be the case for example if a validation rule is referring to another survey's form element), then the ID is left as is.


There are 2 ways to import data into the system, the general data import, that can be used to import any type of data, and the general data import, that can be used to import data of a complex type in a more intuitive format than the general import.

Both imports take as input a CSV file.

General data import

Here is the format for the import CSV file :

location_code, period_code, data_code, data_value, value_address

- location_code: the code of the data location
- period_code: the code of the period
- data_code: the code of the raw data element
- data_value: the value to import
- value_address: the address of the field if importing values of complex types

If we go back to our example above with the list of staff, here is an example of a CSV file that can be imported. Headers must be included in the file:

location_code, period_code, data_code, data_value, value_address
Burera CS      2009         [Staff]    Susan       [0].first_name
Burera CS      2009         [Staff]    Smith       [0].last_name
Burera CS      2009         [Staff]    29          [0].age
Burera CS      2009         [Staff]    Giselle     [1].first_name
Burera CS      2009         [Staff]    Johnson     [1].last_name
Burera CS      2009         [Staff]    58          [1].birthday

Using the general data import, any data of any period for any data location can be imported in the same CSV file. Whenever an element referred to in the file (data, period or location) is not found, an error is reported. Also if a value cannot be parsed or an address does not exist, an error is reported.

If importing values of a single type, the value_address field has to be empty (it should still be present in the file). If a value already exists, it will be overwritten by the import.

Nominative data import

Nominative data import helps import values of a data element of type list. When using this data import, both the period and data element have to be externally specified. If using the import frontend, those have to be input in the form.

location_code, <value_address_1>, <value_address_2>, <value_address_3>, …

- location_code: the code of the data location
- <value_address_X>: the address of the values present in that column, ommitting the [_].

Let's take the same example as above, and turn it into a nominative data import. the [Staff] data element and 2009 period will be selected externally:

location_code, first_name, last_name, age
Burera CS,     Susan,      Smith,     29
Burera CS,     Giselle,    Johnson,   58

This is very handy to import data that is given to use in a row format. Whenever a location referred to in the file is not found, an error is reported. Also if a value cannot be parsed or an address does not exist, an error is reported.

Value format

So that the import works, the values must be formatted in a special way depending on their type:

- bool: TRUE or FALSE (in capital letters)
- date: dd-MM-yyyy - example: 02-01-2011 for 2nd of January 2011, the extra zeros are important
- enum: the value is it is in the enum option
- string: the string as it should be
- text: the text as it should be
- number: the number in xx.x format if decimal or just xx of integer

Notes on code

The importers all extends the class DataImporter, which extends FileImporter. FileImporter accepts import in both CSV and zipped format. If a zip file is used, all files packaged in the zip will be imported.

The ImportExportConstant file contains various constants used in the export and import mechanism (such as expected headers, etc...)


The basis of the report is the report program tree. The tree defines a structure to which are attached the report targets of the different report types. There are currently 3 report types in the system, the dashboard, the district summary reports and the facility count tables.

All reports are structured the same way. They all define their own targets. A target is linked to one report program and refers to a data element or calculation, that will be displayed in the report. Whether to target refers to a data element or a calculation is up to the specific report type to decide.

The report class structure is as follows :


		- Data
		- ReportProgram

Since the relationship between AbstractReportTarget and ReportProgram is one-to-many, there is a method in ReportProgram that retrieves all targets of a certain class belonging to it :

// returns all the targets of class *clazz* belonging to this program
public <T extends ReportTarget> List<T> getReportTargets(Class<T> clazz);

The ReportService provides several methods that help handle reports :

public ReportProgram getRootProgram();

public <T extends ReportTarget> List<T> collectReportTargets(Class<T> clazz, ReportProgram program);

public <T extends ReportTarget> List<ReportProgram> collectReportProgramTree(Class<T> clazz, ReportProgram program);

public List<AbstractReportTarget> getReportTargets(Data<?> data);

public void flushCaches();


The planning tool has two components. A data entry component and an analytical component, called the output tables. The data entry component uses FormEnteredValue, FormValidationRule, and FormSkipRule just like the survey does. The analytical component uses NormalizedDataElement to transform entered values into tables.

Users & roles

The application uses the [grails-shiro][grails-shiro] plugin to manage access. We use the default access control basec on controller name and action, plus several custom permissions that gives the user access to menu items, survey and planning. The non-default permissions are listed here :

menu:reports - display the reports link in the menu
menu:survey - display the survey link in the menu
menu:planning - display the planning link in the menu
menu:admin - display the admin link in the menu
editSurvey:<action_name>:<id> - gives access to the action <action_name> in survey edition for data location with id <id>

Next to the custom permissions, there are 2 custom roles that are defined here :

report-read-only - gives the following permissions		menu:reports
survey-read-only - gives the following permissions

There are 3 types of users in the system. Those types define what basic permissions a user gets when it is first created. Permissions can be added later. Below is the explanation of those types :

// SURVEY user gets report-all-readonly role and the permissions necessary to edit his own survey
	roles - report-all-readonly
	permissions - editSurvey:view, editSurvey:*:<id>, menu:survey, home:*

// PLANNING user gets report-all-readonly role and the permissions necessary to edit his own planning
	roles - report-all-readonly 
	permissions - editPlanning:view, editPlanning:*:<id>, menu:planning, home:* 

// OTHER user gets report-all-readonly role and access to the landing page
	roles - report-all-readonly
	permissions - home:*

If a user is of SURVEY or PLANNING type, then a data location should be specified as part of the user. That data location will become that user default data location and he will have access to the survey or planning for that data location only.


The export works in the opposite way of the general data import, with the format :

<data_code>, <period_code>, <location_code>, <value>, <value_address>

There is an export for data elements and one for calculations. The export for calculation will output slightly more information as it will also give the location level, and location parents of the data location.


The DHSST is licensed under the terms of the BSD 3-clause License.