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Eric Odell edited this page Apr 21, 2021
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Install Systems Manager (ssm) agent on all (vm/ec2) OS we manage.
Consult best practices for howto
Here's the what
- view operational data for groups of resources
- quickly identify issues that impact applications
- Resources can be grouped by applications, application layers, production versus development, or anything else you choose.
- single, easy to read dashboard
- automate operational actions
- automate maintenance and deployment tasks on Amazon EC2 and on-premise instances
- automatically apply patches, updates, and configuration changes across any resource group.
- predefined automation documents for common operational tasks, such as stopping and restarting an EC2 instance, that you can customize to your own specific use cases.
- built-in safety controls, allowing you to incrementally roll out new changes and automatically halt the roll-out when errors occur.
- understand and control the current state of resource groups.
- detailed system configurations, operating system patch levels, software installations, application configurations
- integration with AWS Config so you view changes across your resources as they occur over time.
- manage servers running on AWS and in your on-premises data center through a single interface.
- securely communicates with a lightweight agent installed on your servers to execute management tasks.
- manage resources for Windows and Linux operating systems running on Amazon EC2 or on-premise.
- maintain security and compliance by scanning your instances against your patch, configuration, and custom policies.
- define patch baselines, maintain up-to-date anti-virus definitions, and enforce firewall policies.
- remotely manage servers at scale without manually logging in to each server.
- centralized store to manage your configuration data, whether its plain text, such as database strings, or secrets, such as passwords.
- separate secrets and configuration data from code.
Provides a managed service for
- Create self-service runbooks for infrastructure as Automation documents.
- Automate AMI creation using public SSM documents or custom workflows.
- Build and maintain AMIs using the AWS-UpdateLinuxAmi and AWS-UpdateWindowsAmi Automation documents, or using custom Automation documents
- Inventory with AWS Config to audit your application configurations over time.
- Define a schedule to perform potentially disruptive actions on your instances such as OS patching, driver updates, or software installations.
- centrally manage global configuration settings.
- encrypt and manage secrets by using AWS KMS.
- ECS task definitions to store secrets.
- rollout patches at scale and increase fleet compliance
- Manage Instances at Scale without SSH Access Using EC2 Run Command.
- Audit all API calls made by on or on behalf of Run Command using AWS CloudTrail.
- Use the targets and rate control features in Run Command to perform a staged command execution.
- Use fine-grained access permissions for Run Command (and all Systems Manager capabilities) by using AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies.
- Update SSM Agent at least once a month using the pre-configured AWS-UpdateSSMAgent document.
- Bootstrap EC2 Instances on launch using EC2Config for Windows
- (Windows) Upload the PowerShell or DSC module to Amazon S3, and use AWS-InstallPowerShellModule.
- Use Amazon EC2 tags to create application groups for your instances. And then target instances using the Targets parameter instead of specifying individual instance IDs.
- Automatically remediate findings generated by Amazon Inspector by using Systems Manager.
- Use a centralized configuration repository for all of your SSM documents, and share documents across your organization.
ssm agent comes pre-installed on amazon linux and modern windows 2016/2019
Here's a way to install Systems Manager on legacy linux systems:
aws ssm describe-instance-information --output json | jq -r '.InstanceInformationList[] | select (.PingStatus=="Online") | [.InstanceId,.ComputerName] | @tsv'
aws ssm describe-instance-information --output json | jq -r '.InstanceInformationList[] | select (.PlatformType=="Windows") '
aws ssm start-session --target $iid
aws ssm describe-sessions --state History
aws ssm list-documents
aws ssm list-documents |jq -r .DocumentIdentifiers[].Name |grep Run
cid=$(aws ssm send-command --instance-ids "$iid" --document-name "AWS-RunShellScript" --comment "how you doing?" --parameters commands=uptime --output json | jq -r .Command.CommandId)
cid=$(aws ssm send-command --instance-ids "$iid" --document-name "AWS-RunPowerShellScript" --parameters commands=["whoami"] --output json | jq -r .Command.CommandId)
aws ssm list-command-invocations --command-id $cid --details --output json | jq -r .CommandInvocations[].CommandPlugins[].Output
ssm runs as root! with great power comes great responsibility
aws ssm create-association --name AWS-GatherSoftwareInventory --targets Key=InstanceIds,Values=* --schedule-expression "rate(1 day)" --parameters applications=Enabled,awsComponents=Enabled,customInventory=Enabled,instanceDetailedInformation=Enabled,networkConfig=Enabled,services=Enabled,windowsRoles=Enabled,windowsUpdates=Enabled
aws ssm create-association --targets Key=InstanceIds,Values=* --name AWS-UpdateSSMAgent --schedule-expression "cron(0 0 2 ? * SUN *)"