Text File Analyzer is a GUI-based Java Program to output various info of input .txt(s), such as; Number of spaces, blank lines, characters, words, most common words, etc. The program was used to demonstrate an understanding of how to operate within a multi-developer project using Agile methodologies. In addition, it allowed the team to gain experience using source/version control, front/backend java development, and unit testing.
TFA is a repository housing the Text File Analyzer designed by Team 3 for the final project of a CSE360 course. It consists of core program code, SRS documentation, and an executable .jar file.
If using the application, all that is needed is the .jar from the repository and whatever .txt(s) you would like to analyze. All source code is bundled under activeProject
Ensure you are committing to your own local branch until ready to merge to master. Test prior to merging and document both code and commits.
Team 3 of Th recitation of CSE360 course.