Generate a .dot file from a .json file. Then one can use graphviz to create a visualization of the json structure. Useful for teachers and authors to create illustrations, quizzes, and other pedagogical materials. Since almost all contemporary programming languages support arrays and hashtables/dictionaries, this program is useful not only for javascript courses and documents, but also useful for creating illustrations for tutorials for perl, python, php, ruby, ...
For example, the following drawing is created by the command
perl config.json | dot -Tsvg > config.svg
where config.json is a sample configuration file for
my other project scatplot
On linux mint 20 (and I guess on *ubuntu and on
any of the whole debian family), please do
sudo apt-get install libjson-perl libfile-slurp-perl libhtml-escape-perl graphviz
Users of other distributions, please find the
corresponding packages in your distribution.
It may also work if you install these two perl modules from cpan instead.
The graphviz package is needed to process a .dot file into
a graphic file such as .svg or .jpg or .png .
Copy to /usr/bin and make it executable.
Try it out with the included sample file favourites.geojson: favourites.geojson > ; dot -Tsvg > favourites.svg
Or using I/O redirections and pipes:
./ < favourites.geojson | dot -Tsvg > favourites.svg
Then open favourites.svg in your browser.
You maye need to manually fix line crossings using inkscape.
The sample file favourites.geojson was exported as favourites.gpx from osmand, converted to .geojson and manually edited to remove empty fields.
從一個 .json 檔產生一個 .dot 檔。 然後你可以用 graphviz 去處理這個 .dot 檔, 以便產生 .json 的資料結構圖。 對於老師及作者最有用, 可以拿來製作教學文件或考題的插圖。 因為當代許多程式語言都有陣列及雜湊/字典這兩種基本資料結構, 所以本程式不僅適用於 javascript 課程與文件, 也很適用於幫 perl、 python、 php、 ruby、 ... 等等語言的教學文製作插圖。
perl config.json | dot -Tsvg > config.svg
其中 config.json 來自我的另一個專案
在 linux mint 20 上 (我猜在 *ubuntu 跟 debian 系列上面也一樣)
請下: sudo apt-get install libjson-perl libfile-slurp-perl libhtml-escape-perl graphviz
其他版本 linux 用戶請找到你的版本裡對應的套件。
或是直接從 cpan 安裝應該也可以。
至於 graphviz 則是要用來把 .dot 檔轉成 .svg/.jpg/.png 的工具。
把 拷貝到 /usr/bin 底下並且改成可執行。
請拿範例資料檔 favourites.geojson 來測試: favourites.geojson > ; dot -Tsvg > favourites.svg
或是使用輸入輸出重新導向及 pipe:
./ < favourites.geojson | dot -Tsvg > favourites.svg
然後用瀏覽器開啟 favourites.svg 。
可能還需要用 inkscape 手工修飾一下交插的線。
範例資料檔 favourites.geojson 是從 osmand 的 favourites.gpx 轉檔出來的, 並且手工將空白的欄位移除。