Starter for Gatsby site. TypeScript, Styled-components, Jest, TS types generation
🏠 Homepage
- Gatsby
- TypeScript
- Styled Components
- GraphQL
- Prettier
- Eslint
.github/ - github actions
.vscode/ - VSCode files and recommended extensions
__mocks__/ - Jest mocks
src/ – project files
static/ – assets and static files
types - custom TypeScript types
.editorconfig - base project formatting
.eslitrc.js - JS liner setting
.gitignore - files and folders ignored by Git
.graphqlconfig - graphql schema config for WebStorm
.prettierignore - files and folders ignored by prettier
.prettierrc - prettier settings
apollo.config.js - Apollo GraphQL cofig
gatsby-browser.js - Gatsby browser settings
gatsby-config.js - Gatsby config
index.js - hm why do we need this file?
jest.config.js - Jest config
jest-preprocess.js - Jest babel-config
loadershim.js - anther Jest config
netlify.toml - Netlify settings
package.json - project script and dependencies - project description
site-config.js - website base settings
tsconfig.json - main TypeScript config
tsconfig.test.json - TypeScript for tests
yarn.lock - installed dependencies
- Webpack
- JS с Babel
- Stylelint, Eslint
- Prettier
yarn install
yarn dev
yarn test
👤 Pavel Klochkov, [email protected]
- Website:
- Twitter: @webtime-studio
- Github: @webtime-studio
- LinkedIn: @webtime-studio
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page. You can also take a look at the contributing guide.
Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you!
Copyright © 2020 Pavel Klochkov, [email protected].
This project is MIT licensed.