This repository implements a single shot object detection framework in Keras.
- Training
- Testing/Inference
- Custom Networks
- Custom Datasets
- MAP Evaluation
- Restore Training (Not fully implemented.)
You can use your own data by creating it within the following structure. Also you need to modify the file with your data specifics as shown in the other examples.
│ │
│ └───<dataset_name> (e.g. pets_2009)
│ │ └───train_im/(Image source files in .jpg format for training)
│ │ │ | im (1).jpg
│ │ │ | im (2).jpg
│ │ │ | im (503).jpg
│ │ └───train_ann/ (Bounding Box Annotation Files for training)
│ │ │ | im (1).xml
│ │ │ | im (2).xml
│ │ └───val_im/(Image source files in .jpg format for validation)
│ │ │ | im (504).jpg
│ │ │ | im (505).jpg
│ │ │ | im (600).jpg
│ │ └───val_ann/ (Bounding Box Annotation Files for validation)
│ │ │ | im (504).xml
│ │ │ | im (505).xml
Name | Version (min) |
Python | 3.7 |
Tensorflow | 2.0.0 |
Numpy | 1.18.5 |
Matplotlib | 3.3.4 |
opencv-python | 4.5.1 |
imagaug | 0.4.0 |
larq | 0.11.2 |
You run a training example as follows:
python -m resnet -d pets_2009 -s cosine -o adam -e 200 -lr 0.001
Argument Name | Description |
-m, -model | Select backbone model from: [vgg,resnet,mobileV2,mobile,yolopeds,dronet,tinyyolov2] |
-d,-dataset | Select dataset to use from: [kangaroo,ennfudan,pets_2009,raccoon,air_cars] |
-e,-epochs | Number of epochs for training |
-l,-lr | Initial learning rate |
-o,-optimizer | Select optimizer from [adam,sgd] |
-s,-scheduler | Select scheduler from [none, cosine, fix (reduce by 10 every 100 epochs)] |
-w,-weights | Apply weights for imbalanced classes |
- The training will output, live detection results for a random image per epoch, mAP and loss curves as shown below. All this are stored in the <det_output> folder:
- Models (both the complete architecture and weights file) are saved in the <saved_models> folder. In addition, everry 100 epochs a checkpoint is saved.
The repository implements models of the following form:
Any of the backbone models can be selected. In addition, the detection layer can be configured according to the application needs.
- VGG16 (keras imagenet pretrained)
- Resnet50 (keras imagenet pretrained)
- MobileNetV2 (keras imagenet pretrained)
- MobileNetV1 (keras imagenet pretrained)
- YOLOpeds (custom)
- Dronet (custom)
- Tinyyolov2 (custom without imagenet weights)
- Any custom model that you want to create
This repository implements improved models from the following papers:
Christos Kyrkou, “YOLOPeds: Efficient Single-Shot Pedestrian Detection for Smart Camera Applications”, IET Computer Vision, 2020, 14, (7), p. 417-425, DOI: 10.1049/iet-cvi.2019.0897 paper📜
Christos Kyrkou, George Plastiras, Stylianos Venieris, Theocharis Theocharides, Christos-Savvas Bouganis, "DroNet: Efficient convolutional neural network detector for real-time UAV applications," 2018 Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference & Exhibition (DATE), Dresden, Germany, pp. 967-972, March 2018. paper📜 , official DroNet repo 💻