UM Flint CSC582 Homework Example App - Oracle and NodeJS Author: Chris Wieringa - [email protected] or [email protected] Purpose: CSC582 FA19 Oracle SQL and NodeJS Inventory App for Dr. Halil Bisgin
Homework requirements:
- Choose a suitable language/technology/(ies) and implement connection to a database. Once connected to the database, your code should do the following: (a) Display multiple rows from a query result (b) Have a multi-statement transaction, where all statements succeed and the transaction commits (c) Have a multi-statement transaction, where the earlier statements succeed and the later statement fails. In this case, the whole transaction must be rolled back.
- You must turn in all your files on BB by Nov 21. I will ask you to demonstrate your work in person. I'll send out a scheduler for that.
- The submission should also include a report as to what technologies you used, some of the key steps w.r.t installation and software development.
- This assignment must be completed to receive a passing grade in the course.