This application is a general playground for experimenting with .NET Core, ASP.NET Web API and ReactJS.
Implemented here is a CSV importer which loads the contents to a SQLite database using Entity Framework.
There are two flavours of Front End, a traditional MVC version and a React front end.
The React front end talks to the ASP.NET Web API, which then talks to Entity Framework. The MVC version talks directly to Entity Framework (but also has the CUD parts of CRUD implemented)
Both versions are asynchronous and the React version uses promises.
Load the React or Mvc solution into Visual Studio and build it.
Then use IIS Express to load the application.
There will be a long delay the first time the website is launched.
This is due to the initial loading of 100,000 records into the SQLite database.
Using the standard 'dotnet build' and 'dotnet run' commands will also work
and will show more log messages.
Access on localhost:5000 when running via npm, or just use IIS Express.