(Note: I'm still dusting the cobwebs off a lot of this code, so it does not build yet)
A set of Java packages created by Chris Engelsma. Applications dwell in the realm of graphics, visualization and image processing.
To build CAE from source, you must first use git to check the repository out from GitHub (http://www.github.com/chrisengelsma/csm)
bin/ - platform-dependent scripts (for running demos) src/ - source code files (e.g., main/java/cae/paint/Painting3.java)
To build CAE, you need these freely available tools:
- Java SE JDK 6.0 (or later): http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads
- Gradle 2.3 http://gradle.org
- Mines Java Toolkit (JTK) http://www.github.com/dhale/jtk Managed by Dave Hale and others at the Colorado School of Mines. CAE strongly relies on packages contained within this toolkit. It may be checked out and built via SVN. For further instructions on how to build and run the applications contained within the JTK please refer to the JTK's readme.
Navigate to the top directory and run gradlew build
After you have built CAE, you should have a JAR file [...]/build/libs/cae.jar. You may include this JAR file as a classpath when running Java.
Some packages (e.g. cae.paint) require Java native interface (JNI) libraries of native (non-Java) code. These platform-specific libraries should have come with the Mines JTK and are located in jtk/trunk/lib, such as jtk/trunk/lib/linux/x86.
To use CAE, we must launch a Java virtual machine, specifying all of these JAR files and the locations of our JNI libraries. Provided in cae/trunk/bin are scripts (e.g. paintdemo.sh) that illustrate how we do this for different platforms. Similarly, provided with the Mines JTK in jtk/trunk/bin are similar scripts. To enable CAE, we must add cae.jar to the classpath. This can be done using a scripting language such as sh or csh as follows:
Using bash, sh or ksh (Unix/Mac):
export CAE_HOME=/directories/to/cae/trunk
export CLASSPATH=\
Using csh or tcsh (Unix/Mac):
setenv CAE_HOME /directories/to/cae/trunk
setenv CLASSPATH ${CAE_HOME}/build/jar/cae.jar:
# more jars here
Using a batch file (Windows):
set CAE_HOME=C:\path\to\cae\trunk
By adding the cae.jar to the classpath this allows you to call classes that are included in CAE.
The packages used for 3-D graphics are built on JOGL, a java binding for the OpenGL API. Like the Mines JTK, JOGL provides both JAR files and JNI libraries; and the JNI libraries are platform-specific. In the future, JOGL is likely to become part of standard Java Runtime Environment. Until then, the JAR files and JNI libraries for JOGL are provided with the Mines JTK for most platforms.
Demos are located in cae/bin and are platform-dependent scripts. Parameters in these scripts must be changed to match your system in order to succesfully run.
Tensor Guided Painting
- bin/paintdemo.sh <-- sh script (Unix/Mac)
- bin/paintdemo.csh <-- csh script (Unix/Mac)
- bin/paintdemo.bat <-- batch file (Windows)
- Demos the tensor guided painting as outlined in my MS thesis (Interpretation of 3D seismic images using an interactive image-guided paintbrush).