A ROS wrapper for the InertialSense uINS2 GPS-INS sensor
- INS full odometry streaming
- Dual IMU streaming
- Full GPS data streaming
- Magnetomter streaming
- Barometer streaming
- Coning and Sculling integral streaming
- Timestamping uses GPS timestamps when available and syncs sensor messages with ROS time if unavailable.
- Flash configuration via parameters
- Changing dynamic model via parameter
- Adjusting rate of streaming and flash configuration on-the-fly with dynamic reconfigure
This is a ROS package, with the InertialSenseSDK as a submodule, so just create a catkin workspace, clone this into the src
folder, pull down the submodule and build
mkdir -p catkin_ws/src
cd catkin_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/inertialsense/inertial_sense_ros.git
cd inertial_sense
git submodule update --init --recursive
cd ../..
rosrun inertial_sense inertial_sense_node
For changing parameter values and topic remapping from the command line using rosrun
refer to the Remapping Arguments page. For setting vector parameters, use the following syntax:
rosparam set /inertial_sense_node/GPS_ref_lla "[40.25, -111.67, 1556.59]"
rosrun inertial_sense inertial_sense_node
For setting parameters and topic remappings from a launch file, refer to the Roslaunch for Larger Projects page.
(string, default: "/dev/ttyUSB0")- Serial port to connect to
(int, default: 3000000)- baudrate of serial communication
(string, default "body")- frame id of all measurements
(bool, default: true)- Whether to stream the full 12-DOF odometry measurement
(int, default: 100)- The rate of odometry measurement streaming (Hz)
(bool, default: true)- Whether to stream IMU measurements
(int, default: 100)- The rate of IMU measurement streaming (Hz)
(bool, default: true)- If true, the node will stream GPS measurements
(int, default: 10)- The rate of GPS message streaming (Hz)
(bool, default: true)- If true, the node will stream GPS measurements
(int, default: 10)- The rate of GPS message streaming (Hz)
(bool default: true)- If true, the node will stream barometer measurements
(int, default: 100)- The rate of barometer streaming (Hz)
(bool, default: true)- If true, the node will stream both magnetometer measurements
(int, default: 100)- The rate of magnetometer streaming (Hz)
(bool, default: false)- If true, the node will stream coning and sculling integral versions of IMU measurements
(int, default: 100)- The rate of coning and sculling integral message streaming
(vector(3), default: {0, 0, 0})- The roll, pitch, yaw rotation from the INS frame to the output frame
(vector(3), default: {0, 0, 0})- The NED translation vector between the INS frame and the output frame (wrt output frame)
(vector(3), default: {0, 0, 0})- The NED translation vector between the INS frame and the GPS antenna (wrt INS frame)
(vector(3), default: {0, 0, 0})- The Reference longitude, latitude and altitude for NED calculation in degrees, degrees and meters
(float, default: 1.14878541071)- The inclination of earth's magnetic field (radians)
(float, default: 0.20007290992)- The declination of earth's magnetic field (radians)
(float, default: 1.0)- Earth magnetic field (magnetic north) magnitude (nominally 1)
(int, default: 8)- Dynamic model used in internal filter of uINS.
- 0 = portable
- 2 = stationary
- 3 = pedestrian
- 4 = automotive
- 5 = sea
- 6 = airborne 1G
- 7 = airborne 2G
- 8 = airborne 4G
- 9 = wrist
- Dynamic model used in internal filter of uINS.
(sensor_msgs/Imu)- Imu measurements from IMU1 (NED frame)
(sensor_msgs/Imu)- Imu measurements from IMU2 (NED frame)
(nav_msgs/Odometry)- full 12-DOF measurements from onboard estimator (NED frame)
(inertial_sense/GPS)- full GPS measurement from onbaord GPS
(inertial_sense/GPSInfo)- sattelite information and carrier noise ratio array for each sattelite
(sensor_msgs/MagneticField)- magnetic field measurement from magnetometer 1
(sensor_msgs/MagneticField)- magnetic field measurement from magnetometer 2
(sensor_msgs/FluidPressure)- barometer measurements in kPa
(inertial_sense/DThetaVel)- coning and sculling integral representation of IMU measurements