Python library for compiling a PDF or Word doc of Figures.
LaTeX option assumes pdf figures and word doc assumes png figures.
This software has only been tested on Linux.
Using Git clone the package to a local folder of your convenience...
git clone
If you don't have Git, click on 'download zip' on the top right of this page and extract to a folder called 'mkpaper'.
- python 2.x
- pdflatex (optional)
- python-docx (optional)
Without pdflatex, the package still works (you can create the tex file and not compile). Requires figures to be in pdf format.
To create a word doc you need python-docx (installable with Anaconda). Inserted figures need to be in png.
To install PDFLaTeX on linux machines, do:
sudo apt-get install texlive-full
Working examples (just change variable(s) in INIT box):
python examples/
python examples/
In summary, from the example (examples/
import mkpaper as mp
#get a list of your figures in PDF format...
import glob
ifiles=sorted(glob.glob('/path/to/plots/' + '*.pdf' ))
assert(ifiles!=[]),"glob didn't find anything!"
#instantiate LatexFigureDoc class:
#arguments are: path/to/put/figuredocs and name of figure doc..
#for each figure pass the path and a caption
#insert the tail of the doc
#send build command to pdflatex, this step actually requires pdflatex on the machine
Inserted figures need to be in pdf.
Requires python-docx
In summary, from the example (examples/
import mkpaper as mp
#get a list of your figures in PNG format...
import glob
ifiles=sorted(glob.glob(path_to_pngplots + '*.png' ))
assert(ifiles!=[]),"glob didn't find anything!"
#alternatively, we could be more explicit
#instantiate WordFigureDoc class:
#arguments are: path/to/put/figuredocs and name of figure doc..
figobj.add_figure(ifiles[0],'first penguin')
figobj.add_figure(ifiles[1],'second penguin')
#insert the tail of the doc
Inserted figures need to be in png.
The code was written by Christopher Bull.
Christopher Bull.
Affiliation: Climate Change Research Centre and ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Sys tem Science.
Level 4, Mathews Building
University of New South Wales
Sydney, NSW, Australia, 2052
Contact: [email protected]
twitter: @ChrisBullOceanO
See also: blog post