Based on an older version of tutum-docker-influxdb with some small changes
InfluxDB image
To create the image tutum/influxdb
, execute the following command on tutum-docker-influxdb folder:
docker build -t tutum/influxdb .
You can now push new image to the registry:
docker push tutum/influxdb
Start your image binding the external ports 8083
and 8086
in all interfaces to your container. Ports 8090
and 8099
are only used for clustering and should not be exposed to the internet.
docker run -d -p 8083:8083 -p 8086:8086 --expose 8090 --expose 8099 tutum/influxdb
Open your browse to access localhost:8083
to configure InfluxDB. Fill the port which maps to 8086
. The default credential is root:root
. Please change it as soon as possible.
Alternatively, you can use RESTful API to talk to InfluxDB on port 8086
Use -e PRE_CREATE_DB="db1;db2;db3" to create database named "db1", "db2", and "db3" on the first time the container starts automatically. Each database name is separated by
;`. For example:
docker run -d -p 8083:8083 -p 8084:8084 -e PRE_CREATE_DB="db1;db2;db3" tutum/influxdb:latest
By default, Influx DB uses port 8086 for HTTP API. If you want to use SSL API, you can set SSL_SUPPORT
to true
as an environment variable. In that case, you can use HTTP API on port 8086 and HTTPS API on port 8084. Please do not publish port 8086 if you want to only allow HTTTS connection.
If you provide SSL_CERT
, system will use user provided ssl certificate. Otherwise system will create a self-signed certificated, which usually has an unauthorized cerificated problem, not recommend.
The cert file should be an combination of Private Key and Public Certificate. In order to pass it as an environment variable, you need specifically convert newline
to \n
(two characters). In order to do this, you can simply run the command awk 1 ORS='\\n' <your_cert.pem>
. For example:
docker run -d -p 8083:8083 -p 8084:8084 -e SSL_SUPPORT="True" -e SSL_CERT="`awk 1 ORS='\\n' ~/cert.pem`" tutum/influxdb:latest
Use :
-e SEEDS="host1:8090, host2:8090"
to pass seeds nodes to your container.-e REPLI_FACTOR=x
where x is the replicator factor of shards through the cluster (defaults to 1)-e FORCE_HOSTNAME="auto"
to force the hostname in the config file to be set to the container IPv4 eth0 address (usefull to test clustering on a single docker host)-e FORCE_HOSTNAME="<whatever>"
to force the hostname in the config file to be set to 'whatever'
Example on a single docker host :
- launch first container :
docker run -p 8083:8083 -p 8086:8086 --expose 8090 --expose 8099 \
-d --name masterinflux tutum/influxdb
- then launch one or more "slaves":
docker run --link masterinflux:master -p 8083 -p 8086 --expose 8090 --expose 8099 \
-e SEEDS="master:8090" -e FORCE_HOSTNAME="auto" \
-d tutum/influxdb