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WeatherTracker is an iOS application built using Swift and SwiftUI that allows users to search for a city and view its current weather conditions. The app fetches data from and persists the user's selected city across launches.


City Search: Users can search for any city using the integrated search field.

Current Weather Display: Shows city name, temperature, weather condition (with icon), humidity, UV index, and "feels like" temperature.

Persistence: The selected city is stored locally (using UserDefaults), so it will automatically load on subsequent app launches.

Clean Architecture: The code is organized into separate layers (Domain, Data, Presentation) and uses MVVM, dependency injection, and protocol-oriented programming.

Technology Stack

Language: Swift (5.7+) UI Framework: SwiftUI Architecture: MVVM with Use Cases Data Persistence: UserDefaults Networking: URLSession with async/await API: for current weather data and city search.


Xcode: 14.0 or later iOS: 15.0 or later A valid API key (Free plan is sufficient)

Setup and Installation

Clone the repository: git clone repo Open the project: Open WeatherTracker.xcodeproj in Xcode. Insert your API key: In DependencyContainer.swift, replace <YOUR_WEATHER_API_KEY> with your actual WeatherAPI key. let apiKey = "<YOUR_WEATHER_API_KEY>" Build and Run: Select a simulator or a physical device and run the app (Command + R).


Initial Launch: If no city is saved, you’ll be prompted to search for one. Searching for a City: Enter a city name in the search bar, then select a search result. The home screen will update with that city's weather. Persisted City: On subsequent launches, the last selected city's weather will be displayed automatically.

Project Structure

WeatherTracker/ ContentView.swift WeatherTrackerApp.swift AppDependencies/ DependencyContainer.swift Domain/ Models/ Weather.swift City.swift UseCases/ FetchWeatherUseCase.swift SearchCityUseCase.swift Data/ Networking/ WeatherAPI.swift WeatherRepository.swift Storage/ UserDefaultsStorage.swift Presentation/ Home/ HomeView.swift HomeViewModel.swift Search/ SearchView.swift SearchViewModel.swift Components/ WeatherInfoView.swift SearchResultView.swift SearchBarView.swift Assets.xcassets/ AccentColor.colorset/ | Contents.json

Design and UI

The UI layout and styling is based on a provided Figma design (not included in this repo). The app uses a modern SwiftUI layout with a clean, minimalistic design, large typography, and subtle background colors for enhanced readability.

Known Issues / Future Improvements

Error Handling: Further refine error messages or introduce user-friendly alerts.

Offline Mode: Cache last known weather data for offline viewing.

Localization: Add support for multiple languages.

Unit Tests Coverage: Expand test coverage to include more edge cases.


This project is distributed under the MIT License. Feel free to use and modify it according to your needs.


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