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Simple, hackable and fast implementation for training/finetuning medium-sized LLaMA-based models


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This repository is intended as a simple, hackable and fast implementation for training/finetuning/inference LLMs.

If you're interested in seeing how we trained a 1B model for the Polish language using a single RTX 4090, with 60B tokens over 44 days, check out our blog.


You can easily install and import allamo into your project:

git clone
cd allamo
pip install -e .



Before you start training a new model, you need to create training and testing datasets. By default, training scripts expect two files: train.bin and val.bin. You can create both files using or by implementing a simple script like the one below:

import numpy as np
import tiktoken

def encode_file(input_file_path, output_file_path, tokenizer_name):
    tokenizer = tiktoken.get_encoding(tokenizer_name)
    with open(input_file_path, 'r') as f:
        data =
    enc_data = tokenizer.encode(data)
    enc_data = np.array(enc_data, dtype=np.uint32)
encode_file('raw/dataset1/train.txt', 'data/dataset1/train.bin', 'cl100k_base')  

There are other options and formats for handling datasets:

  • Instead of using a NumPy array, consider using a PyTorch tensor and save the tensor in a file with the .pt extension.
  • You can also use a list of samples (each being a PyTorch tensor) with each sample's size being block_size + 1. These samples can then be saved in a file with the .pt extension.


Use the script to start your training. It reads a train.bin and val.bin files from the dataset directory.

The training script can be run on both a single node with one or more GPUs, as well as on multiple nodes with Distributed Data Parallel (DDP).

To run on a single node with 1 GPU, example:

$ python \
    --config="./config/train_1B.json" \

To run on a single node with 8 GPUs with DDP, example:

$ torchrun --standalone --nnodes=1 --nproc-per-node=8 \
    --config="./config/train_1B.json" \

To run on 2+ nodes (with 8 GPUs each) with DDP, example:

  • Run on the first (master) node with example IP 123.456.123.456:
$ torchrun --nnodes=2 --nproc-per-node=8 --node-rank=0 --master_addr=123.456.123.456 --master_port=1234 \
    --config="./config/train_1B.json" \
  • Run on the worker node(s):
$ torchrun --nnodes=2 --nproc-per-node=8 --node-rank=1 --master_addr=123.456.123.456 --master_port=1234 \
    --config="./config/train_1B.json" \

To run on 2+ nodes (with 8 GPUs each) with FSDP, example:

  • Run the same command on all nodes (master node IP: 123.456.123.456):
torchrun --nnodes=2 --nproc-per-node=8 --rdzv-id=123 --rdzv-backend=c10d --rdzv-endpoint=123.456.123.456:29292 \
    --config="./config/train_1B.json" \

Note: in case your cluster does not have Infiniband interconnect prepend NCCL_IB_DISABLE=1.


During training, it is possible to calculate indicators such as Model Flops Utilization (MFU) and Model Time Utilization (MTU). To calculate MFU, you must specify the maximum declared number of FLOPs for the used GPU in the parameter mfu_flops_peak. For example, for the A100 40GB GPU with bfloat16/float16 precision, this value is 312e12, or 165.2e12 for the RTX 4090. The MTU indicator describes the percentage of time during an iteration that the model spends on actual training versus the time spent on other tasks such as data loading, hyperparameter updates, etc. The closer to 100%, the more efficiently the training is in terms of resource utilization.


The process of finetuning is similar to regular training, but we initialize from a pretrained model and use a smaller learning rate during training. In addition, it is essential to ensure that the model parameters used for finetuning are consistent with those used during pre-training.

Extending Context Window

As part of the fine-tuning process, you can easily extend the context window (block size) by modifying the block_size, rope_freq_base (default value is 10000), and rope_freq_scale (default value is 1.0) parameters. Please note that these parameters are also stored as part of a model checkpoint. Therefore, you must either modify them within the checkpoint or compel the framework to overwrite them by hardcoding the new values into immediately after the checkpoint is loaded. For more information on Position Interpolation, you can refer to this paper or this blog post.

Below are some empirically derived example values for extending the context window. However, we encourage you to experiment and adjust these values to suit the specific needs of your model:

context scaling factor rope_freq_base rope_freq_scale
2 20000 0.83
3 40000 0.86
4 57200 0.75
16 26000 0.125

Import LLaMA models

Go to scripts/ and use the script to import LLaMA model weights and tokenizer, and create a checkpoint for further finetuning. In order to obtain the weights, fill this google form. Example script execution:

python \
    --input_data_dir="../llama/7B/" \
    --input_tokenizer_path="../llama/tokenizer.model" \


  1. the import process of the 7B LLaMA model takes ~14GB of RAM and generates 13.5GB output files.
  2. the script doesn't support sharded models.
  3. the LLaMA tokenizer is loaded using HuggingFace Transformers. Check if your installed version supports LlamaTokenizer.

Export your model to Hugging Face format

When you have trained your model, you may want to run it in the Hugging Face ecosystem. Using the script, you can easily convert your model to an HF-compatible LLaMA format. Here's an example of how to run it:

$ python \
    --input_dir="../data/my-llama/" \

Sampling / Inference

Use the script to sample from a model you trained. For example:

$ python inference/ \
    --config="./config/train_1B.json" \
    --max_new_tokens=100 \
    --temperature=0.7 \
    --top_k=200 \
    --num_samples=5 \
    --prompt="Long long time ago"

You can also prompt the model with some text from a file prefixing its path with FILE:, example:

$ python inference/ \
    --config="./config/train_1B.json" \
    --max_new_tokens=100 \
    --temperature=0.7 \
    --top_k=200 \
    --num_samples=5 \

Specify the tokenizer using --tiktoken_tokenizer_name for Tiktoken (e.g. cl100k_base), or thanks to HuggingFace Transformers, you can easily use your own pretrained tokenizer using --custom_tokenizer_path to provide your tokenizer's JSON config file.

Use the script to expose 3 API endpoints. Then you will be able to query a pretrained model for text embeddings and completions.

To run the API with a pretrained model, example:

$ python inference/ \
    --config="./config/train_1B.json" \
    --max_new_tokens=10 \
    --temperature=0.7 \
    --top_k=200 \
  • Query for text embeddings, example:
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:5000/embeddings -d '{"prompt": "Long long time ago"}'
  • Query for text completions, example:
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:5000/completions -d '{"prompt": "Long long time ago", "num_samples": 3}'
  • Query for tokens to see how your prompt is tokenized, example:
$ curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:5000/tokens -d '{"prompt": "Long long time ago"}'

To run the UI at top of the API, example:

$ python inference/

Running LLaMA 7B on CPU


You can reach a point where you intend to run an LLaMA model, but your GPU does not have sufficient memory, and you encounter the OOM error. The easiest and quickest way to handle, or rather work around, this issue is to run the model on the CPU using your RAM. You can easily do this by specifying the device in the arguments. Here is an example:

$ python inference/ \
    --checkpoint_path="../data/llama-7b/" \
    --llama_tokenizer_path="../data/llama-7b/" \

Note: in order to run the 7B model, you will need ~14GB of RAM.


With PyTorch 2.0 and torch.compile(), you can see significant speedup. Using the fused AdamW optimizer and compile(), my training ran 30% faster than without these two modes enabled.


Please cite this repo if you use it.

  author = {Ociepa, Krzysztof},
  title = {ALLaMo: A Simple, Hackable, and Fast Framework for Training Medium-Sized LLMs},
  year = {2023},
  publisher = {GitHub},
  howpublished = {\url{}},


  1. nanoGPT - many thanks to Andrej Karpathy for amazing and inspirational work!
  2. LLaMA


Simple, hackable and fast implementation for training/finetuning medium-sized LLaMA-based models







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