blah blah blah I'm not in an expository mood right now, so I'll fill in the intro later.
This repository contains ROS packages. To use these packages, clone the
packages into a Catkin workspace directory src
inside some scratch directory
in this case):
mkdir hydra && \
cd hydra && \
git clone src && \
catkin_init_workspace src
The final command, catkin_init_workspace
, creates a link to a generic
system-installed ROS build file. (Don't forget to load the setup file
] appropriate to your shell and ROS
installation prior to running that or any ROS-related commands.)
Run catkin_make
from your scratch directory to build the packages.
Once the build completes successfully, you can source the shell-specific
file from devel/
(source devel/setup.bash
will work for most
users) to add the locations of the newly-built packages to the ROS environment
Now you should be able to run e.g.
roslaunch hydra_tests motor-test.launch
Manages drive control, mapping the appropriate inputs (manual or nav stack-based) to the appropriate outputs (hardware via serial_node).
Random test nodes/launch files/etc.