Python library for filtering Rossby Waves in the Pacific Ocean
Written with Paulo S. Polito in February 2017.
This software has only been tested on Linux and only for python 2.x.
Using Git clone the package to a local folder of your convenience...
git clone
If you don't have Git, click on 'download zip' on the top right of this page and extract to a folder called 'RWSigProc'.
- python 2.x
- Numpy
- Scipy
- Matplotlib
This package can be used by importing it, see examples.
- See RWSigProc/examples/ (requires xarray and pandas)
The code was written by Christopher Bull and Paulo S. Polito.
Christopher Bull.
Affiliation: Climate Change Research Centre and ARC Centre of Excellence for Climate Sys tem Science.
Level 4, Mathews Building
University of New South Wales
Sydney, NSW, Australia, 2052
Contact: [email protected]
twitter: @ChrisBullOceanO