Transitpy is a python library to parse, normalize and extract information a GTFS file. It focuses on statistics and analysis.
Transipty encapsulates a GTFS directory of files into an object. A basic datasource function is provided for the french GTFS repository (
In order to provide consistent statistics, GTFS files are normalised : - fill default values, departure and arrival_times and create a default shape data - remove incoherent ids - simplify stops representations by keeping stations only - identify and remove stops with impossible coordinates based on a maximum speed by mode - expand and remove the calendar data into a unique calendar_date, without invalid dates - remove invalid data (e.g. stop_times with one stop) - create simple geometries and add a crs - create a group_id for routes with similar stop patterns
Non conforming route or stop ids are stored in a dropped property of the feed object.
Transitpy also provides modal, spatial and temporal filtering functions.
Transitpy has functions to extract a transfer dataframe with itself or another GTFS feed (bus and rail network for example).
Transitpy extracts stop, route and transfer statistics.
Transitpy can update a shape file to map on a streetpy ( based on a modified HMM algorithm.
Documentation is available at
Copyright (c) 2022, chourmo
Project based on the Computational Molecular Science Python Cookiecutter version 1.6.