HTTPIDL is a collection of tools for type-safe HTTP networking and generating code from the specific IDL, it supports Swift 3/4. HTTPIDL aims to help developer focus on the bussniss logic, cencern HTTP detail as less as possible(you have to know HTTP detail only when you need to extend HTTPIDL)
- Type-Safe
- Swift 3/4 code generator, handwritten code is also supported
- URL / JSON / URLEncodedForm request encoders(even combination of encoders is supported)
- Upload File / Data / MultipartFormData
- Convert JSON response body to Model object automatically (you can extend response decoder to support other response body type)
- Extendable request encoder
- Extendable response decoder
- Alternative HTTP client (default is NSURLSession)
- Observer for Request & Response
- Rewriter for Request & Response
- iOS 8.0 +
- Xcode 8.1 +
- Swift 3 +
- python 2.7.x
*note: you can use version 1.1.9 in swift 3
CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. You can install it with the following command:
$ gem install cocoapods
To integrate HTTPIDL into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:
target '<Your Target Name>' do
Then, run the following command:
$ pod install
create a text file named with example.http in /your/httpidl/directory, and write following code in it:
MESSAGE /my/example {
INT32 t1 = t;
STRING t2 = tt;
INT64 x1 = x;
DOUBLE x2 = xx;
Then, run the following command:
python Pods/HTTPIDL/Sources/Compiler/ -d /your/httpidl/directory -o /your/httpidl/idl_output
Then, request and response code file is placed in /your/httpidl/idl_output, generate following code:
import Foundation
import HTTPIDL
class GetMyExampleRequest: Request {
var method: String = "GET"
private var _configuration: RequestConfiguration?
var configuration: RequestConfiguration {
get {
guard let config = _configuration else {
return BaseRequestConfiguration.create(from: manager.configuration, request: self)
return config
set {
_configuration = newValue
var manager: RequestManager = BaseRequestManager.shared
var uri: String {
return "/my/example"
var t1: Int32?
var t2: String?
let keyOfT1 = "t"
let keyOfT2 = "tt"
var content: RequestContent? {
var result = [String: RequestContent]()
if let tmp = t1 {
result["t"] = tmp.asRequestContent()
if let tmp = t2 {
result["tt"] = tmp.asRequestContent()
return .dictionary(value: result)
func send(completion: @escaping (GetMyExampleResponse) -> Void, errorHandler: @escaping (HIError) -> Void) -> RequestFuture<GetMyExampleResponse> {
let future: RequestFuture<GetMyExampleResponse> = manager.send(self, responseHandler: completion, errorHandler: errorHandler, progressHandler: nil)
return future
func send(rawResponseHandler: @escaping (HTTPResponse) -> Void, errorHandler: @escaping (HIError) -> Void) -> RequestFuture<HTTPResponse> {
let future = manager.send(self, responseHandler: completion, errorHandler: errorHandler, progressHandler: nil)
return future
struct GetMyExampleResponse: Response {
let x1: Int64?
let x2: Double?
let rawResponse: HTTPResponse
init(content: ResponseContent?, rawResponse: HTTPResponse) throws {
self.rawResponse = rawResponse
guard let content = content, case .dictionary(let value) = content else {
self.x1 = nil
self.x2 = nil
self.x1 = Int64(content: value["x"])
self.x2 = Double(content: value["xx"])
You can send HTTP request by following code:
import HTTPIDL
let request = GetMyExampleRequest()
request.t1 = 123
request.t2 = "while my guitar gently weeps"
request.send(completion: { (response) in
//handle GetMyExampleResponse
}) { (error) in
//handle error
In HTTPIDL, whether the generated code or handwritten code must conform to 'Request' Protocol:
public protocol Request {
var method: String {get} //HTTP method
var configuration: RequestConfiguration {get set} //configuration contains baseURLString, headers and so on
var uri: String {get} //uri reference without scheme and host
var content: RequestContent? {get} //http request body
Classes conform to 'Request' protocol can be sent by following code:
let request = //your handwritten request
request.configuration.encoder = URLEncodedQueryEncoder.shared
Or you can use these simple methods below
- Optimize Error Handling (version 1.2.0)
- Support Objective-C
- More Support For HTTPS
- Documentation