FATES documentation is compiled using sphinx.
The documentation source code found in the origin repository is automatically passed to Read The Docs, which compiles the source on server, and serves the documentation web-pages here:
Contributors looking to update the documentation will need to have a computer, prefferably a digital computer, with sphinx installed on their computer for testing. Specifically the build Makefile will call "sphinx-build".
Contributors will likely need to work in three files where the meat of the documentation for fates is held:
Main Text: docs/source/fates_tech_note.rst
References: docs/source/CLM50_Tech_Note_References.rst
The Root File: docs/source/index.rst
To test contributions, perform a compilation from the docs/ folder.
make clean
make html
Then open the resulting local html code in your browser of choice.
google-chrome google-chrome docs/build/html/index.html