Releases: cisco-en-programmability/dnacenter-ansible
Releases · cisco-en-programmability/dnacenter-ansible
What's Changed
- Added compatibility with Cisco version
- Added new modules Cisco version.
Full Changelog: v6.26.0...v6.27.0
By @madhansansel
What's Changed
- Added sample playbook for Device Configs Backup Module
- Changes in file
- Bug fixes in accesspoint_workflow_manager module
- Enhancements in device_configs_backup_workflow_manager module to support unzipped backup file after download
- Changes in inventory_workflow_manager module
- Changes in ise_radius_integration_workflow_manager
- Changes in network_compliance_workflow_manager
- Changes in network_settings_workflow_manager
- Bug fixes in sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager
- Bug fixes in sda_fabric_transits_workflow_manager
- Enhancements in sda_host_port_onboarding_workflow_manager module
- Changes in swim_workflow_manager module
- Enhancements in device_credential_workflow_manager module
- Bug fixes in lan_automation_workflow_manager module
- Enhancements in provision_workflow_manager module
- Bug fixes in pnp_workflow_manager module
- Bug fixes in template_workflow_manager module
- Supporting unmarking the devices in rma_workflow_manager module
- sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager - attribute 'delete_fabric_device' was removed
- sda_host_port_onboarding_workflow_manager - attributes 'port_channels', 'fabric_site_name_hierarchy', 'port_assignments', 'wireless_ssids' were added
- sda_host_port_onboarding_workflow_manager - attributes 'port_channel_details', 'port_assignment_details' were removed
- device_configs_backup_workflow_manager - attribute 'unzip_backup' was added
- network_settings_workflow_manager - attribute 'force_delete' was added
Full Changelog: v6.25.1...v6.26.0
What's Changed
- application of the changes made in pull request 207
- Bug fixes in accesspoint_workflow_manager module
- Changes in sda_fabric_devices_workflow_manager module
- Bug fixes in [sda_fabric_sites_zones_workflow_manager module
- Enhancements in [sda_fabric_virtual_networks_workflow_manager module to support batch operation.
- Changes in site_workflow_manager module
- Changes in template_workflow_manager
- Unit test modules added for pnp_workflow_manager module
Full Changelog: v6.25.0...v6.25.1
What's Changed
- Aliases were implemented to handle v1 and v2 of the API.
- Changes in circleci and yaml lint files.
- Modifications due to documentation errors.
Full Changelog: v6.24.0...v6.25.0
What's Changed
- Removing duplicates in the module. snmpRwCommunity property. By @JosePabloOcampo1212 in #200
- Changes in workflow manager modules. By @madhansansel in #202
Full Changelog: v6.22.0...v6.24.0
What's Changed
- SDA Workflow manager modules by @madhansansel in #191
- Develop v6.21.0 by @fmunozmiranda in #193
- Update docs.yml by @fmunozmiranda in #194
- Update docs.yml by @fmunozmiranda in #195
Full Changelog: v6.20.0...v6.21.0
What's Changed
- Changes in workflow manager module by @madhansansel in #189
- Develop by @bvargasre in #190
Full Changelog: v6.19.0...v6.20.0
What's Changed
- SDA workflow manger modules by @madhansansel in #187
- Develop by @bvargasre in #188
Full Changelog: v6.18.0...v6.19.0
What's Changed
- Workflow manager modules to support fabric sites, extranet policies and bug fixes in other modules by @madhansansel in #183
- Develop by @bvargasre in #184
Full Changelog: v6.17.1...v6.18.0
What's Changed
- chore: Update dnacentersdk requirement to version 2.7.2 by @bvargasre in #180
Full Changelog: v6.17.0...v6.17.1