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Starknet Hardhat TypeScript Example

Example setup of a Starknet-Hardhat-TypeScript project. This is an empty project that you can take a fork. It's configured and works following the instructions.


You need to install a python's virtual environment to make sure this project uses specific versions of pythons and its dependencies.

On macOS download Miniconda, then:

# Install
sh ~/Downloads/ 

# Update
conda update -n base -c defaults conda

# Open new shell and test that python is selected via miniconda
which python

Create and setup conda environment:

conda create --name starknet-example-env python=3.8.11
conda activate starknet-example-env

Install system dependencies (more details here):

# Ubuntu
sudo apt install -y libgmp3-dev

# macOS
brew install gmp

# On M1 based macOS
CFLAGS=-I`brew --prefix gmp`/include LDFLAGS=-L`brew --prefix gmp`/lib pip3 install ecdsa fastecdsa sympy

Setup the python venv:

# Install Cairo
pip install cairo-lang

# Install Starknet Devnet
pip install starknet-devnet

If you are on macOS and installing cairo-lang fails, use this guide.

If you want to learn more about devnet project, here the repo.

Install the Node.js dependencies:

# Install NVM to manage multiple versions of Node.js
curl -o- | bash

# Install the required version
nvm install

# Select the required version
nvm use

# Install the project Node's dependencies
yarn install

Getting started

In a tab start the devnet:

# Set correct version of Node and Python virtual environment
nvm use
conda activate starknet-example-env

# Start a new devnet with clean state

In another tab:

# Set correct version of Node and Python virtual environment
nvm use
conda activate starknet-example-env

# Compile
yarn hardhat starknet-compile

# Test
yarn hardhat test

# Deploy
yarn hardhat starknet-deploy ExampleContract --starknet-network devnet --inputs "123"

# Deploy an account
yarn hardhat starknet-deploy-account --starknet-network devnet --wallet OpenZeppelin

# Read the deployed account details
code ~/.starknet_accounts/starknet_open_zeppelin_accounts.json

For more documentation.

Update the Node dependencies

To update the Node.js dependencies, like the Hardhat Starknet Plugig, you can use the npm-check-updates utility:

# Install ncu
npm install -g npm-check-updates
# or
yarn global add npm-check-updates

# Preview updates

# Install updates
ncu -u
yarn install

Verify your contract on Voyager (only on Alpha Goerli and Alpha Mainnet, no devnet)

After deploying your contract on alpha, open it on Voyager and wait 10 minutes or so, for it to be indexed. You will be able to see the Read and Write interface when it is.

Alpha Goerli (testnet)

Alpha Mainnet

When it has been indexed, then you can finally verify it:

yarn hardhat starknet-verify \
  --starknet-network alpha \
  --address 0x0123 \
  --path ./contracts/contract.cairo

Note: right now the verifier is quite limited to very simple contracts with dependencies in the same directory. So it's not really production ready

## Disable ESLint In case you don't want ESLint helping you to format and pretty your TS code, just delete .eslintrc.js in root folder. then remove all the dependencies in package.json that mentions eslint and yarn install again.

Useful links

Repo is inspired from Starknet Hardhat Example. Based on the Starknet Hardhat plugin.


Claudio, clacla.eth


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