Citrix has developed a custom Terraform provider for automating Citrix ADC deployments and configurations. Using Terraform, you can custom configure your ADCs for different use-cases such as Load Balancing, SSL, Content Switching, GSLB, WAF etc.
Learn more about Citrix ADC Automation here
đź“ŤFor deploying Citrix ADC in Public Cloud - AWS and Azure, check out cloud scripts in github repo terraform-cloud-scripts.
✉️ For any immediate issues or help , reach out to us at [email protected] !
- Refer examples
- Also refer golden_templates
- Why Terraform for Citrix ADC ?
- Navigating Repository
- Understanding Provider Configuration
- Understanding Resource Configuration
- General guidelines on ADC configurations
- Commiting changes to Citrix ADC's persistent store
- List of ADC use-cases supported through Terraform
- Using
for one-time tasks
- Hands-on lab with ADC automation with Terraform
- Install Terraform in your own setup
- Understanding the ADC terraform provider repository)
- Get your first terraform config into ADC
- How to write terraform resources file for ADC
- Set up SSL-Offloading use-case in ADC
- Committing changes to Citrix ADC's persistent store
- Managing ADC configs drifts in terraform
- Importing ADC configs into Terraform resources file
- Deploy ADC in AWS using Terraform
- Leveraging Terraform workspaces to manage multiple ADCs
- Dynamically updates Services using Consul-Terraform-Sync
- Blue-Green Deployment with Citrix ADC and Azure Pipelines
Terraform is an open-source infrastructure as code software tool that provides a consistent CLI workflow to manage hundreds of cloud services.Terraform codifies cloud APIs into declarative configuration files. Terraform can be used to deploy and configure ADC. Configuring Citrix ADC through Terraform provides multiple benefits.
- Infrastucture as Code approach to ADC -You can store the ADC configs in scm tools like GitHub and version and track it like just other code repositories you have.
- Declarative Approach to ADC automation - Users just need to defined the target state of ADC. ADC terraform resources will make the appropriate API calls to achieve the target state.
- ADC resources files in Terraform are human friendly and easy to understand.
- Abstract away the complexity associated with Citrix ADC internals architecture.
- Detect the configuration drifts on ADC through Terraform easily.
folder - Contains all the ADC resources library that we support through Terraform. These resource libraries will internally call NITRO APIS to configure target ADC.examples
folder - Contain the examples for users to use various ADC resources e.g simple_lb folder contains the that illustrates how citrixadc_lbvserver resource can be used to create a Load Balancing vserver on target ADC. Similarly , different folders contains examples on defining different resources. Users are expected to review these examples and define their desired ADC
folder` - - contains the documentation of all resources confgirations supported through Terraform. Refer this to understand the different arguments, values that a particular resource takes.
contains the information on target ADC where you want to apply configuration.
provider "citrixadc" {
username = "${var.ns_user}" # You can optionally use `NS_LOGIN` environment variables.
password = "${var.ns_password}" # You can optionally use `NS_PASSWORD` environment variables.
endpoint = "" # You can optionally use `NS_URL` environment variables.
We can use a https
URL and accept the untrusted authority certificate on the Citrix ADC by specifying insecure_skip_verify = true
To use https
without the need to set insecure_skip_verify = true
follow this guide on
how to replace the default TLS certificate with one from a trusted Certifcate Authority.
Use of https
is preferred. Using http
will result in all provider configuration variables as well as resource variables
to be transmitted in cleartext. Anyone observing the HTTP data stream will be able to parse sensitive values such as the provider password.
Avoid storing provider credentials in the local state by using a backend that supports encryption. The hasicorp vault provider is also recommended for storing sensitive data.
You can also use environment variables as stated in the comments above.
The following arguments are supported.
- This is the user name to access to Citrix ADC. Defaults tonsroot
unless environment variableNS_LOGIN
has been setpassword
- This is the password to access to Citrix ADC. Defaults tonsroot
unless environment variableNS_PASSWORD
has been setendpoint
- (Required) Nitro API endpoint in the formhttp://<NS_IP>/
. Can be specified in environment variableNS_URL
- (Optional, true/false) Whether to accept the untrusted certificate on the Citrix ADC when the Citrix ADC endpoint ishttps
- (Optional, NSIP) The target Citrix ADC NSIP for MAS proxied calls. When this option is defined,username
must refer to the MAS proxy.
The username, password and endpoint can be provided in environment variables NS_LOGIN
and NS_URL
. contains the desired state of the resources that you want on target ADC. E.g. For creating a Load Balancing vserver in ADC following contains the desired configs of lbvserver
resource "citrixadc_lbvserver" "foo" {
name = "sample_lb"
ipv46 = ""
port = 443
servicetype = "SSL"
lbmethod = "ROUNDROBIN"
persistencetype = "COOKIEINSERT"
sslcertkey = "${}"
sslprofile = "ns_default_ssl_profile_secure_frontend"
In order to understand the arguments, possible values, and other arguments available for a given resource, refer the NITRO API documentation and the Terraform documentation such as .
the attribute
is not synced with the remote object. If the state of the lb vserver is out of sync with the terraform configuration you will need to manually taint the resource and apply the configuration again.
The subfolders in the example folder contains examples of different ADC configurations through terraform. Refer to simple_lb example to understand below structure and usage.
describes the actual NetScaler config objects to be created. The attributes of these resources are either hard coded or looked up from input variables interraform.tfvars
describes the input variables to the terraform config. These can have
is used to specify the username, password and endpoint of the NetScaler. Alternatively, you can set the NS_URL, NS_LOGIN and NS_PASSWORD environment variables.terraform.tfvars
has the variable inputs specified
- Modify the
to suit your own NetScaler deployment. - Use
terraform plan
andterraform apply
to configure the NetScaler.
Modify the set of backend services and use terraform plan
and terraform apply
to verify the changes
The provider will not commit the config changes to Citrix ADC's persistent store. To do this, run the shell script
export NS_URL=http://<host>:<port>/
export NS_LOGIN=nsroot
export NS_PASSWORD=nsroot
To ensure that the config is saved on every run, we can use something like terraform apply &&
List of Use-Cases supported in ADC can be found in here .
Terraform is useful for maintaining desired state for a set of resources. It is less useful for tasks such as network configuration which don't change. Network configuration is like using a provisioner inside Terraform. The directory examples/remote-exec
show examples of how Terraform can use ssh to accomplish these one-time tasks.
Try out our Hands on Lab to experience whats it like using Terraform for ADC.
First step to using Terraform for ADC is to install Terraform CLI. Refer the Hashicorp documentation for installing Terraform CLI for your own environment.
Refer the Navigating our repository section
Follow the article on Getting started with Terraform on NetScaler to get your first configuration
To write the Terraform resources for Citrix ADC, refer the following links NITRO API documentation or terraform registry documentation.
Here is the Terraform Template that you follow to configure SSL Offloading.
Refer the commiting changes section
You want to see the current state of ADC entities in Terraform
- Use terraform refresh to update your local terraform state file to match with existing ADC state
- Use terraform show to show the current state for your entire configuration
- Use terraform state list to show the resources that are being tracked/managed via Terraform
- To inspect a particular entity use terraform state show <entity_name> e.g. terraform state show citrixadc_servicegroup.tf_servicegroup
If you want to override the ADC configuration with the configs you have in Terraform resource file then
- You can run terraform plan to see the drifts/diff between the two state
- Run terraform apply to push the desired configs( in your Terraform resource file) to your ADC.
Update your terraform state file to reflect the current/true state of ADC
- Use terraform refresh to update your local terraform state file to match with existing ADC state
Learn how to import existing NetScaler configurations into Terraform resources here
Refer our terraform cloud scripts for AWS and demo video
Our Consul-Terraform-Sync integration allows users to automatically create, update and delete Service groups in Citrix ADC that are synced with the Consul Terraform Sync framework.
Integrate ADC and configure it faciliate Blue-Green deployment using Terraform.Check out the solution