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shane-circuithub committed Jul 14, 2021
1 parent 40f9758 commit 74f75a9
Showing 1 changed file with 78 additions and 78 deletions.
156 changes: 78 additions & 78 deletions src/Rel8/Tabulate.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,19 +21,19 @@ module Rel8.Tabulate
, lookup

-- * Aggregation and Ordering
, aggregateTabulation
, distinctTabulation
, orderTabulation
, aggregate
, distinct
, order

-- ** Magic 'Tabulation's
-- $magic
, countTabulation
, optionalTabulation
, manyTabulation
, someTabulation
, existsTabulation
, presentTabulation
, absentTabulation
, count
, optional
, many
, some
, exists
, present
, absent

-- * Natural joins
, align
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -90,10 +90,10 @@ import Rel8.Expr.Aggregate ( countStar )
import Rel8.Expr.Bool ( true )
import Rel8.Order ( Order( Order ) )
import Rel8.Query ( Query )
import Rel8.Query.Exists ( exists, present, absent )
import qualified Rel8.Query.Exists as Q ( exists, present, absent )
import Rel8.Query.Filter ( where_ )
import Rel8.Query.List ( catNonEmptyTable )
import Rel8.Query.Maybe ( optional )
import qualified Rel8.Query.Maybe as Q ( optional )
import Rel8.Query.Opaleye ( mapOpaleye )
import Rel8.Query.These ( alignBy )
import Rel8.Table ( Table, fromColumns, toColumns )
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ ensure (Predicate mp) = traverse_ (\k -> traverse_ (\p -> where_ (p k)) mp)
-- | A @'Tabulation' k a@ is like a @'Query' a@, except that each row also
-- has a key @k@ in addition to the value @a@. 'Tabulation's can be composed
-- monadically just like 'Query's, but the resulting join is more like a
-- @NATURAL JOIN@ (based on the common key column(s) @k@) as opposed to the
-- @NATURAL JOIN@ (based on the common key column(s) @k@) than the
-- @CROSS JOIN@ given by 'Query'.
-- Another way to think of @'Tabulation' k a@ is as analogous to @Map k a@ in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ instance EqTable k => Monad (Tabulation k) where
-- | If @'Tabulation' k a@ is @Map k (NonEmpty a)@, then @(<|>:)@ is
-- @unionWith (<>)@.
instance EqTable k => AltTable (Tabulation k) where
as <|>: bs = catNonEmptyTable `through` ((<>) `on` someTabulation) as bs
as <|>: bs = catNonEmptyTable `through` ((<>) `on` some) as bs

instance EqTable k => AlternativeTable (Tabulation k) where
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -308,27 +308,27 @@ lookup k (Tabulation f) = do
p = match (pure k)

-- | 'aggregateTabulation' aggregates the values within each key of a
-- | 'aggregate' aggregates the values within each key of a
-- 'Tabulation'. There is an implicit @GROUP BY@ on all the key columns.
aggregateTabulation :: forall k aggregates exprs.
aggregate :: forall k aggregates exprs.
( EqTable k
, Aggregates aggregates exprs
=> Tabulation k aggregates -> Tabulation k exprs
aggregateTabulation (Tabulation f) = Tabulation $
aggregate (Tabulation f) = Tabulation $
mapOpaleye (Opaleye.aggregate (keyed haggregator aggregator)) .
fmap (first (fmap (hgroupBy (eqTable @k) . toColumns))) .
haggregator = dimap fromColumns fromCols aggregator

-- | 'distinctTabulation' ensures a 'Tabulation' has at most one value for
-- | 'distinct' ensures a 'Tabulation' has at most one value for
-- each key, i.e., it drops duplicates. In general it keeps only the
-- \"first\" value it encounters for each key, but note that \"first\" is
-- undefined unless you first call 'orderTabulation'.
distinctTabulation :: EqTable k => Tabulation k a -> Tabulation k a
distinctTabulation (Tabulation f) = Tabulation $
-- undefined unless you first call 'order'.
distinct :: EqTable k => Tabulation k a -> Tabulation k a
distinct (Tabulation f) = Tabulation $
(\q ->
Expand All @@ -339,12 +339,12 @@ distinctTabulation (Tabulation f) = Tabulation $

-- | 'orderTabulation' orders the /values/ of a 'Tabulation' within their
-- respective keys. This specifies a defined order for 'distinctTabulation'.
-- It also defines the order of the lists produced by 'manyTabulation' and
-- 'someTabulation'.
orderTabulation :: OrdTable k => Order a -> Tabulation k a -> Tabulation k a
orderTabulation ordering (Tabulation f) =
-- | 'order' orders the /values/ of a 'Tabulation' within their
-- respective keys. This specifies a defined order for 'distinct'.
-- It also defines the order of the lists produced by 'many' and
-- 'some'.
order :: OrdTable k => Order a -> Tabulation k a -> Tabulation k a
order ordering (Tabulation f) =
Tabulation $ mapOpaleye (Opaleye.orderBy ordering') . f
Order ordering' = runClown (keyed (Clown ascTable) (Clown ordering))
Expand All @@ -353,11 +353,11 @@ orderTabulation ordering (Tabulation f) =
-- $magic
-- Some of the following combinators produce \"magic\" 'Tabulation's. Let's
-- use 'countTabulation' as an example to demonstrate this concept. Consider
-- use 'count' as an example to demonstrate this concept. Consider
-- the following:
-- @
-- countTabulation $ fromQuery $ values
-- count $ fromQuery $ values
-- [ (lit 'a', lit True)
-- , (lit 'a', lit False)
-- , (lit 'b', lit True)
Expand All @@ -382,98 +382,98 @@ orderTabulation ordering (Tabulation f) =
-- @
-- do
-- user <- usersById
-- orderCount <- countTabulation ordersByUserId
-- orderCount <- count ordersByUserId
-- @
-- To see how many orders a user has (getting @0@ if they have no orders).

-- | 'countTabulation' returns a count of how many entries are in the given
-- | 'count' returns a count of how many entries are in the given
-- 'Tabulation' at each key.
-- The resulting 'Tabulation' is \"magic\" in that the value @0@ exists at
-- every possible key that wasn't in the given 'Tabulation'.
countTabulation :: EqTable k => Tabulation k a -> Tabulation k (Expr Int64)
countTabulation =
count :: EqTable k => Tabulation k a -> Tabulation k (Expr Int64)
count =
fmap (maybeTable 0 id) .
optionalTabulation .
aggregateTabulation .
optional .
aggregate .
fmap (const countStar)

-- | 'optionalTabulation' produces a \"magic\" 'Tabulation' whereby each
-- | 'optional' produces a \"magic\" 'Tabulation' whereby each
-- entry in the given 'Tabulation' is wrapped in 'Rel8.justTable', and every
-- other possible key contains a single 'Rel8.nothingTable'.
-- This is used to implement 'leftAlignWith'.
optionalTabulation :: Tabulation k a -> Tabulation k (MaybeTable Expr a)
optionalTabulation (Tabulation f) = Tabulation $ \p -> case p of
optional :: Tabulation k a -> Tabulation k (MaybeTable Expr a)
optional (Tabulation f) = Tabulation $ \p -> case p of
Predicate Nothing -> fmap pure <$> f p
_ -> fmap (\m -> (empty, snd <$> m)) $ optional $ do
_ -> fmap (\m -> (empty, snd <$> m)) $ Q.optional $ do
(k, a) <- f p
ensure p k
pure (k, a)

-- | 'manyTabulation' aggregates each entry with a particular key into a
-- | 'many' aggregates each entry with a particular key into a
-- single entry with all of the values contained in a 'ListTable'.
-- 'orderTabulation' can be used to give this 'ListTable' a defined order.
-- 'order' can be used to give this 'ListTable' a defined order.
-- The resulting 'Tabulation' is \"magic\" in that the value
-- @'Rel8.listTable []'@ exists at every possible key that wasn't in the given
-- 'Tabulation'.
manyTabulation :: (EqTable k, Table Expr a)
many :: (EqTable k, Table Expr a)
=> Tabulation k a -> Tabulation k (ListTable Expr a)
manyTabulation =
many =
fmap (maybeTable mempty (\(ListTable a) -> ListTable a)) .
optionalTabulation .
aggregateTabulation .
optional .
aggregate .
fmap (listAgg . toCols)

-- | 'someTabulation' aggregates each entry with a particular key into a
-- | 'some' aggregates each entry with a particular key into a
-- single entry with all of the values contained in a 'NonEmptyTable'.
-- 'orderTabulation' can be used to give this 'NonEmptyTable' a defined order.
someTabulation :: (EqTable k, Table Expr a)
-- 'order' can be used to give this 'NonEmptyTable' a defined order.
some :: (EqTable k, Table Expr a)
=> Tabulation k a -> Tabulation k (NonEmptyTable Expr a)
someTabulation =
some =
fmap (\(NonEmptyTable a) -> NonEmptyTable a) .
aggregateTabulation .
aggregate .
fmap (nonEmptyAgg . toCols)

-- | 'existsTabulation' produces a \"magic\" 'Tabulation' which contains the
-- | 'exists' produces a \"magic\" 'Tabulation' which contains the
-- value 'Rel8.true' at each key in the given 'Tabulation', and the value
-- 'Rel8.false' at every other possible key.
existsTabulation :: Tabulation k a -> Tabulation k (Expr Bool)
existsTabulation (Tabulation f) = Tabulation $ \p -> case p of
exists :: Tabulation k a -> Tabulation k (Expr Bool)
exists (Tabulation f) = Tabulation $ \p -> case p of
Predicate Nothing -> (true <$) <$> f p
_ -> fmap (empty,) $ exists $ do
_ -> fmap (empty,) $ Q.exists $ do
(k, _) <- f p
ensure p k

-- | 'presentTabulation' produces a 'Tabulation' where a single @()@ row
-- | 'present' produces a 'Tabulation' where a single @()@ row
-- exists for every key that was present in the given 'Tabulation'.
-- This is used to implement 'similarity'.
presentTabulation :: Tabulation k a -> Tabulation k ()
presentTabulation (Tabulation f) = Tabulation $ \p -> do
present $ do
present :: Tabulation k a -> Tabulation k ()
present (Tabulation f) = Tabulation $ \p -> do
Q.present $ do
(k, _) <- f p
ensure p k
pure (empty, ())

-- | 'absentTabulation' produces a 'Tabulation' where a single @()@ row exists
-- | 'absent' produces a 'Tabulation' where a single @()@ row exists
-- at every possible key that absent from the given 'Tabulation'.
-- This is used to implement 'difference'.
absentTabulation :: Tabulation k a -> Tabulation k ()
absentTabulation (Tabulation f) = Tabulation $ \p -> do
absent $ do
absent :: Tabulation k a -> Tabulation k ()
absent (Tabulation f) = Tabulation $ \p -> do
Q.absent $ do
(k, _) <- f p
ensure p k
pure (empty, ())
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -514,9 +514,9 @@ alignWith f (Tabulation as) (Tabulation bs) = Tabulation $ \p -> do
-- Analogous to 'Data.Semialign.rpadZip'.
-- Note that you can achieve the same effect with 'optionalTabulation' and the
-- Note that you can achieve the same effect with 'optional' and the
-- 'Applicative' instance for 'Tabulation', i.e., this is just
-- @\left right -> liftA2 (,) left (optionalTabulation right). You can also
-- @\left right -> liftA2 (,) left (optional right). You can also
-- use @do@-notation.
leftAlign :: EqTable k
=> Tabulation k a -> Tabulation k b -> Tabulation k (a, MaybeTable Expr b)
Expand All @@ -527,23 +527,23 @@ leftAlign = leftAlignWith (,)
-- Analogous to 'Data.Semialign.rpadZipWith'.
-- Note that you can achieve the same effect with 'optionalTabulation' and the
-- Note that you can achieve the same effect with 'optional' and the
-- 'Applicative' instance for 'Tabulation', i.e., this is just
-- @\f left right -> liftA2 f left (optionalTabulation right). You can also
-- @\f left right -> liftA2 f left (optional right). You can also
-- use @do@-notation.
leftAlignWith :: EqTable k
=> (a -> MaybeTable Expr b -> c)
-> Tabulation k a -> Tabulation k b -> Tabulation k c
leftAlignWith f left right = liftA2 f left (optionalTabulation right)
leftAlignWith f left right = liftA2 f left (optional right)

-- | Performs a @NATURAL RIGHT OUTER JOIN@ based on the common key columns.
-- Analogous to 'Data.Semialign.lpadZip'.
-- Note that you can achieve the same effect with 'optionalTabulation' and the
-- Note that you can achieve the same effect with 'optional' and the
-- 'Applicative' instance for 'Tabulation', i.e., this is just
-- @\left right -> liftA2 (flip (,)) right (optionalTabulation left). You can
-- @\left right -> liftA2 (flip (,)) right (optional left). You can
-- also use @do@-notation.
rightAlign :: EqTable k
=> Tabulation k a -> Tabulation k b -> Tabulation k (MaybeTable Expr a, b)
Expand All @@ -554,14 +554,14 @@ rightAlign = rightAlignWith (,)
-- Analogous to 'Data.Semialign.lpadZipWith'.
-- Note that you can achieve the same effect with 'optionalTabulation' and the
-- Note that you can achieve the same effect with 'optional' and the
-- 'Applicative' instance for 'Tabulation', i.e., this is just
-- @\f left right -> liftA2 (flip f) right (optionalTabulation left). You can
-- @\f left right -> liftA2 (flip f) right (optional left). You can
-- also use @do@-notation.
rightAlignWith :: EqTable k
=> (MaybeTable Expr a -> b -> c)
-> Tabulation k a -> Tabulation k b -> Tabulation k c
rightAlignWith f left right = liftA2 (flip f) right (optionalTabulation left)
rightAlignWith f left right = liftA2 (flip f) right (optional left)

-- | Performs a @NATURAL INNER JOIN@ based on the common key columns.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -594,12 +594,12 @@ zipWith = liftA2
-- The result is a subset of the left tabulation where only entries which have
-- a corresponding entry in the right tabulation are kept.
-- Note that you can achieve a similar effect with 'presentTabulation' and the
-- Note that you can achieve a similar effect with 'present' and the
-- 'Applicative' instance of 'Tabulation', i.e., this is just
-- @\left right -> left <* presentTabulation right@. You can also use
-- @\left right -> left <* present right@. You can also use
-- @do@-notation.
similarity :: EqTable k => Tabulation k a -> Tabulation k b -> Tabulation k a
similarity a b = a <* presentTabulation b
similarity a b = a <* present b

-- | Performs a [@NATURAL ANTI JOIN@](
Expand All @@ -608,9 +608,9 @@ similarity a b = a <* presentTabulation b
-- The result is a subset of the left tabulation where only entries which do
-- not have a corresponding entry in the right tabulation are kept.
-- Note that you can achieve a similar effect with 'absentTabulation' and the
-- Note that you can achieve a similar effect with 'absent' and the
-- 'Applicative' instance of 'Tabulation', i.e., this is just
-- @\left right -> left <* absentTabulation right@. You can also use
-- @\left right -> left <* absent right@. You can also use
-- @do@-notation.
difference :: EqTable k => Tabulation k a -> Tabulation k b -> Tabulation k a
difference a b = a <* absentTabulation b
difference a b = a <* absent b

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