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Differences between PlugRest and cowboy_rest

Christopher Adams edited this page Dec 4, 2016 · 2 revisions
  • Each callback accepts a Plug conn struct instead of a Cowboy Req record.
  • The init/2 callback is not required.
  • The default values of expires/2, generate_etag/2, and last_modified/2 are nil instead of :undefined
  • The content callbacks (like to_html) return {body, conn, state} where the body is one of binary(), {:chunked, Enum.t}, or {:file, binary()}.
  • Other callbacks that need to set the body on PUT, POST, or DELETE, can use put_rest_body/2 taking (conn, body) before returning it. The body can only be a binary().
  • The content types provided and accepted callbacks can describe each media type with a String like "text/html"; or a tuple in the form {type, subtype, params}, where params can be %{} (no params acceptable), :* (all params acceptable), or a map of acceptable params %{"level" => "1"}.
  • Exceptions raised by a resource are not caught, but instead allowed to bubble up to Plug's Debugger or ErrorHandler if they are available.
  • allow_missing_post defaults to false
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