See the wiki page for more information on methodology and sources. See the blog post for instructions on calculating compactness measures in PostGIS.
Field Name | Description |
STATEFP | State FIPS code |
STATE | State abbreviation |
SLDUST or SLDLST | State legislative district code |
GEOID | Census geoidentifier, a concatentation of the state FIPS code and state legislative district code |
NAMELSAD | Current name of the legal/statistical (district) descriptionfor state legislative district chamber |
Area | Area of the district in square meters |
Perimeter | Perimeter of the district in meters |
Polsby-Popper | Polsby-Popper ratio score |
Schwartzberg Radius | Calculated to generate the Schwartzberg score, radius of a circle with an area equal to that of the district |
Schwartzberg Perimeter | Calculated to generate the Schwartzberg score, perimeter of a circle with an area equal to that of the district |
Schwartzberg | Schwartzberg ratio score |
Convex Hull Area | Calculated to generate the Convex Hull score, area of the convex hull polygon containing the district |
Area/Convex Hull | Area/Convex Hull ratio score |
MBC Area | Area of minimum bounding circle of the district in square meters |
Reock | Reock ratio score |
Note: all scores were multiplied by 100 for readability.