This project was completed to meet the requirements of CS 495 and CS496 at Western Carolina University. This project was built to be used in Western Carolina University courses. In order to receive permissions to use this project, please contact the Computer Science Professors at Western Carolina University.
In order to run this project, move into the root directory. From here, you have two options:
Option 1: Install all requirements globally
To do this, run the command
pip install -r requirements.txt
Option 2: Run virtual environment
To do this, run
source env/bin/activate
After either option, run the command
python runserver
Once the application is running, open localhost:8000/login on your browser NOTE: localhost:8000 is not supported and will throw an error. You must add the login route.
This application uses TypeScript to manage the front end
of this application, to begin moving into the client directory.
You can easily get there from the root directory with the command
cd demonstration/static/demonstration/client
From here you will need to use two tools to build the front end:
TSC: The TypeScript transpiler that will turn your TypeScript into JavaScript
Watchify: The transpiler that will convert TypeScript's output from "node" JavaScript
to "browser JavaScript"
You can easily run watchers for these two tools from the client directory with the commands
npm run build
and npm run watchify
We understand that this project is likely larger than any a Capstone student has worked with before. We also understand the difficulty in picking up a new project and not knowing where to start. Even though the original developers are no longer at WCU, please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any questions you may have: \ [email protected]