This repository provides sample materials for use with the IBM Redbooks video course "Extending a CICS Web application using JCICS". The application provided is a simple, RESTful web application providing several code examples for accessing CICS resources from Java using the JCICS API.
This repository builds on the application constructed in the IBM Redbooks video course "Developing a RESTful Web application for Liberty in CICS", which uses the cics-java-liberty-restapp repository.
For further JCICS examples, see the cics-java-jcics-samples repository.
Full details on the contents of this repository can be found on the Source code page.
- CICS TS V5.4 or later
- Java SE 1.8 or later on the workstation
- Eclipse with the IBM CICS SDK for Java EE, Jakarta EE and Liberty, or any IDE that supports usage of the Maven Central artifact
- Maven or Gradle build tools (optional)
The sample Java classes are designed to be added to a dynamic web project and deployed into a Liberty JVM server as a WAR, either using the dropins directory or using a CICS bundle project.
The VSAM examples use the sample file SMPLXMPL
. For a sample CICS FILE definition, see the file etc/DFHCSD.txt
- Using an Eclipse development environment create a dynamic web project called
and add the Java samples to thesrc
folder. - Copy the
file to the folder/WebContent/WEB-INF/lib
relative to the root of your WAR project. - Add the CICS Liberty JVM server libraries to the build path of your project.
- Add the
file to the project build path. - Ensure the web project is targeted to compile at a level that is compatible with the Java level being used on CICS. This can be achieved by editing the Java Project Facet in the project properties.
- [Optional] Create a CICS bundle project called
and add a dynamic web project include for the project created in step 1.
The sample can be built using the supplied Gradle or Maven build files to produce a WAR file and optionally a CICS Bundle archive.
A WAR file is created inside the build/libs
directory and a CICS bundle ZIP file inside the build/distributions
If using the CICS bundle ZIP, the default CICS JVM server name DFHWLP
should be modified using the cics.jvmserver
property in the gradle build file to match the required CICS JVMSERVER resource name, or alternatively can be set on the command line.
Gradle Wrapper (Linux/Mac):
./gradlew clean build
Gradle Wrapper (Windows):
gradle.bat clean build
Gradle (command-line):
gradle clean build
Gradle (command-line & setting jvmserver):
gradle clean build -Pcics.jvmserver=MYJVM
First install the generated JAR file into a local Maven repository by running the following Maven command in a local command prompt
mvn org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-install-plugin:3.1.3:install-file -Dfile=lib/cics-java-liberty-restappext-generated.jar -DartifactId=cics-java-liberty-restappext-generated -Dversion=1.0 -Dpackaging=jar -DlocalRepositoryPath=local-repo
Next, run the appropriate Maven build command. This creates a WAR file in the target
If building a CICS bundle ZIP the CICS bundle plugin bundle-war goal is driven using the maven verify phase. The CICS JVM server name should be modified in the <cics.jvmserver>
property in the pom.xml
to match the required CICS JVMSERVER resource name, or alternatively can be set on the command line.
Maven Wrapper (Linux/Mac):
./mvnw clean verify
Maven Wrapper (Windows):
mvnw.cmd clean verify
Maven (command-line):
mvn clean verify
Maven (command-line & setting jvmserver):
mvn clean verify -Dcics.jvmserver=MYJVM
- Define a Liberty JVM server called
using the supplied sample definitionDFHWLP
in the CSD groupDFH$WLP
. - Copy the CICS sample
directory specified above and ensure theJAVA_HOME
variable is set correctly. - Add the
Liberty feature toserver.xml
. - Install the
JVMSERVER resource defined in step 1 and ensure it becomes enabled. - Add the
feature toserver.xml
to enable Link to Liberty.
- Compile the supplied sample COBOL programs into a load library included in the CICS DFHRPL concatenation.
- Run a DFHCSDUP job using the definitions for the sample resources.
See the dedicated pages for executing the JAX-RS and Link to Liberty sample applications inside CICS.
This project is licensed under Apache License Version 2.0.